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Show HARNESS AND SADDLE HORSES IN EVENTS New York, Nov. 11. Saddle and harness horses predominated at the horse show today and tho judges had difficulty In deciding the winners of several events. One of the features was the winning of Mrs. E. T. Stotes-bury's Stotes-bury's championship cup for undocked saddle horses not over fifteen hands, two inches high, by Sceptre, owned by Mrs. G. H. Chipchase. Bountiful and Micah, from W. H. Moore's stable, took the first prb.e in pairs of harness horses. Miss Loula Long of Kansas City drove her own entry, Revelation and Realization, and was awarded the second prize. The $100 prize for thoroughbred saddle sad-dle horseB wont to Northman, owned by Mrs. Harry Lamontague. Sandy McDonald won first prlzo and the Charles E. Coxc cup for thoroughbred saddle under 15.2 hands high W. H Moore's Lady Seaton won first place in the judging of horses shown to phaeton, ladles driving. MIbs Loula Long was second to the Moore entry, with Realization, Nancy PanBy, the entry of the Belmont plantation, took the ?200 prize for thoroughbreds. Mayordalo, owned by tho Sunny Brook farms, was second in this event The Alfred G. Vanderbilt memorial cup, for four In hands, was won by J. Campbell Thompson's entry. The Jockey club cup for cavalry mounts went to Charlton., owned bv Martin B. Saportas. Miss Loula Long's Illumination Il-lumination won the "Waldorf Astoria cup. Cobweb, owned by Howard PIpps, won tho first prize for polo ponies. YALE-COLUMBIA RACE. New Haven. Conn., Nov. 12. Weather conditions permitting, the Columbia and Yale eight-oar crews were to hold their first race in many tyears on tho harbor here at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon. The course will be 1 7-S miles. Oarsmen in both camps are confident of victory. Thp prediction is general that the race will be close. RECORD BREAKING RACE. Boston, Nov. 12. Every day the six-day bicycle race sees a few miles chopped off the former track record The leadeis will start today's riding with an advantage of 23 miles and one lap over tho former mark. Eight teams are tied for the lead. |