Show Till IIIIAII At 7 oclock the bonfire were HjliteJ I A huge man of wood had been deposited and glare l In proper sealed nt the Intersection Inter-section of every street from the court i home kill to the bonier llnoof lloyti llle and when they were under Kood l heulnaytho stUTttanJ city were aglow It 101lk1 M II the city was ablate and the light from the time was 10 tlronit that one could lee to pick up n pin A lore immlxir of npproprluto trans parencleo teen prepare and with a man of cltlrenn carnlnir torchon forun1 hehhulllo l land lee by citizens on horMuacV carrln site stars and trlpe < tho much to the courllimite was taken up 1 Tho rain and mow that cane down at tide time had no ltlblo effect en the numbera that Jolne1 nor on their spirit and cnthutlmm aged men nod women young ladle men mid children wet In line anti deafening cheers were lent up all nlyng the line At the courthouie they went 1 I wild Thedoor weio thrown open and nil that could gain entrance marched up the stale nnd to the music of the bund kept ducat In n march around the roam It U nellIe to tar that tea Inch I crowd will ever again aicmble In this structure and If the courthouse sulfur no strain nor showed A weaknei under I tills Immunic Iron It li perfectly safe I for nil time to come Alter order had been In a degree restored I re-stored bn I Alma KMrilju from the courthoute event delivered n lUomln ntu address appropriate style and well ihoten words Ho racehed repeated re-peated applause Then they marched downugnln the ranki gradual swell hit ai the lino proceeded On Center street the luuul itop > edand for an hour plajed felcctlonn while the crowd formed u circle nod marched around them thenthe Ihe program was flnlslted 1 by u grand ball In the Imlllon ard that building wits limply packed It woe ncelebmtlonuf which Cnalvllle Justly feel proud It was a credit to all who took part III It and All feel Hood that they were hero MITCH Ono of the features of II e occasion and one that desertes > p I < clal mention I fill n cake n fac simile of the courthouse court-house made by Mill Annie Thomas ft I pleco of which was presented to TIIK TIIIse and which will be kept ut a soiuenlr Tho fires on the hill made pretty picture Tlio oonrthouiv trnmparony inailo Iy 1 Messrsiwirge lleordund A KMIIihell coca splendid piece of work Kmtiling l wont orTtmootlily Wo leave giant cnuw to rejoice II tliero woo any nines on our bucU It wan pretty well nibbed off |