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Show oo STATESMEN GIVE VIEWS ON MEXICO Something Must Be Done to End This Carnival of Crime. "Washington, Janv 14. Speaker Champ Clark said today: "There is nothing to be said about tho Mexican situation except that the United States ought to compel those people down there to respect American Amer-ican rights, both of persons and property." prop-erty." Other members of congress expressed express-ed their viows on Mexico as follows: Representative Scott Ferris of Ok-jluhoma, Ok-jluhoma, Democrat: "Yesterday I received from EI Paso the following telegram sent by Oliver I Powers, a former constituent of mine: 'Have just arrived in El Paso with eighteen bodies, mostly Americans, who were maliciously and deliberate lj massacred Monday forty miles west of Chihuahua. "With due respect to President Wilson, please look Into our Mexican policy.' This situation has stirred me more than anything that has yet occurred in Mexico. We must take some action." Representative William E. Cox of Indiana, Democrat: "This last outrage in Mexico Is most terrible. Of course, something inijst bo done." """" - Representative John E- Baker of California, Democrat: "This demands vigorous action. The administration should endeavor to put an end to this carnival of crime." Representative Benjamin K. Focht of Pennsylvania, Republican: "This country must go into Mexico, prepared to stay there, ready to extend ex-tend the freedom and advantages of modern American civilization to the down-trodden people of that republic. The southern limit of the United States should be extended to the Panama Pan-ama canal." Rppresentative Fred Brltton of Illinois, Il-linois, Republican: " would favor advancing Carranza any reasonable sum up to $20,000,000 with which to pay his troops and police, po-lice, as wefl as to purchaso munitions. I would even go so far as to assign our military officers to assist Mexican Mexi-can soldiers in bringing about a state of peace in that country, though I would oppose sending our soldiers into in-to Mexico for this policing duty. In exchange for our gold and munitions, I would negotiate a treaty with Carranza Car-ranza for the ceding to the United States of Lower California with its wonderful opportunity for a naval base at Magdalena bay." |