Show IKT va iitoiitiss Sow that 1114 eoimty 011t Ii I mil fur I I all dim lunmm low lint Ilio teleplionu line It iiitonil let ni look to oilier Im proemenl l thllt Mn i III till line olad tmiumient lull l hllt to I tlill mm uiunlly PoraiiHHt nuiotiK the miinjr tlilnct llmt prswnt llicmwlvit It I rho iuettlon oln water t powvrn mnllerTiu TIM hmmcnllonwl lirluiv and ono hat we loliollra Unit we tluill keep Mive Ilio pooplo l until II hAl bra n iilnviifulljr 1 rarrtrd ant rutt4111 newlt n nnler lower fur M an 10 nn 1111 I It needs in take Y ya ayjrpgta ulrhw1 nr1o1w11a attradT iCeeu n < and which It WM undoubtedly Inteinleil lioilld IM ntllli d No city njnlil put III watvrwotki tuo cheaply IliitnConUlllc litany eltle mould give thotiiutidt lor the opportunities we luvo at our wy door All llvn clues iliould have n good nytlein ol waterworks In the tint place a 0104 ol water wotki could to eiUullihe1 that will me llie illlient tlmei III rot It would pro o u f untold vuliui In caic nt tire It would nlfer Indurementi small nmnuftitorlfiiU would bring cupltul luroi would cans ln eitm < nti that would optii up I itunjr tonne olein lomollt lit would tnako tin t nlt ty ceiullllon ol the city perfect unit It would make ioiillilo tuuny Improve menu Hint cinnot IM ronilJeriHl until alter mho Hlcr orki are In Deration Tho inn ijucttlon lout that tucli ttepiwtlliooner or later IK I taken and lltlili city and her cltliiiu do not om drace III npKitunlty cillicut of other lutwlltlei llldoiM I and II the latter IKJ mho care TOil Illay ilo < nd upon It Coal rlllo will pay dourly for tier neglect JcL rtllIIO oulilde rompmiy build theN the-N ork and then what nil tppcnie It will U to ho propvity ovtnet In tlio way ol water rent1 TiiETixw Ii I niulwutu i 50 HID truer I steps taken p It Ii I mixloui that dwlvlllw should own lit own wntcrwoiki awl It lloo do < M not ilie ami 1 the only lito i tilainv Alter we get the waterworks so slit elTe you lamctliliii ttlw Perhaps I tlvctrlc light street ilupraleuteut10 |