Show LIOHT ON TilE LAST IU Of II Klnjlh Itrllfnl of halo rllnrr olleae Rev George 11 Smith the very able president of the nglo ChlneM foliage nt Ioochow left New York for that field about 1S83 The college II I ono ot the foremost edueitilonsl InitllutlOM of China 1rctlou to III pitabllihmeut t I I I x nuv tno n SMYTH 1 the youth of Koorhow were practically Ignorant of nil the Western science Now Mr Km Ih has tinder his ehnrge some hundred or more students well trained who will be nbo on reaching manhood to take their places among tho educated men of the world Mr Bmylh Is I a man ot raro attainments Ills maiihe taro and broad brow express ex-press the dignity of his niture while bin smoothshaven chin Indicates an unswtrvlng Inflexibility ot purpone Yel wllhal he lini a most gentle kindly kind-ly I nature which endears him to his pupils and makes him tho friend ot every European resident at the port whnlecr Ms race or creed lie Is ably assisted In his work by his estimable wife Mrs Alice Hnrrls Bmylh |