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Show Synptas Doceias, Nim., May 8, Dr. WIIIUhb' Mediclu Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Gintlevin - ' , ia -Tbis 1808. SWITZERLAND BURIES HER OWN DEAD. to certify that I am ftlrh buJ law it Make loo r Atali AtUaDueU AH Ttirmaetie 1 1 illxttloct of a Death Worth qoal--l.a- t- d KITED States con- sula In Switzerland have bten Investi-jtatjn- g la sea relative to the bur- ial of the dead. Mr. Gifford, the consul at Basle, reports: In the canton of Basle City, the law provides for the burial of the dead at the expense of the state. Coffins and all othet necessary articles are furnished on application to certain undertakers designated by the government. Everything connected with the Interment Is absolutely gratuitous Includment altogether. With the advent of eprlng and warm ing and the service. Kith weather, 1 began to feel a return of the and poor are alike entitled to the beneaid symptoms, to some extent, so purchased fit of tills law, and ail classes avail another six boxeeof your pills from C. P. Clark & Co , of 8v racuse, Neb., which, themselves of It freely. Of the 1,61 ao doubt, will have the same good effect burials which took place In the year the first lot did. Respectfully, 1893, 1,194 were at the expense of the Mus K M IViBB Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People canton. The execution of the law is re now riven to the public as an unfailing entrusted to an official of the sanitary blood bunder and nerve restorer, curing all The accounts of this deof weakness arising from a watery department. forms condition of the blood or shattered nerves. partment for the year 1893 show that The pills are sold by all dealers, or will be the cost to the canton arising from the gratuitous burial of the dead was as thi-'grav- e Ue-sr- a. follows: Corn and Amertran frontier Life. Com lias always been closely associated with the frontier life of this country, perhaps from the fact that no other cereal is available for use in so the time that the many ways, kernels begin to sweil, full of their rich miiky juice, it h edible, appetizing and nutritive; when fully ripened it may be preserved for years, transferring if necessary the prosperity of one abundant season to the reuef of sufferers from crop failure or other destruction of supplies in some subsequent year. To the New England boy orgirl of former generations, whose memory goes back to childhood, how many notable associations aie connected with the cornfields and their products! How the backs ached and the hands were blistered during the process of cultivation! How frequently and carefully the busks were slightly opened to determine when the most advanced cars should be ready for boiling perchance the only vegetable variation of the monotonous dinner which gave little temptation to the palate, however much of enduring strength it might give to the frame. Of the same class were the Toasting cars, often enjoyed in the midst of some lonely vigil; and these by judicious selection, could be made available till the harvest Good Housekeeping. Kate Field In Denver. My jdurney from Chicago was over the Chicago. Burlington & Quincy railroad, one of the best managed systems in the country, I should say, judging by the civility of the employes the comfort I experienced, the excellence of its roadbed, and the punctuality of arrival. 1 actually reached Denver ahead of time The Burlington Route is also the best to Sh Paul, Minneapolis Omaha and Kansas City. 10, LITERARY INDUSTRY. Coffins, 82,28; burial ex- penses, 52,528; salaries, $3,323; care of cemeteries, etc., $2,300. Total, $13,341. The law has been ki operation only n few years, but has from the first been regarded with great favor, even by those, who, as tax payers, are most burdened by It. In the other cantons of the country great diversity exists, some of the cantons having not yet adopted the new method. All seem likely to do so. Irving R. Rlchman, consul general, says; Graves, generally, are only to receive one body, and are not to be opened for the reception of new bodies until after the lapse of such number of years as Is assumed to be required for the complete decay of the body, which varies In the different cantons from three to twelve years for children and from twelve to twenty years In the case of adults. Wherever free burial has been introduced, it was done on the principle that, death making all mem equal, there ought to be no distinction in the burial of the departed. It is assumed that all the citizens and residents, high or low, rich qr poor, will avail themselves of the provisions of tho enactment, and that all the funerals and Interments will bo equally plain and unostentatious. The course pursued by the authorities of the city of St. Gall in each case of free burial is given in tho following extracts from the municipal police regulations: An attendant