Show o i AND m T c CELH l u HATED I Tnesflay Was Coalyille Day I Beyond a Doubt 3000 PEOPLE WERE IN ATTENDANCE inch n Jolllllratlon a Conhlllf Serer Sun liftoff The llannuet The IMrnde The lurrfTIIf Crlf limtlon nu n IImllll yucces Talk about celebrations ratifications blowout Jamborees t nnd 1 things but such enttiuelatm iiirli Interest and suet time as cat had InCoaMlloon Tuesday last has never before been wit reseed Summit county It was celebration that will be remembered re-membered for years to come It Main celebration In which the citizens trite very part of the county tnk part and helped with their presence and participation partici-pation to make n grand mica I nml we cnturc that II the unm iroM > fltlun for remoMil cos niiln iubmlue l to them that Chlll would bold It br many times oentcen votes CltlioH 01 Summit county who ha 1 not been hero for months tuna In nml joined the grand l procession The program at published In Inn wetk Till iRi > wn carried out indetall and It then was a Haw that could be foiiml In I ll nolrua yet to hear lieu complaint Long before noon the people began to assemble mid before the oj > enliig ol tho exercises tlioclty cat lllatwtth vitltcri Illi estimated that at lent 3000 people jollied In the celebration At oeloek the Coalvllto trots hint came out i > n the streets I and placed mine lively air nod n few mlnutei he 1 faro oeloek mljomned to the Stake House when W W ClulV Sr matter nl orcmoiit4 nnnounceil the ciercliei would begin Till IJMill Alter n relectlon by the bran band Major Wrlglit gore a short address of woleoim who was followed by John Clark of Upton In n nwjwnto Then < conic totiK The Old County Court liouw by MMIM John Callls O L Jonc4 I 31 1lmico unit Mr John Gnllls the words of which Ill print below be-low by request s Tune OM l Oaken llucket How dear tooureeurts are tlio menvio our childhood When torn recollection present hem to view The ninces the meadow tliu grand hills around them And < many beret mat which our Infancy In-fancy knew Till will running stream mid the hill that Hands near It The bridge Here the young lore their stores tu tell The home that our fathers built y Url ago for ui The house that has answered tbo par P I < MO to cell The old county courthouse The nuuro I cornered courthouio That condemned county courthouse Mill doa very well The county scat victory we hall usa us-a treasure It wain hard tight tint we won It at last The count of tin votes give ni ix nulillu pleasure specially ull Upton aid Cattle Hock cast How illicitly wo Belied I them with hearts that were glowing And told all our friend of the Ciorloui foat law wo shouted and sung then with hearts umllowlni At the news that we till held our fill 114t01lnl rent Choiui llowsnuut Is tliu thought that lark City ilunt lIt It III duo of their boodle itnd sweet winning win-ning ways Not n brick will they furnlib In order to build It For Iho voters hart cutlet that in Coil villa II stays the darks And nuw far removed from labltutlon Their titan ol regret will Intrttsh ely I i in ell j jf And wu fancy the promised beet l sugar plantation I I Will to tip I In I stein and their bond Mbinvn wall Chorus i Neat acme remarks by J E llromley till subject being Siimwlt County lie fore the Unllroudi lie was followed by a west to the ladles by Walter lb y i den Meisra F II Vrlght J W I Slmlstcr and Qoorge penal then suing and Truth r A song entitled light fi Tiny were followed br n short nJdreu i I kern W II Smith Or on the FUrly I Days l o Coals Ille This KnUhcd hl ipoikl and Mr Clair then annwinexl that the banquet wa ready The exercises were highly appreciated front twjlnnlnj to end Mil when the banquet ai anrnnnrvil i cheer rant < < I out from thoiiMndi ot throat I Tin ittNMtirr I The appearance ol the table made a picture that should line been photo urapneil Seven long tables the entire width of the Sink llouia were leaded wllli choice pr vl > loni of every variety va-riety w litho the organ room at the rear was parked as full of goal thing 119 II I win ptefble for It tll hold t As fast III the tables were emptied they were rr > lenlhe < I and n mutt of people win rorttanllv nuxlng to and from the banquet bear is from 3 W anti 10 oclock at night No one hllllntol far moment who get a look at the lupply on hand that II roetld ever be consumed In ono day yet when all lead tMett fatl lletl there wa llttlo If anything leftover left-over Oor 300 chlckearSO IRnll GOO pounds beef 1000 loaves ol bread 150 cakes and MO Ill beetles t the vast amount of cheat und tide dishes were con unied We are safe In I saying tint no occasion was ever provl < le < l with a better pproad and THE Tiara would like to mention the name of all the ladles and tide who did each etllclvntwork In preparing and conducting the banquet They wotkwl Incerranlly from Irlday after noon to Tuefdav night and never for an Inttant faltered or shrunk from the great task before them All praise I due them and they as well ni all who no generously responded with danatloni fur thofees t and the memberiol each and exerv commiltoe I together with the cllllll1 in general are entitled ton hearty vote of thanks |