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Show H j COULON OUT TO REGAIN BANTAM CROWN" 1 - Johnny CouJtm. H iZ. Jmny Conlon, 3c-hantamweight champion -ho wore the crown for s B jfittlo more than five years and then gave it to Kid Williams of Baltimore, H ihopes to stage a "comeback" scon. He will meet "fcoung Sandow, a husky H (Aewcomer in bantamweight ranks, this month. kenburg, Newark;. Russell Ford, Buffalo; Buf-falo; Robert Groome, St. Louis; "Bunny" Hearne, Pittsburg; Claude Hendrlx. Chicago; A. Rankin Johnson, Baltimore; George ("Chief") Johnson, Kansas City; George Kalsorllng, Newark; New-ark; Elmer Knetzer, Pittsburg; Eu-geno Eu-geno Krapp, Buffalo; George McCon-nell, McCon-nell, Chicago; Miles Main, Kansas City; Earl Mosoloy, Newark; Eugene Packard, Kansas City; Edward Plank, St, Louis; Michael Prendorgast, Chicago; Chi-cago; Edward Reulbach, Newark; Albert Al-bert Schulz, Buffalo; Thomas Seaton, Baltimore, and George Suggs, Baltimore. Balti-more. Catchers "Bill" Fischer, Chicago; Grover Hartley, St Louis; Fred Jack-litsch. Jack-litsch. Baltimore; Grocer C. Land, Brooklyn; Frank Owens, Baltimore; William Rarlden, Newark, and Arthur Wilson, Chicago. Infleldcrs "Joe" Aglcr, Buffnlo; Martin Berghammer, Pittsburg; Albert Al-bert Bridwell, St. Louis; Chester Chadbourne, Kansas City; "Hal" Chase, Buffalo; Charles Deal, St. Louis; Borton, St. Louis, Clyde En-gel, En-gel, Buffalo; Joseph Farrel, Chicago; Arthur Holman, Buffalo; "Ernie" Johnson, St. Louis; David Jones, Pittsburg; William Kcnworthy, Kansas Kan-sas City; Otto Knabo, Baltimore; Edward Ed-ward Kenetchy. Pittsburg; Edward Lennox, Pittsburg; "Bill" Louden, Buffalo; Lee Magee, Brooklyn; William Wil-liam McKechnle, Newark; "Miko" Mowry, Pittsburg; Ralph Myers, Brooklyn; George Stovall, Kansas City; "Joe" Tinker, Chicago; John Tobin, SL Louis; Robert Vaughn, Si Louis; Stephen Yerkes, Pittsburg, and "Rollie" Zeider, Chicago. Outfielders George Anderson, Brooklyn; Claude Cooper, Brooklyn; "Jack" Dalton, Buffalo; "Del" Drako, St. Louis; "Steve" Evans, Baltimore; "Max" Flack, Chicago; Claire Goodwin, Good-win, Kansas City; "Bonnie" Kauff, Brooklyn; Leslie Mann, Chicago; Armando Ar-mando Marsans, St. Louis; Ward Miller, Mil-ler, St. Louis; "Rebel" Oakes. Pittsburg; Pitts-burg; Edward Roush, Newark; A. Scheer, Newark; Albert Shaw, Kansas City; James Walsh, Baltimore, and E. Zwilllng, Chicago. "Is Watson still paj'ing attention at-tention to that -widow he was courting two years ago?" "You bet he is. The3r are married mar-ried now, ind he has to pay strict attention to everything she says." Buffalo News. j |