calls at the house of mourning, after verbal notice of death has been given at the police office, and receives a further notice la writing. He attends to dressing the body, gives notice t'o the coroner, to the officer of vital statistics, to the clergyr, tho undertaker man, the The attendant and tho grave-diggemust also issue the invitations to the funeral, and must be present half an hour before the time of burial. The must, afundertaker and grave-diggter receiving notice, go at once to the house of mourning, measure the corpse, provide the coffin, and place the corpse therfiTTt On the day of burial, they mist rie that the body is taken from theMioise of mourning and placed in the funeral car. They must escort the car to the grave, take from It the coffin, inter It, and cover the grave. The coffin must be black, and capable of beThe sexton ing hermetically sealed. must sow Che grave- - with rye grass. In front of the house of mourning an urn must bo put. on the day of the burial, for the reception of cards of bell-ringe- Locke Is said to have spent over six years la the preparation of h'e essay n the "Human Understanding." Charles Lamb would write one of his essays In an evening, after a day spent) at his desk In the East India office. Byron spent the leisure hours of nearly four years In the preparation of the first two cantos of "Chllde Harold " Grote la reported to have spent fifteen years In the work of preparing and writing his "History of Greece. Spenser, from first to last, consumed four years of tole eb'y steady labor in the preparation of the "Fairy Queen. Dryden worked Irregularly, but considered that his daily task ought to comprise from 100 to 400 lines of verse. Douglas Jerrold is said to have devoted but a few hours to the preparation of each one of his Caudle lec- Mulball, the great statistician, devoted nearly thirty years to the preparation of his "Dictionary of Sir Frederick Pollock, who made an address to the law school at Harvard luring the commencement, is accused at appearing on the lecture platform wearing a high white hat, a blue shirt, lavender cravat, black rock coat and light trousers. AXONQ THE OZAEKS. il The Land of Big Red Apples, la attractive and interesting book, handsomely r. er condolence-- . WILL VIRTUE BE REWARDED? Writ Point C.det Who Compelled Ills lotonel to Obey the Regulations. The establishment of the color line In the West Point summer encampment recently gave rise to a. good story on the commandant of cadets. Colonel Samuel Mills. The regulations prescribe that everyone crossing the color line or passing the color should salute by lifting fats cap with the right hand and placing it upon his left shoulder. Colonel Mills neglected this important ceremony not long ago and the sentry on duty promptly stopped him and compelled him to obey the regulation. The commandant next day sent for this cadet, a third class mas, who, by the way, comes from Indiana, and talked to him long and earnestly. The young man refused to divulge the substance of the interview, hut the general opinion U that the cadet will be given corporal's chevrons in the fall, when changes are made in the officers of the battalion. A Ulustr ted with Views of South Missouri eoenery, including tha f.tnous O den fruit farm of 8,000 tcrni ia Bownll county. It pertains to fruit raising in that great fruit belt of America, the southern elope of the Ozards, and will prove of great value, noj but to nvery farmer enly to tad homeneeknr looking for n farm end a home, i Milled free." Address, v ' Arsu Kleptomania. 1. E. Lcrxwoon, . - "When I waa ia India, said the man Kansas City, Met who bad traveled, " the native thieves A detective who wishes to make a stole the sheets from under me whijo fruit-grower- " - - E aw a Wespm Against All Tlirsatsulng Dnngsra. Ameiicnn Dairjiuan says: A bhort time ago e called to the attention statement of Mr. the aggregate wealth Of this country represented $1,000 per 'apitat o( population, and took exception to his deductions in this matter as not ri presenting the verities of the problem. Since that time our attention has betn called to the figures of the census of 1800. and these evidence that Mr. Mulhall is a past grandmaster ut the order of figure Jug-- , "tjftheTountry-4giwrr JTha-wpa- lth 1889, as revealed by the census, was $62,OS2.OOO.OO0. Its distribution among the 62.622,250 of population when grouped lnio families showed that 182,-00- 0 of these latter owned $13,367,000,000, or 70 per cent of the entire wealth of the country, while the remainder of the population, represented by 12,820,000 families, owned the remaining 30 per cent of the wealth of the country, as expressed by $18,715,000,009. Stated in another form, 13,002,000 families own $62,662,250,000, and 1 4 per cent of them possess 70 per cent of this vast wealth, while 98.6 per cent of these families control only 30 per cent of it. If thts body of