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Show 4l COALVILLE TIMES. right to ewerciee his frawehiee. It dot a also recommend some war of getting not quarrel with snyone ia the practice urty, edeem them, and hi MRS. M. E. RHOADESr ' wiirBnd aturdy Uwn Kviav niiii, it re.m...e.ls,ioQ of these principles. It contend, that does not in congress if TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY. tin By purchasing your supplies iu .very man bs.the right to hi. own orm of ukth; r. M. PINNED. Editor ud Manar opinion, and ahoaid be left lo act On his j place Of treasury notes and ?prevent eon- own Judgment, and therefore Tiu Tikes ! traction of the volume of rnoiiey la cir- of Subaoriptloa in this inetamvt not guilty of even the jculatton, 12 Ou V ur . ...... If UvB' .... .. UXt Six V jaibe.... Pop- thought of holding anyone or any people i just returned from a . 0 Ture Mouth , uiut senator from North Carolina, talks p. ... .. to np to ridicule tor doing what in their f on ...... Hint'. Copte tU floor ot the Senates, he doea now I now have the judgment thev thought beat. We an- - j he is likely to become pretninent lfure purchasing trip, We keep a full line of the following constantly on hand, Advortlalog deavor to act according to our convic-- j the eeasioa end. For inetwnce, he eavs finest line Fall of iuerv Mil. ever Men's Home-Mad- e Suits. jl mo.Jl ma jt mo I jrr, turn i, and certainly have no fault to concerning the reorganization of the from the Wet information that senate, A find those with Coalville. ta who Call brought'., do in the same, IVe I I Ml U IS , complete lijie of Mens, Ladies and Childrens t lurk 20 Wl ) be can obtain a majority of the senators II t imife ,1 ; Home . Made Iwlieve 1 we have UUi 22 W 00 t oolotull I j ample proof of the have Wen tor years Hosiery ir aud see it, 74 M Cooluran ...... ...I V flrtSM C. M, I. and Z. Solomon The Bros, mi 120 00 accuracy of theta statements, and also desirx to show 12 ) tt w , ouiuran their constituent how Home Made Shoes. tayal nutter. 10 cent per tin lor trot Inner of the fact that Tbe'Timks has at ne much thev woulJJo for silver if they All Latest Novelties. Huo, kceul per lino (uf oath aubaeqtieul tnwr The celebrated Provo Mr. Butler time found fault at the action of the only had an opportunity lion ae 111 be olrtotljr adhered to. rate Home Made the thinks at opportunity hand, and Overshirts, people of tfeneferorany other town. Large amount of good Rag ; tars that if the senators fail to organize Underwear, Flannels, Lindseys, Blankets, Yarns, and It Clullli, UU, Hag 7, (ilvtl 1( t Yntoffior You can earn 5 each day silver basis Home Made Silk Handkerchiefs, Etc. $94, oo IkwI Clooo aor. .giving the senate on a for sale cheap. our absolutely indispensable household these professed friend of silver should Carpet New article away. plan of work, wak- be called upon by thcirsilverconsiituents New shipment of latest styles COALVILLE, FRIDAY, NOV. 15. 1895, ing experience unnecessary and success tor an explanation, and he intimate certain for either sex in any section. dozen free. Credit given. quite broadly that be may feet called in hats every ten days. Sample OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Freight Address, Melrose Mfg. upon to ask tor some explanations on paid. i Co., 14 Melroee Park, 111 Wheat and oats taken in We carry the renowned Grant Companys the floor of the Senate should the action TlttKlTORY. Home-Ma- de of certain senators-fi- e or Soaps- Caleb Wei Governor w.ismyfJTO.v called no names be of a nature to re. exchange for goods. R. J. Knights unequaled .... C. C, ttlcharda ,7 . ... .. Secretary 8. A. Merritt Chief J nation quire them. (Pu Ora Raouzaa CoaaasrosDkKT MRS.