Show S r New York Nov It Captain Frank U Miller ol the Amerlrnn brig Harriot II ulilili on lealng lie Cuban port olMupNll onOotnlfr3rd iif rcliisl I I by Sinlli officer who chimed lo bo looking for anuseaid today It hai Uenlnrorrcctlyotate I < Hint f wan not i IIIIK the Hum and ttlnivii when the search van made This wan not theca the-ca e The rearch was made by nine men under than leadenhlp of a Spanish olllcer My urotedi wa iinaralllng The American Consul witncMed part of lbr I search and joined In 1 the prntrit It was useless however The Spanlanli lId out cure IIclll1nelllal for American rlghti and would Insult our Hag whenever when-ever opportunity offered Had my yea art flown the I llrlllfh Hug nut n Spaniard would Ante dared to attempt n nrdl1 |