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Show RUSS LAND ON RUMANIAN SOIL Ivondon Nov, 12. 3.32 a. m. A dispatch dis-patch to the Dally Express from Geneva Ge-neva says a mosssage received thoro from Bucharest states that the Russians Rus-sians have ascended the Danube river and landed a small force of men and guns near Slllstria. 8 SIliBtria.is on the southern bank of the, Danube in Rumanian territory, some thirty miles east of where the river reaches Bulgarian soli. London. Nov. 12, 3:13 a. m. The Times' Balkan correspondent, telegraphing tele-graphing from Bucharest, expresess the opinion that if Russia could send Into the Serbian campaign a force of 200,000 men while the French and British troops are landing on the Aegean coast, the hesitation which prevails in certain quarters In Rumania Ru-mania would be dissipated and both Rumania and Greece would throw in their lots with the entente allies. "In this event," says -the correspon dent. "Rumania could fall on Bulgaria In the rear with 200,000 men and simultaneously si-multaneously attack the German front v. ith 400,000 men. Rumania feels safe in the Carpathian passes, which she regards as Impregnable " The scene of action in such a case would probably be eastern Bulgaria or Thrace, where Field Marshal von der Goitz's army is assembled, but lacks munitions. The distance of the entcnt allies' naval base from the scene of the hostilities hos-tilities in Serbia and the necessity for for guarding the long line of communications com-munications in a different country and in the face of a hostile population, are regarded by the correspondent as rendering a northward march from Salonlkl inadvisable. The concentration concentra-tion of forces farther east is held by the correspondent to be impossible, owing to military conditions. on |