-M- . K. RHAODES. i. W. Judd Home Made Blue. Atlorury ' Aaatnatit Nov. 1895. Washmoto!!, R. Thurman U, Attorney ,, .,..8 IDEAL THE PANAC EA. We handle Gustavesons famous . , .,R. M. Brigham t! 8. Marahal Washington and the country appear James L. Franci, Aldennwn.thieago, ..... Byron Oroo Beitaier Land OBlr Home Made Axle Grease. Frank Ham land Odliw . tie in for an nnusnaily- - big dose of says: I reaard Dr. Kings New to .... .. H. W, Smith Jnallre, lt Ittatnrl , delicious Tuckets Panacea tor a Meel an and W covcry fiiatruitr-Juatiee. Bartel) politics, considering that this is an off pure Cough, , .,..0 Jtuttre, 2nd W. U. klug Cold and Lung Complaints, having Itb (ootrlct d Home Made Candies. way in which the used it in my family year. The tor tbs last five The Utah Slaughtering Co.s unadulterated au.sTY. important state elections went ars re- years, to the exclusion of physician Prolate Judge for the political deluge ap- prescriptions nr other preparation. sponsible Home Made Clerk Lard. Rev. John Burgns, Keokuk, Iowa, Recorder. J. 8. Salmon pearing ahead of time. The RepubliA full and- - complete stock of , : Wen a minister of the j have 1. Jenkluo I A writes and Collector ......... i frhmtT . ...... .. .. J. M Harrington cans are intoxicated with Joyat their Methodist Episcopal Church tor 50 rear j Home Made Brooms. J. H. Itetnlug success, which they Treaourer...... acknowledge was or more, and have never found anything . Carouer ilr.ntlenu HOME MADE HOME , MADE Pickles, Crackers, or that gave me such ...... .... .. E. H. Kbead much greater than they expected, and so Wnetk-ialjiirmyor " . . . .H.8. Townoetid HOME MADE Cheese, etc., and the celebrated Reed Attorney... relief as Dr. Kinge New Die- Selectmen Henry Welah, John Pack and the Democrats are as badly intoxicated epcedv Cough Remedy Choicest Meats in the County, Bros. HOME MADE Harness, with a Uliaia Archibald. itb disgust. With the members ef covery." Try this Ideal complete line of now. Trial bottles free at John Boydeii and prices as low as the lowest. HOME MADE Harness Extras. those parties representing those two A Sons Drug store, CITY. And last, but not . Alexander Wright periods of a jag it .. ..... we have a beautiful asssortment of HOME MADE Mayor be least, may imagined Bartun Recorder John that much of the talk ie maudlin. The . ... rJ H. Salmon , ...... Harahal Babies Cloaks. Dont forget vie are a HOME MADE LGH "0T,C. - Tbomak Ball Treaauret ... a...,, ; PACIFIC HOTEL, ECHO. -' Matermiuter , .. Firm, and give us a call and learn our prices before, purchasing ....John KoMmou Republicans ail assume that the presi. .... B. Wilkin Juathw of tho Bear dential election is already settled, and A. Buchanan COALVILLE CO-O- P. Street Sttnarvhaur . . t n the probate cocrt is AND FOR Board-b- y Respectfully, . day, week or month, elsewhere. WlUiamJ. Wright therein liea theirdaager. Precinct 1 uation That assumpion?,! R II to W. William rates t Councilman Chained, In matter o rat, (i. tion will make Special hunting and i)ttlaat tow theight over the Re- th. the Iteming, Samuel Clark and J, H. Wilde, filing parties. Good accom- publican nomination all the mere bitter, CUiShave dle,l I thi court reaperuve HlodationS for transients and bitter fights over nominations have lieilliuua aetnug forth that eachtheir LET V8 PROGRESS. of mi of .rertatu portion ot the went JOS. STORE R, Prop. jetore now resulted in disorganization are occunt hU ot the youthwent qiirteroI Rectlou t. In Now that tho 'county seat i onro (or and defeat for political parties. Towuihip 2, north of wwte S east ot halt Lake Ladies, I respectfully call your attention to my new Meridian, Mid portion belli deecribed in uud 41 C, A I "TTLJ 8o far at the Democrats are concerned, I L I M all time to come, tiott that the telephone stock of Winter Millinery, the most beautiful ' petition and prayfue therein for a lel eon- rt of nid portion.,,! laud. It ia ordered the result of their defeat