Show THC SPIKETOWNDLI2ZAnO flow the I Illiir Munucnl lii Hop In the IMiirlanl tlirllrr doll > fold Editor CtugHton of tha SIlk town Illlisaril go and tee what makes that abominable smill Tho nOire lay went nnd present cube bad nllli Iho Information Hut namcbod l In tho neighborhood seas burning rubber Illrnm ald Keillor ClUBston one If > ou can find out tthoro thai harrlblp olnr cornea from Tho for ram n snllod out and sniffed tho nlr On riturnlnc ha HHYO It ns hi decide opinion Hint some cook not far nan had Inaihirtcml burned a beefsteak Van are both rlrht alai IMItnr Clugilon wlilng hi r pen all lgln nlns to write ills lofty brow ulanii with Iho Unlit of n Midden < Inspiration 1 rho neat iiumbrr nf the Splktlown Illlisaril ronlntned Ihll Item The frightful smell that perincacd the Dtmoplerc last Monday wu canoed by the nccldontal burning of ono of those robber iliMk which the restaurant alwn aiipplln to III rtiitomvr P RUnllall tntltfaeiory arraiiBr monls nr made nt tho bnslncs department depart-ment or thl olllcii thus name Hem will appear In the next tune ot the llllzsarJ with the blank prowrly flllnt out |