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Show I -ANTOINETTE DONNELLY'S ANSWERS TO BEAUTY SEEKERS. ju H BAGDAD: The grocn soap ticatment Is Cor black' B heads. The formula Is lengthy and 'lack of apaco will H not permit mo to publish It, but I shall be happy to H mall It to you Si you will send mo a stamped, ad- H dressed envelope. Your skin Is dry because It lacks H nctural olla. I sugfjest your massaging yoUr-faco at B night with a good skin food. This will supply the H i oil that Is lacking. 1 can't understand why your amily should laugh at you because you want to rid H your face of blackheads and want a fine clear com- H plexlon. You owe It not only to yourself but to them H to Improve, your appcaranco as much aa possible. HI CARIUE. A salt bath 13 especially beneficial to thoao' suffering from insomnia. It Is also an excellent nervo tonic. Tho best time to take a salt bath Is In the afternoon just before dressing for dinner. A simple exorcise for making the fingers supple Is to muc them Just as If you were trying to spin a ball, s'.J , , L.ILL.IAN M.: This Is an excellent tonic fpr falling' hair. You can use it in connection with scalp massage: mas-sage: Two drama tincture of cantharldes, two dram's-' tincture of capsicum, one ounce of cologne water, "ajidV of olive oil a sufficient quantity to make four ouncetfil Jlix well and apply at night. Continue tho treatment until the hair becomes glossy and full of life. 1 shall bc glad to send you my Instructions for scalp massage mas-sage if you will send me a stamped, addressed en-e,lopo. en-e,lopo. O- O,: It is the yellow vaseline that Is used for promoting pro-moting tho growth of tho lashes. I also have a formula for-mula for a tonic for thelashcs, which I shall be glad to send to you if you will send me a stamped, ail-'dvesscd ail-'dvesscd envelope, lyo exercises will strengthen tho sight and greatly Impiovc the brilliancy of, the eyes. , ''- t vv fj. . t v , . . -. Slowly roll the eyes up to the celling, then down towaid the tip of our nose. Repeat tills ten times. Then sloly turn tlm eye from the right to loft as far as posslblo -and then back again. Repeat these movements move-ments ten times. Be caieful In doing tho exeiclsos not to strain the' muscles of the eyes. MISS P.: It will not Improve your complexion any to cat a half-pound of chocolates a day. lCatlng candy often. rqauscs pimples, because the skin Is' so closely related to the, digestive organs -that any disturbance of IhtTqnt'ter Is apt' Ho show Itself IH the comploxloii, it' .. !., -l , 'i, , : . ' and It also causes an unpleasant breath. Chocolates In . SJ any form should particularly be avoided If your sKM N has the slightest tendency to be greasy. 1 , DOTTY: Gonerally speaking the pores aie enlnigea t 7 t because they have become clogged with secretions 1 jj 'itch hazel Is one of the best astringents known 'r 4 closing enlarged pores. It should bo applied hot t""lc0 Jlm', a day with a piece of absorbent cotton. First scrub J)j tho face In hot water and soap, using a complex10" it'' brush, rinse off with warm water." then apply col( !li$iii water. - ' ' 'ftb |