Show W Aim Informix that tcmal 1 01 our llenefcr tcadori eel 1 hurt over the B = urnsr nppe4ulnson our cartoon In lat week hone thinking that It wai meant ni n fling at that town Tilt TIUM however onn INUre nil surf that no dltfMpeit whatever sal In twidnl The whale aUalrum prliiteJ In a iplrll elfun and no thought 01 A Sing WAr entertained Till TIMUI ha Dover he4 I any grievance afilnit any town ur ommunltT It boldt none In thin iiiitame It believe and pracllcet the l elirf that every man It an independent inde-pendent dtlun will the full and free Ijht to ciercUo hit fnineliloo It doit not quarrel with anyone In the prartlte of IheM prlnHpl It erinlendi that I deny man hat i the rtxlit to lilt own opinion am 1 thrxiM be left to Ml rxi hit ion i-on Ju > liiiient amt 1 therefore Tin Tuw In Hilt Intlanra It not unllly of even the lioHiiht ol hoMIn anyone any people I up to ridicule far doliu wlut In IIIpl I inlginent they thought bent XV en eiror ID I art aemnllnit to our eonrle lion and certainly have no fault lo I find with how whoio Ihe wine We lell > rn we hare ample reef of the accuracy at horse itatementt oral alto of the fact that Till Till hat nt hv tube found I ault at the action of the HOfteol Henelerotmirother town i |