wealth were distributed equally among the families of the country, each of them would have $4,774.77, while as actually owned, the 182,000 average $237,181.31 each, while the average of each of the 12,820.000 families is only $1,438.26. These are startling figures, and indicate that the methods of wealth (Retribution in this day and country are crude, as well a3 faulty, if Justice lo those that bear the burden and perform the toil of their generation Is to enter into the i&oblem. The regulation of the distribution referred to is a question of vast difficulty, but, nevertheless, it admits of equitable adjustment. If, however, the distribution of wealth Is permitted to exist undisturbed, as at present constituted, the appearance of an aristocracy of wealth richer than the one that corrupted, cursed and crushed ancient Rome will appear in this country in the second decade of the twentieth cenT& avoid this the tury. broadening of opportunity for the masses Is essentially imperative. The teaching of social economics in the public schpols la also a means to lessening the gravity of this coming danger. May Its raeidant of Douglas, Otoe County, Neb , and am eighty year of age. I have been an almost ouuatant enfferer nearly all my Ufa. Of lata years I have had severe pain la y back and limbs, with numimeee and prickling sensations In the eitrezmUes which some physicians pronounced symptoms of paralysis. Last fall, having heard through friends af the virtue of Dr. Williams' 1'iuk Pills for Pale People, I purchased a half doaen hoses divert from vctr-atithem according to directions. began tahtng At this tune the action of my heart waa giving me great auxlely, Its puLatioue were weak and uncertain, with palpitation and very alarming symptoms the least excitement or over exertion.uponDlxxi-aes- a and headache were of frequent occurrence. In a very short time after beginning treatment with the pills I began (o feel their effect. The numbness beaoie infrequent and less severe, when locomotion was easier. Trouble from palpitation decreased and 1 condition of generexperienced a better al health so that 1 felt twenty years younger 1 felt so much better when the sis boxes were gone that 1 discontinued treat- Dexter, Kept LOTS OF FUN. the public school WE ARE EAR BEHIND. o! Paralysis. apture works secretly, but a merchant I slept, and I never knew it!" Yes, and when I was in the Northseeking to capture trade cannot work that way. He must let people know west during the boom," said the man who will never admit that America can what be la after. There are alwaye some things which be outdone, "I had to sleep in a room where the- - were four real estate agents yen can serve a customer at a lower comand one of them stole-- a porous plaster than your or In better shape price ' are you the things fronj my back without awakening me." petitors can. Those want keep before the public. Versatility Is the great desideratum So many people are not at home style la an advertisement writer. One one dish, when a golden opportunity knocks. of tired We on get oj. palls f one scene, of any one pleasure. Arkansas Is shipping cypress shingles Variety Is the spie of Hfo and tho chief- - : Ohio and Pennsylvania, to advertisements. In attraction i n THE SPIKETOWN BLIZZARD. the Editor .Vlsnuged to Rope la th KfiluHint AdrrrtDer "James, said Editor Clugston, of the Splketown Blizzard, go and see what makes that abominable smell. The office boy went and presently came back with the information that somebody- in the neighborhood - was burning rubber. Hiram, said Editor Clugston, see if you can find out wheie that borrtble odor comes "from. The foreman sailed out and sniffed the air. On returning he gave it ns his decided opinion that some cook not far away had inadvertently burned a beefsteak. "You are both light," said Editor Clugston, seizing his peu end beginning to write, his lofty brow afiame with the light of g sudden inspiration. The next number of the Hpiketown Blizzard contained this Item: The frightful smell that permeated the atmosphere last Monday was caused by the occidental burning of ene of those rubber steaks which the restaurant always supplies to its customers. 