Show OFFICIAL DIRECTORY TrRHlnIRI bred IY i lt I Nat = = c l ltr1 041aJeds e A Y r1 J N M A k AutMr It 1 TAyrs I 111 > U11tki1 H IMf74Ml UOto 1I1ftoI tH ifjiim fuk lIm 10 llMl > tiblrit < 11 w swIllt 1 Jwlli nclllUIlM n W Hlt r JoHU lUl IHIIX w ii KJ ai mUTI Judi 1 44Y 1 A4 114Judi wtltt ia4kt 1r II fi 1414 A41w011 u0ketr 441 0kta MwnR Jlli Ilauit H r Trcnt JIL IlMlat YnNM4 1110 1 ii 4arnyr A1M1Iff Jana 1i1L Ta 41 awl IIoltetllOtp IIlI4 wlth Ik 140 aA 11 VITI 11144 1 Ndht Ill i r lIIJ 1 TnurW Thoaat If JMituw i a C I Mlrw l oft f rM I rIC I illrc401t l 01 y II 1 Lewlsi Mwa10 tk a 1 n ia You can Mrn f Nell day Klvln i l our MiMiliilrijr lndl + penabie kotiwlioM l irllcla away Maw plan ol work roiling roil-ing Mpirlenif iinnucviiary and tuMefi 1 evrUln for richer 54o In any nocllon ample dotoli tm Ctfllt itlten Ireliilit iwld Aililrw Mclrfto Mfg III I I Co II Mclrnta I tih I I Tin niKti ItNtiiKt James I lr nri Hlcrm iiClil zo urt I IMitril Dr Kliui Sen 0 11 I coven man Iderl Innncrt for Cough Coldt alll l 11101 I CnmnliilnU linvlni mwd It In my iam lfull fur the font Ate ynro In the rxrlul I lon of pliv > IHan > p Mriptloni or other ptepttmllont Iliv John Ibirvnf Kvokuk latin wrltei 1 hiTe lwi > n u mlnltter of tliv Mrthollil rpiwoiml hutch Ion ro reart or more and hare nor uinul nnjrlliln MI lnetlclnl I or Hint 1110 me Midi tpredt rM m Dr king New IH > riery Try tlilt lilcnlCoujli Kdiiwlv I now Trial Inlllct Ifo at John hoyden t imii limit itirc LEGAL NOTICE 44 Tilt IKOIUTK LOUHT IN XU roll 1111 the Iotintt of Hmnmlt 41 Territory vl Ilh In She mtit ol lllMil lovB11 trrxotl lhrrtr ftr niki UWWH i lux llranr tru > Thorn lnpty toJ 1 Mini Min-i Inc oh ll llil till noun llMlr r ptel lt I wllllooi Mlllnc fnrlh Ikul Mk of o U tmotn IoJIl r + nup nls of tl10 lollt of IM wMt hall 4 41 luihvnl iii > nnol f > MtlM 1IIh owmiM t north ii KIIW liVf Ni 14 Irk MHUIiniU vno Mot lOacrllad 111 OId petition H w rin < ltnr nf 414 ifJa l run trrinrr of a4 1W portkMMol I04 l UI ol4tH Iii tw w inlcnovl l tlwMli i tpMnr Wfan lh ltwbn lourtol Avmrnlt ruiltttr C1Ih1 III II tbtwiilhauwlnlhn Cllfol ttMlfflt l In Mid munmlt nnitilx bn 101117 the T11 day if R IM mi < ri I04 mf 4mk an 044104 ilwn KI MIUW r u why lh lutt110411100041 l tri nut mat > Mute Ind iWlim toMll Klllliir rl llM U i Ill < U < 4 rvu ugh > 41eitlnnra the Uivli ilwriM In ul I 411 linn It U filrtliKf nfilrnil IlKI tHU niMln In I tT 1 > nlrtM Mlhlllinl f IllTHI lii4IVIUII TlHM a I 1 po tili iror 0411perluut 1Iu1I 4I1J h 1 ko pmtlOl 1014 I 7 b by of Ur1vmlwr1104 IOoY aultn rowW Judas I lulxl IhU Mb ilijr T l Numlr W + I 1HIIA1n 041tt11IteAT T 44 M 11nler I mil rl I 0114 An 4w o 00 1 m lRTlr4lV lh > liutrlrt I imit 14W I Tllll 1 I jiulli nl llltrfrt of Ihf 1 > rrll t > J I 01 I h all ll Mltiml > llc uV II HID liulll ilixir ill II aunty iuartha In Hi iliuf wnrllt nmutaf Dummll itiJ Trrrilai ol Utah 1e t4 1 0rw11 1 II Ik1 LY4t l C4f I will m A l fn nllath lilluHiii lr4 > rt lniOM r Ti n wnthi tiurWTi < lthe nmTliMit qfl 4lfl the natthitrtl iiiKrtrr ul lb MHtbMtl itun > ruli Mlldn Yurrln 1 township I j MJ t nth ltI m rlre fVtiu 711uIke mk Ul anJ I k r u1Ramn a r rmurr l1 040th hlpIr 4 mtna ToDe 110 l 41 1ral i 11114Na41n ulM 1 n 1u aI1 ro0t 1114 Y l Jal UwO of U I analRwnh akuK TrmofIlr ta I AT i 11411141 II Marsha liJ II l IN Iroh l II7 1400 Input nihsi II suvraWt il j IJth W