in New York. veyaiice -- ANDassortment yet received. The latest in high crown that person lutereated therein apnear before line in insured, let no look to other im- Probit Court ot Summit comity, l uh, at Maryland, Kentucky and Ohio, seems the oounliouw Sailors and Walking Hats, Trimmings, etc., etc. In the City of Coalville, In Mid the . provttnentsthat are in the line ofatl to have resultedjn a wholesale killing euinuut rounty, Ou Saturday, the 7th day of I have endeavored to meet the demands of the ladies coma. I'r ember. there this oclock to aiS aud m., vgm.vn.ent anl Intereat of their presidential posniblHiIei in the Iet thru to allow cauae why the judae of aaid Court of Coalville and vicinity, by placing in stock a comperaona of Senator Hill, Gorman and honld not maze, execute, and deliver toaaid munity. ,mI aud lawful deed converln to petitioner line of Underwear, Hosiery, Caps, Fascinators, plete irics, aid petitioner the landa dewrilied la afd petl- Fora moat among the many thinga Campbell and SecreIlona. It further onffred that thl uolice and and of Carl Hoods, File, Bonnets, Shoulder Shawls, Gloves and Mit-teii-- S a tary throwing very order ba putili-he- d IuThx t o i. villi Time, a that present themselves ia the queetion wet blantwt over their hopes of electing prtnted and pubhahed In Summit Complexion Soaps and Toilet - A:t:c!es. Vtah, for lour week pretloua toaaid' ala water power, a matter Tii Timm any man president next year. Presi- eounty, I have a nne assortment of Ludersuits for the 7th day of Peeemlier. W. verv Hkwrv sitiauie. Prolwte Judge San Francisco. Cal. has mentioned before, ami one that we dent Cl'eland is mid not to be doing little ones : just what they need to keep them warm. Dated thl Stir day f Kutemlier, ltv'4, hr Also a nice line of Infants Long Cloaks and Childrens giveriiQ!lceJth)it we ahail keep lie fore any woyingover this killing, but even TO It FIVE DENTS lKRDAY. Short Mr.tA-velanmust know-th- at his the people until it haa been Coats for winter. Call and see wbat I have for the comfort ot ' liifflirwUHl by Ut titrirt Court of th Third party annot possibly win without KkdtrMi DUcru't of thr lerriktrv of luU, I ihuli, to the Iwmrd of oo yourselves and little ones. carried put, ltl P V Aciwditiif You will find that my juices and qual-it- y UHlO a Jt Wetk. whn miahls tha j timnitAutla-iroin-. at least three ont of those four tfotit dotMT jiwieUe h1 of goods will compete witlrauy in town. through Muk bun awiiutaiW lourthotine, in the iitv of CoftWilie.i Coalville need a water power for 1ountj Dressmaking iu the eomHYof bum nuts end Territory of luh. oo' jou are accidruuilV killed, rear of the U the aHh dar of NoTetnbor, at It o'iUk 1 building. M. R. SALMON. s, Respectfully, the actual result ot vlt 'tnwnyieatna. That la. It weedo to taka m viwk. ft AY ehtiwv, voa itO are whet) UinLt u( i ,"iLL kV tuaa already to work, in watlonat politic, Will 1 to wyuWw A he'.iifuttiul BfimhO. NeMn aJtvanUtst' rl writ end tofhe fowuK'lt'wrlledrviUtaU',fo-wWILL I A V a loo for funeral sxpet: givelhe Republicans a majority of the Iheiouthnest VVILI. PAV. it you lose a hunt orf.xit or giveu iUiirterid the ni which It waa undoubtedly sens4 quarter both end the feet nr both hdtoK WISH to 434 northwest of the quarter alter March 4, 1897. Should they wg;1k4 A HSOLITK Intended altould be ntilhmd. No city I quarter of section Four (4), township Twor.J, T1MN t the memelectAhe president and retain control of nrthof ranee Five ftyeast of the Salt lake ber upon paring S3KOTKI Ufa tee and could put in waterworks more cheaply and Mendtin. Id situated of rttiumit, due of ni.SO per mouth. thecouuty the house the country will have the lernturf of l'iah, together with the improveLIFE INSURANCE. and appurtenauee theiHHn ituatrd. than Coalville. Many ciliei would give experience ol