1F- - S. Unless satisfactory arrangements are made at tho business department of this office this name item will appear In the nxt Issue of the Blizzard with the blank properly filled out. Hour CREAT THOUGHTS. God never wrought miracles to convince atheism, because his ordinary works convince It. Bacon. .Drudgery is as necessary to call onl the treasures of the mind as harrowing and planting those of the earth. Margaret Fuller. , It la only when burden Is added to the, burden oi the weight Is more than. a man can bear. Gecrgff Macdonald. There is nothing so small but that wc may honor God by asking his guidance of it, or ineiUt him by taking it Into our own hands. Ruekln. The talent of success is noihlrg more than doing what you can do well, and doing well whatever you do without a thought of fame, Longfellow, H ymr wish success in life, make perseverance your bosom friend, experience your wise rounse'or, caution your elder brother, and hope your guard im genius. Addison. No one can nsfc honestly or hopefully to be delivered from temptation unices he has himself honestly and firmly determined to do the best ho can to keep out of It. Ruskin. A child of ordinary capacity and destitute of property, but converted to God in childhood. Is frequently worth more to the church than ten wealthy men converted at the moon of life. John Todd.' Honest good humor Is the oil and wine of a merry meeting, and there is no jovial companionship equal to that where the jokes are rather small and the laoghterJs abundant Washington Irving.- What carea the child when the mother rocks It, though all storms beat without! So we, if God doth shield abd tend us, shall be heedless of the tempests and blasts of Hfe, blow they ever so rudely. Henry Ward Befcher. An employment the satisfactory pursuit of which requites of a man that he shall be endowed with a retentive memory, quick and graceful, is the friend and brother of truth, fortitude and tempers&r.-1 Plato. lofty-mind- Itwl Quit SS hvt ' Highest of all ia Leavening rower. the lloj Latest U. S. Govt Report tin 1 ipfctfd. That's all right about them Britishers, said a long 'legged western man to a group of ripomrs, one of whom had told a story of how an Englishman naff been fooled by uome Americans on a train la the fai west by a cry of tram robbers - "Yes, but th don't like the robber busings a hub bit, asserted the reporter. "I reckon not, admitted the Westerner, doggedly. "Leastways, after what j yCCIi ail ,. r ahniilil cay tpnro um one, anyways, that didn't like It over- assess ABSOLUTELY PURE v Woman' Improvoinont An iotcreatlng and worthy A Glow ment has been tried In Minneapolis, t tiew or three year, by the Woman's Improvement League, of Interesting school cluhhen in" the rais- AtHHfuMW-pns- ly. . . What did you do? Scare him out of a year's growth ' Well, no." was the hesitating answer, I reckon it wuza't quite as much Warn Cavern. The rrestevt wonder of the antipodes is the celebrated glow-worcavern, discovered in 1891 in the beui t of the Tasmanian wilderness The cavern, or caverns (there seems to be a series of such caverns in the vicinity, each separate, and distinct, are situated near the town of Southport. Tasmania, in a limestone bluff, about four miles from Iday bay. The appearance of the main ' eswrn is that of n underground river, the entire floor of 'the subterranean passage being covered with water abouts foot and a half in depth. Tbesa wonderful Tasmanian eaves are similar to all caverns found in limestone formation. with the exception that, their roofs and aides literally shin with tha light emitted by the millions of glowworms which inhabit them. CmV Cwk Balaam experi- ing of flowerr. Several IhoilKaud children every year, in certain school grades, are given flower seeds to plant in their home gardens and lawns, and are encouraged by prizes to enter into as that." competition in flower production. Last Tell us about vk, put In the impa- week the president of the league visited the fifty city schools and awarded tient listener. the prizes voted upon by a committee It was this said the westernof inspectors and judges The schools er, in a tone of There were gsily decorated with blossoms was about a dozen of us fellers goln' The seeds are grown by the children. through Texas in a leepln; car, and contributed each year by prominent the only stranger in the lot waa a strap-piseed firms, member of eongress anid big Englishman, with a voice on public-spiritecitizens 1 ha flower him like a bass drum. We got him out mission has awakened a widespread inin the bcav II a III brea up a Cold niMla and It wasnt morn terestinamong the children and encour- 'btfcaetdoatand them a love for the beautiful r laaa anjrUuiK alaa llkalwatarauaMa. Trj U, eighteen minutes til! we was loadin aged nd habits of industry which are likely All lova kat something of I Undue in it, Jilin up to the nock with stories of train to endure. but the lore of niouev trqeHally. robbers and that sort of thing. At first, How's This! If the Baby ta CuttlLg Teein, he kinder quieted down a bit, because udawtlutoM and vcli Utod rvfntdj, Ba& We offer One Hundred Dollars reward we didn't tll no kind of yarns but blood for any case of Catarrh that cannot be Smutr SoetaiM Stave (or CfcUdrm TMtbiacurdlers, but it wasn't long till he had cured by Hall's I'atarrh Cure. Ignorance i le reuioiod trora the troth his second wind, and purty soon ho F. J. CHENEY A CQl. Toledo. O. We, tb undersigned, have known F. than ) rejudice. was braggln what hed do if robbers J. Cheney for tW lat la year, and be Piao'a Core for tousutnption ha oared happened to stop any train he was on. lieve