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Show PLEASANT PARTY GIVEN. Miss Voilet Danford was the honor guest at a delightful party last evening eve-ning at her home 3075 Adams avenuo. The evening was pleasantly spent at various games, followed by a delicious luncheon. Tho following guests enjoyed the affair: af-fair: Vilate Jacobs, Norma Husscy. Eva Porter, Julia Russell, Voilet Dan-ford, Dan-ford, Anafrejl Danford, Leila Rams-den, Rams-den, LillUnn Danford, Edwin Garner. Orville Garnor, Wendell Ogden, Paul White. Debert Wright, David McKay, John Crltchlow, (Morrill King, Eugene Barnes and Frank. Douglas. INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS. Lincoln Circle of the local G-. A. R. held an installation of officers Thursday. Thurs-day. The following wore installod: President, Mrs. Annio Thiel; Junior vice president, Mrs. Gertrude Carr; J. V. P., Mrs. Sarah Nicely, chaplain, Mrs. Sarah Crosman; secretary, Mrs. Sarah Way; treasurer, Mrs. Joseph Thomas; conductor, Miss Jessie L Minis; guard, Mrs. Celestial Burk; patriotic instructor, Mrs. Parry Craft; assistant conductor, Mrs. Marvel Gil-more; Gil-more; assistant guard, Mrs. Mary Becker. Fifty members of the G. A. R. wore present and following the business Besslon an enjoyable time was spent in social recreation. |