i 1111 n1UnUy for iUlniiir Dr J J CHAMBERS Physician and Surgeon Office first door south of Coal yule House Coalvillc Utah JAMES H IIOSMHU M I > 1 lh lrluii and Suriron I Clljr tjuurniillnr 1lijrtlilin CoalvllU I InoflUo at rtlllioiirtcxuit 10114 noav OillnHiid retldencu nt Illiam IU > I oniuld retUleniv < OSCAR F LYONS Notary Public and Conveyancer Collection i Promptly made on CoiiiiulMlon 0 lmrlaIn rovroiiici 1111111 l IIMII summit Count fialt TINSHOP Homeiiimle Tinware Slut Pipe Hath Tubs Garden Sprinklers Galvanized Iron Ztne Copper and Sheet Iron Work etc made anti Repaired by Joseph Jones TINNER Shop one block cast of Stake House Coalvillc Utah MRS HE RHOADES iI I i Fall Millinery I i Having just returned front a I purchasing trip I now have the IiUt st line of Pall Millinery ever brought to Coalvillc Call in I I I I and w it I All tho Latest Novelties I i I I Large amount of good Rag i I Carpet for sale chtap I Nevv iliipinent of latest style in hats every ten days II 7Ylieat and oU taken in exchange for goods i MRSM 1 K RlfAOOES i WIII aatlKk I 4114 Iultlk lIeul i 1 Ia Irt JI I 1I 1 I Eono eat OIRat maot IQike1 f IOS sTOIinil IllOI Choicest Meats in i the County and prices as low as the lowest e PACIFIC HOTEL ECHO Hoard by day week or mouth Special rates to limiting and Halting parties Good accommodation accom-modation for transients JOS STOKER Prop HEALTH 401 ACCIDENT INSURANCE F idelilglluiual > > lid llssq n yon Francisco Cat Hill mi < ivrs rii int 11111 111 ate11111 0 Ih 1004 01 0r 1 1atlu 1 10101411112 04140411 All able I u work h 1 lut 4011 4r41uM11 1 tlll fit iiln you ro 1tckluMty klllAtl t 1 l11Awrlllti tI 11 unM 4 rk 1111 Itt elm 1Wfmrrlx a m L II 1 TIII ri u run nrn rr 010 Laileraw hdlr l vliCniH1 K IlloTlVrrio ilJVw nun Urutau paInt I no rt mMWmbp hw > ml 4iM of HI AII iwr montli LIFE INSURANCE 11111ur l tmlll 11af Lll IllMltAlhr I4IU 4iW 1 I hum Will > A In saw of deahud atoor nllioilMr iiumlli fur KrlUiil 1 uj I Fil Iw llrrr Mld ni VHcr iylnt linio it ikilh nr h I olio > t Hit vu I u II ynn 111111 r mouth furmiltl utirtlvkiif m IF INSURED Yon 9un1t I III 1 71111 lurom whin y1 aro Mod ir iiUiliM I l tirltiut I Till IIIIPIlT MITI U Mil IS 141 t4T1114la otnlllf 1I IAnaI 11 Moot Anltl < utmid llalll AOlalmin IA IV rnilil oat It hMlh tiilfvJ 9ah 41Ht 0111 t1 lb o44 allrel 11 Illuurl whh h 0 WttMt Hltll 011 mpl llrwr 1111 l larr awa make > Uii rllA < 1114 ul tb HillilHr ol Ito Nato li 10 toneu4r loIiJ l yrnf4 Illl l llriV Ito I I Aafnc fu Mull IAml lj > ll lumiirt lltuirtmtiit tl s 1iwrti Iliilhl inj Vltt iMte lily It lah V M Iliuiro Tlmri unur I > rnl Agl If i llIiJII a I i Caratl0JTradirkObla injilirl I buunttt canducttU lor MODCHATK i ici i remotl Ind i Kt orriec loom on tc it orpotiTc i t pi ni la Uc 1m B piTiNTOrnct Unit Ulu Digit bJ mold I drawmt Or halo with dncrlp JllwJ11 S Vit tJrlit7l i hen abr or not lut at Hhutl Our 111 not dui till piltnt u rdA > 5 rd-A ra M MUTllowtoOlilnritnuwiih JcoVl Vl MOI I nib USU4 lutniacauDUUt I Mat lltt AllJtM iCASNOWCO I Orr parNT Orne WII41ton O C I t1 k CAVEATSTRADEMARKS I COPYRIGHTS lAM t OIITA1N A JIUTFNT rain pmm 4 nfwer 14 an hNiel nplnnm I wilt tr MIInN tt r1ino V la II th 1 tr buinfw hwliwt rtf Omuruiininu nhy rr rt llor1 Mrlrtlf e nn liuuX A IlimdbiioU uf In lnaall 514104 101104a 004 lrm lrMac liVutllutdiuiI tl kal 4Mna mi Ukm tnronihn > iarm