him perfectly honorable in nil me many e dolor bill. 8. F. Itzapx, That's j.st where we wanted Hm at, builnes transaction, and financially Hopkins I'lace, l.altimore, Md., and it wasn't long till we had the Job able to carry out auy obligation mad All that Is human mint retrograd If it their firm. put up with the conductor and the rest byWA1.DINO, K1NNAN A MARVIN, do not advam e of the gang to stop the train and sheer Wholesale Druggists, Tol.'ln, Ohio. .FITS Atl Fit Hopped fere SyJe.KllnOr Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken InternalUw ttmaA) imis kMlflrvr. Ki hiiwlter that Britisher plumb to death and back acting directly upon the blood and luwe fcviMi to hr. agln. It was about 11 o'clock at night, ly, ArUsfeU, mucous surfaces of the system. TestiI reckon, in a mighty lonesome place, monials sent free. Pilce. 75c per bottle. flow D Ofiitro llouftch&td Feitii when the train came to a stop and we Sold by all drugglsta. The most satisfactory way to deal - 1 with Haifa Family rill. tCc. heard a shot outside. That was a sign moths, bedbugs or other housefor me, and I jumped up and yelled flood Vs fur Cheap Dais. hold pests is to fumigate with sulphur, robbers. So did the other fellows, p National Stockman: There is a great the ordinary powder will do, bus suldeal of complaint about tho low prices phur candles are better, and can be two that somehow wasnt around. The next minute a big chap with his for oats, which aie now ia some parts procured from any druggist 1ut the hay. Uqod articles you wish to fumigate in face masked stepped in where we was of tho country a cheap os mean much small, close room, taking care to refor this cereal would prices stuck and his gun right at us. I throwed this to many, as it is about the move all silver or growing plants, as it year up my hands and so did the others, and only cash crop to rely on in tho absence will tarnish the one and kill the other we begged the Britisher not to kill anyof a wheat crop, liut it may bo that in place your lighted candle In a kettle, body, but do like we done. He waa tho long run tho cheupucss of oats will and have the room closed for several hours. All animal life will be meekern a lamb, and put hla paws up prove something of a blessing in There will be a great temptalike a baby. - Then another masked man took the tion this year to throw in the corn at a XaasoBs Stogie Cora Solve. s BfuaeaS M nrw lively rate. Corn, wliUethebft fatnFTWvwvw place of the first one, while he went tening grain on earth, is not a well InidMIyia rto 1 mm,, I through us for our valuables, which we balanced feed, and the cheap oats may God gave every bird its food, but ht does handed out. all but the Britisher. I be used to great advantage in the way not throw it into the nest never knowed Jist how It happened at of a better balanced ration. Shis apBilliard table, second-hand- , for this p'lnt, but the first thing 1 knowed plies especially lo young stock! which, cheapo Apply to or address, li. C. AkK, the Britisher let his two fists go, and as a rnle, get more corn and !rs oats 311 B, I'.th Ht., Omaha, Nsb, than is good for it the two masked men went down in a This Is the very j erfo tlou of a man, to That Joyful Fcallng next and on em the I lick Jlned pile, find out his own iinperievtloDS, rtVewed With of sense the with another feller on top of me, and exhilarating theUern BrltishcFsat flat down on The health and strength and Internal elean- - The Greatest Hedies! Discovery llnesa which follows the use accumulation and called for the peat of of of the Age la unknown to- - Che the gang. Leastwise that was what I haveFigs not progressed beyond the afterwards heard he said, fer I didnt medicines and the- - cheap subatitl know anything fer two hours, and we sometimes offered but never accepted had to git q doctor for tho first two he the well Informed. thought a mule kicked me, and Trialing Kamos on f ralt. The rosy Check of nil apple Is on the they told me afterwards they thought sunny side; the colorless apple grouk llghtnln had struck the train DONALD KENNEDY, OF ROXBURY, MASS., How did he get onto your scheme 7' la the leafy shade. Advantage may be discovered in one of our common Hat sura taken of this to hare pleasant fia-pInquired the reporter. weeds a remedy th.it cures every of stiff for children. pasture A'pieee prise DernejJ If we could ever find out around the apple in thcjfuil kind of Humor, from the worst ScrofuU placed I guess he didnt git on; jist kinder sun will shade it, and if the "Mur J or down to a common Pimple. and took the chances. He had lie. has tried it in over eleven hundred Bobbie is cut in the paper sot hat cases, and never failed except in (wo cases nil the advantage, fer we couldnt shoot the sun can color the apple tliough (both thunder humor) He has now in his him, and he didn't give us time to do these stenciled spaces the little 4ie cun itself for with the