seeing one political ment To be told oath property of Vi illiam A Selden Afrofriuea policie of Life luftiiram, payinj at l'he auit of" yyt "n thsuaanda for the opportunities we have party- - lose the- - iresideuey and Wth and earah O. XeUlVn.' i lo f a in caa yjf deaths aii' icm l' SOfser 91000 per month for aerideut and 14 at our fry doors, AU live cities should branches ofcongre. ami regain them lfikii;at alaoa year paid up policy, paying within tour years, as the Republicans :4oo death or 91000 at the end of u T.IvS! iutyJ . hava a good ayatein of waterworks, 940 per mouth for accident or iickuraa. years lost tli t.iree bram ues of tho guvsrn Dtuc! Now mbr , lai, v. . . IF INSURED, V U1 la the firxt place, a system o( water- ment wlieu tlie prcsent aJmiuTslrsuon lonHr ,or Toil (annnf lose all your Tneome when you are permanent! located Sick or fiiaableU bv AeeiUeut, Coalville. Office works could be established that witl came ia. llut this is going ahead too AID At one 'TI door east Times ffice. t save the citizens many times its coat fust. The first session of the h the Urgent and Accident and Health Aaaooiation lu congress, soon to begin, has a - It would prove of untold value io case of the I lilted States. adve sement for dates to It haa the reiifred cash depoaits with the to plsy in this game of politics part fire ; it would oiler Inducements to small Statcaof California ami Mimourl, which, other localities. before the game is won. an ample Keaerse Fund aud farce manufactories ; it would tiring capital aaaela. make it certitlcateanalnolute guarantee South Caiotinians who come to Washof the solidity of it protection to It tueuber. bars ; it would cause investments that ington bring stories of the Tillman and RtlinbU Agtnt Wanted. Write Utah Agency Co., John B. Athlon, Mgr, would open up many avenues of em quabble that are little Department, L3 Civgiei Buildahortof astonishing at this day and ploy meat j it would make the sanitary ing, .Salt Lake City, Utah. time, to say nothing of being injurious M. F. Times Ultlcc. Pluaro, Lfna of rendition, Jlhe . city perfection ft to the jgt. good nams of thseiate. One of would make possible many improve- them It is hard for anyone to said; ments that cannet be considered nntil nmicriUnd the ins and outs of the whole affair unless on the ground, loj after the waterworks are In operation. wbat started Originally a Opposition to There ia no queation but that auch Till man has. spread to fight on George ateps w ill sooner or later be taken, and all his friends. The state lias two sets ifthli city and her citizens do noteui- - of people- - Tillmtnites and Caveat, and Trde-Mr-k obt' '.'if. and ill Pat. a nt buaina conducted for Moot rt rtta. brace the opportunity, citizens of other and they fight on any and every Oo Omct l Oewoairt U.W. earxwT Oswet and we can secure patent m kcae uwe Uiaail localities will do Iso j and if the latter be provocation. ' The row tn the constituremote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo with deserts. the caw, you may depend upon it Coai-eil- tional convention is nothing compared Boa. W e adviee, it patentable or not, free ot with the hatred and charge, Ouf fee not da till patent i eecured. shown by will pay dearly for her lieglect, A Sanewirr, How to Obtain Patent. with the members of these two parties sgainst coat of not in the U. S.aad foreign oonotna Leteomn outside company build the each sent free. Jkddreee, other. An will not works, and then see wbat an expense It buy food or any article of a Tillman will be to the property owners in Ooa. Parcirr Omcc. Wasmihotoh, D. C. the supporter, and vice versa. - The thing is being carried even into the schools of water rent. way snd churches. It it hard to estimate Tux Timur is anxious to see the proper the damage the feud is doing the state. TIN-SHO- E. itrpa