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Show 14 Turks Report Sinking of Allied Troop 1 Ship Off Tip of Gallipoli Peninsula HE? I " j GERMAN AHACK IN CHAMPAGNE fi BREAKS DOWN WITH HEAVY LOSSES I mmmm I ltons Gain Temporary Foothold in French Positions at .Various Places But Are Subsequently Driven Out Everv-I Everv-I where Except in Two Advanced Trenches Ber- . bn Claims Defeat of French and Constantinople I Reports British Heavy Losers in Mespo- I ! tamia While London Announces I i . Turks in Full Retreat. 1 1 Berlin, Jan. 1 0, by wireless to Sayville. The sinking of a transport ship of the allies, filled with troops, at the time of I the withdrawal of the French and British forces from the tip ! of the Gallipoli peninsula, is reported in Constantinople dis-jl dis-jl patches given out today by the Overseas News Agency. 5 j Paris. Jan. 10, 2.11 p. m. Heavy at- tacks -were made by German troops i In the Champagne, the war office an- , nounces today The German attacks broke down with heavy losses, the g . statement says, and although they 13 gained temporary foothold in French K positions at various places they were mi subsequently driven out everywhere ra except from portions of two advanced & trenches. 1 v Berlin, Jan. 10. by Wireless to Say- i' ville. An offensivo movement has been inaugurated by the German for- i ces in the Champagne. Announcement waa made by the war ?t office todajr that French positions ex-tj ex-tj tending over several hundred yards at i.1 a point northwest of Massiges had ,ij been captured by the Germans. Germans Capture 423 Men. 1 The conquered positions are near ' Malsons de Champagne. The Germans 'i captured 423 prisoners, including sev- j en officers, five machine guns and one '' largo aud seven small mine throwers A French counter attack made ta j the east of the positions taken by the t Germans failed. 4 A German aircraft division attack- ;i ed the rear guard establishments of the allies at Furnes. 'I On the eastern front an advance at- !;: tempted by strong Russian detach- i ments at Belestiany was repulsed. ! Turkish War Report. 5 Berlin. Jan. 10, by Wireless to Say- jl ville. The "following dispatch under I date of Constantinople was given by the Overseas News Agency: "The Milan agency states that Turkish Turk-ish preparations for three days for the attack upon the British and French and the results are not yet fully known. All the positions near Seddul Bahr and Tekke Burnu were occupied, nine cannon being captured. Turkish artillery sank an enemy transport trans-port filled with soldiers An enormous enor-mous amount of booty was captured. "A Turkish aeroplane shot down an enemy biplane near Seddul Bahr." Reports on the progress of the cam-1aign cam-1aign in Mesopotamia are widely divergent di-vergent Constantinople advices through Berlin Ber-lin this morning declared the British main army was retreating from Kut-el-Amara. It was announced in the British house of commons on the oth-band oth-band that the Turks on January 0 were in full retreat with the British pursuing. Berlin and Paris likewise give varying vary-ing accounts of the result of the Ger-man Ger-man offensive movement In the Cham-! Cham-! pagne. I Berlin declares that about 700 yards of French trenches were taken and h held against a counter attack. The 3 French statement asserts that the Ger- l man attacks broke down and that the Germans retained only two small sec- J tions of advanced trenches. The main British army in Mesopo- I y tamia is in retreat, Berlin hears from f Constantinople. Then thousand men j left in Kut-el-Amara to cover the re-rj re-rj treat, Constantinople advices claim, i have been surrounded. The campaign district is the scene m of an offensive movement by the Ger-I Ger-I mans. Northeast of Massiges they fl have taken several hundred yards of i trenches, capturing more than four hundred prisoners, according to Berlin. Constantinople dispatches through Berlin claim the sinking of an allied transport filled with troops off the Gallipoli peninsula as the entente for-ti for-ti ces were evacuating their positions on ii the tip. IH Vienna claims that the Russians on ' H laBt Saturday ceased their attacks on ) V, the Galician and Bessarabia fronts. II Greeks Still Protesting. jj London, Jan. 10, 9:20 a, m The R Greek government, says Reuters Kf Athens correspondent, has made an 1 energetic protest against the arersts I ut Mytilene of the German, Austrian ii and Turkish consuls by the military i authorities of the entente allies. I These arrests also have brought a II new protest from the central powers. W The newspaper Cairi publishes an Ii authorized denial of reports In the 1 European press that negotiations are WW in progress between Greeco and Bul-III Bul-III EarI& "with a view to a general under-Ill under-Ill Btandlng. HKk Tons of Mall Sent Prisoners. Wg Berne, Jan. 9, via Paris, 11:40 p. m. v The Swiss malls have transmitted H to prisoners of war during the Voa iM from August 19 to December 15, Ivlb, K 12,000,000 parcels, 70,000,000 letters I' and 2,000,000 money orders for a total sum of 30,000,000 francs, of which 23,000,000 francs was for French prisoners in Germany and 7,000,000 for Germans in France. The Swiss priest Philippe Iseppi, of Samaden, has been appointed visitor for Italian prisoners in Austria, and Father Noseda of Morbio, also a Swiss will visit AUstrians In Italy. Turks Surround British. Berlin, Jan. 10, by Wireless to Sayville Say-ville The British army at Kut-el-Amara In Mesopotamia has now been surrounded completely by the Turks, according to Constantinople advices given out today by the Overseas News Agency. It is said the Turks have advanced to the main defenses of the British. Tho main British arm in Mesopotamia, Mesopo-tamia, according to these advices, is in retreat, ten thousand men having been left in Kut-el-Amara to cover the movement. Austrian War Report. Berlin. Jan. 10, by Wireless to Sayville. Say-ville. The following Austrian official communication under date of January 9 was received here today: "The Russians, who two days ago wore repulsed at all points in east Ga-llcia, Ga-llcia, ceased their attacks yesterday. There was only Intermittent artillery firing on the part of the Russians. "The Austro-Hungarian forces along the Kormine river In Volhynia dispersed dis-persed Russian reconnoitering detach ments. Troops Storm Montenegrin Heights. "Montenegrin front: Northeast of Berane Austro-Hungarian troops stormed the heights occupied by the Montenegrins on the Tara river and captured one cannon. There were skirmishes along the Herzegovina frontier. In the district of the Gulf of Cattaro attacks against the Montenegrin Monteneg-rin troops are in progress." Failure at Dardanelles. Berlin, Jan. 10, by Wireless to Sayville. Say-ville. "The news of the definite failure fail-ure of the Dardanelles expedition aroused enormous joy and satisfaction in Constantinople" says the Overseas New Agency. "The Berlin newspapers," newspap-ers," continues the agency, "point out the loss of prestige which this means for the British, besides the enormous losses of men, ships and money. They recall the proud words of Mr. Asquith in parliament on November 9, 1914, that the Turkish empire had committed commit-ted suicide and had dug its own grave aud those of Mr. Churchill at a later date that through the Dardanelles lay the shortest road to triumphant peace." Grain Census In Italy. Rome. Jan. 9, 3:15 p. m. The decree de-cree ordering that a census be taken no later than January 25 of all the grain in the kingdom is explained by officials as Indicating to the authorities, authori-ties, the quantities that it may be necessary to Import, It is denied that the order implies any Intention of establishing es-tablishing bread rations for the people, peo-ple, as has been done in Germany. |