possession over two hundred lertifkatev the epple gather any sluggln. of its value, aH within twenty miles of iton the nature name frv.t by printed . How did it finally come out? Boston. Send postal card for book. Meehans self Monthly. fine. When we got to the next Oh, A benetit is alvavs experienced from TVier I Hfiiwrt aid big town we paid for a banquet In his the fitvt botlle.and a perfect cure is n4 no mH g Inuibnsonw ii when the rigid quantity is taken. honor, and before daylight we had iaU pAiuiul UU by 04 Vi terolfigAf ToniA When the lungs are affected it causes cleaned him out of about $3,500 In a is another name for shooting pains, like needles passing draw upstairs. quiet little game-o- f them ; the same with the Liver through Washington Star. That man is a stranger to himself who or Bowels. Tnis is caused by the ducts scml-sadnes- s. d Sr - ' ex-ce- die-gui-- e. KENNEDYS. er ed read no EXCHANGE. took. A mote in the rye will put the who! I find that nonsense at times is wor.d out of joint. II Ism ov te rcoievs ( apoo llli ITInleieoms singularly refreshing. Talleyrand. ibem. (Hit in At nAviHder to many wii Hardin must think that Kentucky liiaJcrovrua ud wo bow atewiy It tkM ikaui eft. platform is a Toledo Wbat male life dreary is asnt of merry-go-roun- d- Bee. Love makes the world so round.but It will not make the eligible young men go round. Puck. As a last resort in her desire for notoriety Zella Nicolaus might pose aa a Holmes victim. Washington Post. It might be as well to remark paron- not mix.- Philadelphia Press. Dont criticise a woman unless you are sure thatyou will never want to marry her, hfew York Evening Sun. REL4GION AND REFORM. John G. Woolley is prominently men- tioned ss the probable candidate of the prohibition party for president In 1896. General Booth held a Salvation Army service In the King's Gardens, Copenhagen, at which there was an attendance cf 6,000 peopleT An missionary In Texas, making his report of a recent month's work, laments that owing to bad weather he was able to preach only 31 times. Last year 242 different young women and girls found help and situations through the Anchorage Mission of Chicago, where 2,000 lodgings were Clven. ' Jewesses of St. Louis have formed the Sisterhood of Personal Service, a charitable organization which will care for the poor of their own denomination and educate their children." The government of Belgium, alarmed by the ravages of the liquor traffic, has ordered that in all school-room- s a printed placard shall be displayed detailing the Injurious effects of alcohol. A missionary preacher records the fact that a young woman school teacher, with a salary of $1,09(1 a year. Is living on half of It and giving the other half for the support of a missionary in China. " In 1812 all Christian teaching was prohibited In India. Now'the govern ment, In appreciation of missions, gives targe sums and valuable lands for the erection bf hospitals and the forwarding of education and missions. being stopped, and always disappears in a week after taking iL Read the label If the stomach is foul or bilious it w iU ouse squeamish feelings at first No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the best you ca.i get, and enough of it Dose, one tablespoonful in water af bedtime.. Sold by all Druggists. Hosts of people go to work in the wrong wny to cure n t St. Jacobs Oil a Yv A A A A A as AA illtlllllllllllllll iiuiiiiiiiniiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii C 1 1 CABLED FIELD AkD STEtL WES PICKET FENCE. AIM lAttLKb FblLfRY. OARUKH AB RAKUIT Kalb Fanco Co., FENCE. mtK. titieto Him r)Ht rotrtnttt tsry frr a eoeipirte IIm el Knoofb Wirt ytnetntf Wt eU4- - It yarn fvntdfr qvkadt jr tr eta ntrt jom tBOBty D EH HUS 121 H,8:-lEeic- ill. ALB Keep She Baby Fai. Cat Sraitra, Ga., May 21, 1894. a living skeleton. The doctors said he was dying of Marasmus. Indigestion, etcr The various food I tried seemed to keep hint alive, but did not strengthen or fatten him. At thirteen months old he weighed exactly what he did at birth eeven pounds. I began using Scotts Ekcuuok, sometimes putting a few drops in his bottle, then again feeding it with a spoon; then maragain by the absorption method of rubbing it into his body. The effect was velous. Baby began to stouten and fatten, and became a beautiful dimpled boyt a wonder to alL Bcorrs Ekuleiok supplied the one thing needful. Mas. Kekso Wixjuuka My baby was Scotts Emulsion useful for 6ickly, delicate children when their other food fails to nourish them. It supplies in a concentrated, easily digestible form, just tho nourishment they need to build them up and give them Oil made palatable and easy to health and strength. It is Cod-livwith combined the Ilypophosphites, both cf which ar assimilate, nutrients. most remarkable Is especially er Donttbe persuaded ta accept a substitute Scott A Bownc, New York. AlMDroggists. 50c. and 51. f |