A Co nntrf lioat leaq lh 14fe AakitWa1041 n tMciftlttotlr lnttj Hrviillllr I < Amrrrrnnind Ira ro DraO E Donwn wuUO wttb Out nrl t lb lnrutw Tma uliMlld M 0 Naal 14u1117111uanla 1D faM ubt IarrMl rircuUluui ot nr tclrntldc nork la tfat I flf Err f W r Ibd1 l 1rty 0a Uaiblnf Iwlllliiu rannlblf t u ymr Hlntlt t Ii DUmlr nmr InD au I IPYI Dlalw Iq rvl0n and lr Otrtt fPi p PtMiHw wllb plftiu MLllnr Vullil ri Add + how tit at Irma rue nntna r nJaN A nA t rWlu1iii jut iiHoii BOYD ENJR U STORE 1 Prescriptions Filled HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE STATIONERY COAL VLLE PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY By purchasing your supplies iu Home Made Articles Prom the COALYILLE COOP We keep a full line of the following constantly on hand Mens Homo Made Suits A complete line of Mens Ladies and Childrens Home Made Hosiery The Solomon pros and 7 C M I Homo Made Shoes The celebrated Irovo Home Made Overshirts Uudrrwenr IMauneli Liudseyi Illankets Yarns and Homo Made Silk Handkerchiefs Etc In the Grocery Department We carry the renowned Grant Companys Homo Made Soaps K J Knights unequaled Home Made Laundry Bluo We handle Gustavcsons famous Home Made Axle Grease Tuckets delicious and pure Home Made Candies The Utah Slaughtering Cos unadulterated Homo Made Leaf Lard A full and complete stock of Homo Made Brooms HOMi MAfilJ Iickles HOMU MAIm Crackers HOME MADE Cheese etc and the celebrated Reed Bros HOME MADE Harness with a complete line of HOME MADE Harncsi Extras And act but not least we haven beautiful assortment of HOME MADE Babies Cloaks Dont forget we arc a HOME MADE Ifirm and give us a call and leant our prices before purchasing elsewhere Kcspcctfull COALVILLE COOP Maggie Salmon Ladies I respectfully call your attention to lilY new stock of Winter Millinery the most beautiful assortment yet received The latest in high crown Sailors niul Walking Hat Trimmings etc etc I have endeavored to meet the demands of the ladies of Coalvillc and vicinity by placing in stock a complete com-plete line Underwear Hosiery Caps Fascinators Hoods Bonnets Shoulder Shaw Gloves ami lit tem Conplexion buaht and Toilet Articles I have a fine assortment cit ViulersmtH for the very little flue just whut they need to keep them warm Also a nice line of lufnnt Long Cloakn and Children Short Coats for winter Call and sec what I hac for tie comfort of yourselves and little ones You will find that my prices and quality qual-ity of goods will compete with any in town l > rcmakillj ill there the-re yrllsJUL I1iu Ump ctfullv M 1 R SALMON Dr W VISICK 41f DENTIST TAKE NOTICE I have permanently located in Coalville Office one door east of Times Office Watch this advertisement for dates of visits to other localities COAL Alwavs On Hand at the WASATCH MINE Lump 200 Stove 125 1 TiiiLoiIo S Prmlllltif N o O I r I PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Weber Coal Dept O S M Co No1ice In connection with our line of DRY GOODS GROCERIES HARDWARE NOTIONS SHOES ETC We will carry a stock of MACHINE EXTRAS which we have ordered direct from the factor for all kind ot mowers and binders that are used in this section of the country We alto carry wagons mowers binders aud hay rakes and many other thing Call and get j our prices before purchasing purchas-ing elsewhere as we defy competition G W ROBT YOUNG Wanahip |