Show IIHllrl air 111heaet I I It 1 li I common obier > ntlon that men may han much ability and much knowUdge j of certain kind with the I faculty of ready enpretilon which II I to i utul to polllclini nod public men without haying the pawtr of clear and logical renionlrg They may hare per Verattle of Intellect and defect of I moral tense which make them lea crpable of reaching loind conclusion J I than the plain people who need only 110 i understand a iitbject to be about right In their Judgment of It Kanatlea I like llland of Mltaourl nra cenerally I Inrere but Irrational In brain that arc strong but not wholly sound ileln Ion take a deeper hold than In thoio that are weaker but more nearly normal nor-mal Are these able and usperl need men wha farmed the nucleus of the Yajhlncton silver contention unit were rtiuonilble for the llaoco In which It reaulleil itlll deluded on the aubjeotof I free coinage and Its effect The only I alternative iiippotltlon li that they or not honest and arB waking to Ilerln soma advantage far thenwelte front a policy that would surely bo dltutrou to the country |