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Show II Stunning Steamer and Traveling Coats Be- II gin the Journey Southward Neu; Straw III Hats in SmaZZ, Smart Shapes Linen 1 1 and Lingerie Frocks for the After-II After-II noon Sport CoSlumes. iju M ft, " vinjuia liio winter winas to fjlK I blow hardily from tho North if! Ml W Up to lsevr Year's; after that so III many whispers are borno up- j? ward from tho Southland that there Sh is constant reminder, oven though one 1 remains amid tho snow, slush and t dreariness of Northern climes, that ; tho South winds of summer are surely on tho way. Only tho individual who f has once boskod in tho sunshine and t soft airs of Palm Beach in mld- r ; winter, can appreciate tho longing ; that stirs tho heart at this season to j get away Southward, , A Traveling Coat First Consideration. If you go to the boat or the train i to sec envied friends off for the South- : lands this month, very little of the j! fascinating new wardrobes they aro supposed to have with them will be "risible except tho last word in travel - I ing coats; and perhaps a smart little new straw toque here and there. : New and especially good looking is i a traveling coat of navy bluo vicuna, gathered at tho shoulders alone nar row epaulet strips at front and back , and falling- In straight, long lines over I ; tho figuro -with tho concealing effect f . of a domino, worn at a masked ball. V There aro big, covered buttons up the r side seams, up tho outer side of tho f- sleove and in a group of ten, midway r of tho front. But tho feature of tho v coat is a big cavalier's cape, draped I; : from tho shoulders and falling below I the waistline at tho back. This capo ; ) la made of tho coat material but high I muffler collar and cuffs aro of blue u vehet. This stunning coat was notod F in hunter's groon cheviot with big l' burnished steel buttons and capo lined J- with plaid taffota, on an outgoing stafcmer to Bermuda. Tho model is an Linen Isaid In Pleats. I But you will want to hear about Southern costumes of real summor typo the sort of costumes that glvo most Interest to descriptions of South- land' life, in tho opinion of stay-at- homes. Llnon In dainty colors prom-lees prom-lees to bo very fashionable this year. ' A now linen frock, Just completed for Palm Beach morning wear, is depicted. Tho tight-fitting bodice with r its long wnlstlino is a distinctive fea ture of coming styles. The linen skirt 13 pleated, in narrow box pleats at tho front and in wider, side pleats around sides and back. But it will readily be guessed that these crisp pleats 3 alono do not hold tho skirt out in its J modish flare. Underneath is a t hooped petticoat which does the busl-ijii busl-ijii ness in proper style. The light hoops, lflf tWO or more ar run through casings pm i In an ordinary tub petticoat with lace S 1 or ombroldery flounces at tho foot, and of course tho petticoat is extrcmo-ly extrcmo-ly wido at the edge, though it fits smoothly over tho hips Tho linen frock pictured is gray in tone for gray Is tho shade of shades for Palm Beach this season. There aro embroideries em-broideries in white and bluo near tho collar and on tho pocket flaps which depend from tho long-walsted bodico; and pockot flaps and roll collar are faced with bluo silk Inner collar and wide cuffs are of whito organdie piped with blue silk, and tho littlo tio with its knotted ends Is whito, to match tho bail buttons of white crochet. A very smart and modern little frock of linen, this, and accompanied ac-companied by a now turban of blue straw trimmed with a wondorful bow of pleated bluo ribbon and flat rose3 of chiffon in blue and gray tones. Another linen frock for Palm Beach wear shows also tho long-walsted long-walsted idea. Tho bodico in this Instance In-stance is a fitted basquo extending below ihn wnlotllnn ... ills lw tho linen, made more stiff by elaborate elabor-ate braiding of -white soutache, rests low on the hips, standing up loosely .from tho fitted bodico. Tho absolute nowncss of this idea is apparent at - ' ' x -riS Many of theso dazUng striped sunshades sun-shades aro being packed In Palm Beach, trunks. To U is "Da mty W A.i'Ler-rootY'Ys( Color l Added B Bold "teUaerned first glanco and though tho offect would bo tiying on any but a very slender figure It is captivating as presented pre-sented in this pretty frock. Very pale pink llnon and washable chltfon of tho same dainty shado aro used in combination. Tho slooves show a deal of fullness drawn into tight, soutached cuffs Soutache defines the armhole of tho linen bodice also. The pleated tunic is weighted by a deep flounco of the llnon and tho wide collar col-lar of linen has a pleated chiffon frill. With tho palo pink frock goes a new turban of black btraw trlmmod with ' pleated black net, volvet ribbon and ) a novelty wing In black and whito. 1 A Typical Summer Frock Ideally reminlne. All afluff with airy folds of fabric, p , III r - ' HHIfBS KeeTP Embroidered Tixh-nvrittv h Touch o Wtule dainty frills of not and softly drawn ribbon is the summor girl of 1916 to bo. Horo sho Is, typified, on today's pago and ideally feminine is hor cos- lumo for summor days. Tho frock is 3f shoor embroidered muslin with 1 faint pink and green posies on the whito ground. Beneath this film frock is a slip of faintest bluo-vjolet, giving a subtlo tint to tho embroidered embroid-ered muslin. Tho sash is of palo blue satin ribbon and tho frock Is trim- mod with littlo frills of whito net and narrow bands of white fox fur. Surprising, Sur-prising, Is it not. how dainty white fur can bo on a diaphanous summor frock? Tho new turban Is of glared straw in a deep pink tone and a flow- -' :Tni & : ' WBSEmm H mm WMfm Debalsiiea-ace Fipock with, tfew Lon&a ered silk parasol completes a fetch- lng costumo for tea in tho Cocoanut Grove. H For tea hour wear also is a moro ' formal frock of white pussy willow IH taffeta with trimming of coarse-pat- terned filet lace in cream shade, over goldon brown silk. Moiro and satin M stripe ribbon in two shades of golden J brown edges the tunic and the long panel which hangs at the back, and a B bow of tho ribbon, set at the back of IH tho neck, holds up the collar of white IH mousseline. The hat which accom- IH panics this frock is whito straw with. M a facing of brown velvet and trimming of sable fur. I Pantalets on Palm Bench Danco M Frocks. Il All the mid-winter fashion fads bo- IH come accomplished styles or sink into H oblivion at Palm Beach where they H aro tried ouL Pantalets are the very H latest fashion frenzy and many of tho H dancing frocks for the southland in- H elude pantalets as a special feature H Pictured is a dance frock of chiffon H with chiffon pantalets falling over tho IH ankle and very long sleeves almost M nlding the hands This frock is not H dead white but has the creamy tono H 'hlch Is so fashionable just now. H Against the creamy background tho M pearl bead embroidery on the stom- H acher stands out eftectlvely Thoro M are pearl beads also on the sleeve B above the hem and peari beads edge HBV the modest decollet igo which Is flMe M in ith folds of tulle The arrang - BBV ment of the sash falling from h. Hh top of tlie shaped glrdl or stomacher HBV is er rftcp-ful. and both this sal - end ot chiffon, and th chiffon skir' HKV arc edged with cream lace. Shkrrt 1 H ' "'llfl.on tiii'sljfs ihe tde armholes iud H 1 here and theie are small chiffon rosv- H in tho palest shade of pink H Sport costumes aro an Important H item in the Palm Beach wardrobe. 1 For golf there are double-breastod H corduroy and velvet coats In brilliant M color, with rows of big white pearl H buttons With these go skirts of H white linen, or awning striped linen H with the stripes running diagonally 1 instead of straight upland down. H |