taken ;it is anxtous That Coalville Considerable speculation is being should own its own waterworks, and if in a to whether some remarks Home-mad- e he doea not, she, and elie only, it to made by Comptroller Eckels, in a lecture Tinware, Stove SWEATS, TRADE Mark: on the national hanking 1 . : con... blame. system, ipe, Bath Tubs, Gardeu COPYRIGHTS. cerning the treasury notes, represents Allcrwe gr ttliew t er wot k Galvanized CAW I OBTAIN A FATFNT f Foe w i Sprinklers, Irou, sjew the-a- dm iatot ration tt i t ude- - to ward s Z Zinc, Copper arut Sheet-gmmptIV aoswar amt an bmt opinion, vrtta ta Ml a 4k 0. who bata bad naarli fifty vnora9 give you something else. Perhaps those ' notes, Fpeaking of the first issue rportoikoa Ui thajviteoft knainfoa. Oonnmnkoo. Iron Uona made ttHctly erm fMeottjL A Maadbaak oif la Work, etc., and electric lights, street impressments, etc. of treasury notes and the format Ka coorarniu Fftlraia aod boiT to oft. part taken . Repaired fnm. A too a eaiokwueaf meckaow Uiatbaaaent by therein by Secretary Chase, then st the icol and aiifntiflfl bnoba Mat frm, We are Informed that several of our Uk Paart tomtvrft Mima k Ca ynnntaa treasury t he said: Had he fully forenaeia) aoifeatnlba Hrirtflfteftafiiraa. ool (boa am btontrbi ihdAif bfra tba pabllo irftk Ilencfer readers feel hurt ever the seen then what is to clear now. the evil tot oat to Ua inTwitnr, figures 22 appearing on our cartoon following from such issue, I am confira -ft( dent that all of his great abilities would in last weeks -Bai rAhioking that it have lieen eo used oar to issue these against In rolora, and i,wrvriha of new was meant at a fling at that town. Sliop, one block east ofStake I tiful'0,pieiee. Tut that n treasury currency would ever House. , wttb plan, enablme buiithe, tu Sue tbe hw j dealena ami serure ctotraota Addnws .f Utah. Coalville, Twer, however, can assure ail such have been MbMf ; Yukw. CO. BaoabWAT. forth, and the country pat that oo disrespect, whatever, wae in- thus spared the In connection with our line of unnecessary lost and expense attendant thereon. He never tended., The whole affair was printed DRYGOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, appeared to better advantage than when in a spirit ef fun, and no NOTIONS, SHOES, ETC. thought of a as chief of the Supreme court he justice fling was entertained. ,Thk Time haa helj against that which, as a ock of carr' We,w311 MACHINE -secretary of never held any grievance which, we have ordered direct. from the against any the treasury, he had passively apfor all factory kinds of town or community ffhoids non in proved. tuowers and binders that are used in this section He added ' that th treasury j ' of the notes ought to bealxiiished, and that he We also carry wagons, this instance. It believes, and rak?s mowers, binders and hay practices tbs belief that every man ts an, Inde- beliered they soon would be. If Presip- -'-dent Cleveland recommends the withpendent citizen with the full and free drawal of the HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE treasury notee, he must STATIONERY COALVILLE. in r patron ize home industry Fall Millmery.l Home Made Articles Trm Coalville Co-O- 1 ..-- ) ' Il., prutos-ingtTie- ! the ggp-The- n In the Grocery Department PoB-actin- n letter. Laundry . r , one-side- Leaf , , ! I Maggie Salmon. . -- 11 ACCIDENT INSURANCE. i 1 i near I 1 d aun-eiafull- car-rytti- jt . WlI-LP4,- Y rat HU !?-ttou- Dr. W. VISICK, DENTIST, - M'S L have of Watch this AS-W- ..TH.,-.,,',,ELl- Fifty-fourt- TAKE NOTICE in of visits C Q A n -- I A!waysOn Hand at the anti-Tilhu- le ill-w- ill Lump c.A.srJOw&co. Stove," $2.00 1.25 sa HOME INDUSTRY Weber Coal Dept. O. S. M, Co Joseph Jones, TINNER. tit 77 3t Notice 3PYDENSjORU5TORE: -- Prescriptions Filled. EXTRS - - - - W. &l ROBT. YOUNG, Wanahip |