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Show HI Woman's Page ill ' l i Mrs. Eva Leonard's Story of Married Life on $80 a Month I I' :4 Some Excellent Household Hints To Prevent Hose H '" I From Shrinking Recipe for Inexpensive 1 1 -1 Chocolate Pudding. I MARRIED LIFE ON $80 A MONTH 1 .. Hi 1 1 : r H ilj f Dr. Bllaon proves himself a rea M 'j!'. friend la need and loans John SuLnci 1 V: ?50 -with which to keep his wage: M 1 from being garnlsheed. The doctoi m 'f ', 1 gives Mr. Sutnor some good advice H l.'J 4 "Hello, Sutner called Br. Ellson, HI f , 'j bringing his machine up to tho curb; H i. , '-t "I'm going your way. Climb In." 1 j, 'r "Thank you, Doctor; this looks good y A to me." John climbed Into tho empty 1 i J . , , scat and leaned K ' 1 liPP'BSHHBll Dack luxuriously. H ,'. Bffi&BaJSSBI "Man, you are HI . j ISbPBBI looking tired. A m i' 1 IPPwkIHi bookkeeper has to ' JiinHnra9l takG a lot oC GX U kSkBShi to keep ln condi U DvmIK -ou nav no uecu B j ' WmHt&KP&j doctor, as the ma- Br '' j iSjflragyjSM chine started off. Br' I I 'KhIFH Sutner smiled Bjll I VB crtjut insfdc work, ' ! 1 y''B Sb not- what kills ' if I P a nian It's "wory. , V j 1 &7S 5 ' If you doctors Hm yg f thing to cure that i ' ( c could find some- Hi J , 1 thing to cure that you would be real Hi a ! benefactors of tho race." The doctor 1 r r noticed that there was a drawn look Hj t f about the mouth and circles under tho Hj k eyes. Hj i I "Oh, we prescribe for that, all right; H j the trouble Is nobody will take our H J , medicine," he laughed. H . "Meaning " Sutnor looked up in- H jjl ! quiring!)', h Hi ij 1 L1 "It's not my formula, but It Is a Hj fj j l good one. Htl-j; '"Don't fret' about what you can't NJ'nt help, for it will do no good. HkkmI' "'Don't fret about what you can Dfiy j help, but go to work and help it.' " Bffj K IIe sm,lcd brightly in the young man's lU face. Hjj "Anybody but a doctor or a maker HLj of maxims would sec that in 'going HjM m to work to help it,' you must do a Rlii m lot of l,mQnn? atl(l balancing of ups BSjLa and downs, that most people call wor- Baiin rying. Besides, nobody likes to own Bfn'i jV himself defeated and after reason tells Bal!l lemma, he keeps going over the HflnJ throws of his evil fate trying to be- HDl'h'n lieve he has missed some little open- HRiiH if? 5n5 that would serve as a loophole of Qui, hft 1 escape." Sutner's smile was not freo r from bitterness. "Probably tho needed loophole Is J somo friend whom be has forgotten : or has failed to tell of his dilemma." . The doctor smiled kindly Into the troubled faco. ! "I am poor in friends as well as In money," sighed Sutner, looking dismally dis-mally down the road. "Look hore," said the doctor, turning turn-ing his machine down a side street leading to the country. "You are in some kind of trouble. We will tike a little spin In the country, and you tell me about IL Perhaps I can help ou out. Anyway the ride will do you good " "You are very kind. I appreciate It more than I can say, for I have been very lonely these last months. But my story would not interest anyone. any-one. It is too sordid There are no high lights In it: just common every day pinch and mismanagement. Thoy always spell snarling creditors." "The only way out of that hole is systematic saving that will enable you to nibble tho edge of your debt and finally wear it away." The pause was unbroken by Sutner, so the doctor doc-tor went on. "When I first started to practice I had a good dose of pinching. I can assure you. I wanted to put out the sign. 'Small favors thankfully received.' re-ceived.' But I never went in debt because I cared too much for my comfort to do the necessary worrying. worry-ing. I went hungry instead one or two dpys " lie chuckled rcminls-cently. rcminls-cently. cently. "You were wise. I wish 1 had," said Sutner gloomily. "Now that I am past the squeezing point, let me throw you a rope." lie slapped Sutnor on the back. Sutner sat up with a jolt and stared at the man at his side. "You don't know what yon are proposing," pro-posing," hp exclaimed, "I haven't p thing to offer as security that would bring five dollars under the hammer." ham-mer." "You have your honest face," replied re-plied the doctor, smiling. "My honest face'" repeated the man. ''Jaynes says a man Is not honest who lives off of other people by not paying his debts." "In that case lid lend them. I will lend you enough to pay the most churlish of lb em. You have had your lesson so I am not afraid you will , stay under the yoke of debt longer i tuan necessary "If you would lend me fifty dollars to keep my wages from geing garnlsheed. gar-nlsheed. I think I could manage the rest some Way " There was a flush of delighted surprise on his face as he wrung the doctor's hand. (To be continued.) Household Hints. To prevent blue from streaking clothes mix one dessertspoonful of soda In the bluing water White kid gloves can be dyed tan by dipping them in saffron water un-tire un-tire the desired shade is obtained. To stiffen hair brushes after washing, wash-ing, dip them In a mixture of equal parts of water and milk and then dry before the fire. For cleaning painted walls, dissolve two ounces of borax in two quarts of water, add one teaspoonful of ammonia am-monia and use half this amount to a pail of water, using no soap. OH cloth or linoleum should not be washed with hot suds. Use tepid water and wipe with a cloth dampened damp-ened in equal pans of cold milk and water. A Good Stocking Hint When knitting knit-ting stockings, if you do not want them to shrink aftenvard, take your wool and pour boiling water over It before you use the yarn. How to clean a brass sauce pan or preserving pan quickly Put In a little lit-tle bath brick and moisten It with vinegar. This quickly removes all stain. i To prevent cane or bamboo from turning yellow when washed, use warm salt water! rub with soft cloths until dry. INEXPENSIVE CHOCOLATE PUDDING. One cup of milk, one cup of sugar, halt teaspoon of butter, pinch of salt, one egg. Let the milk, sugar, butter and salt come to a boil. Mix two tablespoons of cornstarch and two tablespoons ta-blespoons of cocoa together in a little water until dissolved. Stir Into the mixture and let It thicken. Remove from fire and add one teaspoon of vanilla; stir in the yolk of one egg mixed with a little milk. Beat the white of tho egg to a stiff froth and put on the top of each portion. Decorate Deco-rate this froth with dots of red jelly. |