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Show SOCIAL GATHERINGS TO HELP THE DESERVING The relief society ladies- of Plain City havo inagurated an interesting and original plan of caring for the noedy of the ward and they say thoy are certain that it will prove more effective and pleasing than any other they have adopted. In all the wards of the Mormon church deacons, teachers and other minor officials, keop in close touch with those in tho ward who need as-, sistance, and tho relief society officials also watch over tho needy. The information in-formation from theso officers is transmitted trans-mitted to tho rolicf society and tho organization proceeds immediately to give succor, usually by sending a supply sup-ply of food and clothing in a formal way. Tho now plan adopted by tho Plain City ladies is to distribute tho things needed at a social and religious gathering gath-ering at the homes of the deserving ones. The society arranges for a picnic pic-nic party at the homo of some one who needs assitanco on the regular meeting day of tho organization and a social program, in connection with the picnic luncheon, is given. The brief religious services of the society are given, and when the social-religious function Is over, the good woman of the humble home finds plenty loft over to supply tho family needs a week or ten days sometimes more. The supply left at the iomo consists of foodstuffs and clothing. The rialn City society will meet with a poor family of the ward each week during the winter months, and oftoner If necessary- |