Show QUARTERLY CONFERENCE I Md In Upltlll Btutly iul amlay l lataynnpl at troeehlInca iuarterly conference was opened on the morning of tho Uth with H hymn by tho choir alllllUor by Klchard Itlrch Trcildenl Clllif made the ox > nlns reIn utaeke re-In a very appropriate manner It woe moved anti carried that the Stake lr ildency ask the First Iretl dency of the church to grant the privilege of holding conference en Sunday Sun-day and Mutidnv Initcnd el Saturday and Humhy ni heretofore commencing w Itli the next quarterly conference Thomas Copley then gave a short and Interfiling talk and the morning io > lun close Ua jngtug the 1Yxlogy jwue itlctGun by Connr111arWtlmatPtdudae vrttnsooi KCKIOX Aflernooii icrvlcei conventd at 210 IreilJeigt butt prmldlng Meeting opened with nhvmn by choir and prayer br Thomaii Hall Illihop Walker of Ieon polleIIIII ward ae progrerilng anal born hli heath mony to the truth of the gospel IlUhop Ilrottnot Evanston rvi irted his ward favorably and tinted there had been no change the part thret I I month I AK > itlu A II Cannon wan the next quaker and held I nut much encourage1 I I tnrnt to thin Saint They were pro grilling and would continue to do 10 I II Kdwnrd Stevenson of Salt Jake alto I delivered nn Intereitlng addreu alter I I I which the meeting cloicd with I n long by the choir and benediction byKd I Inond Kldre < lge HNIIVY UOIIMMI Service opened 1 nt 10 ocloik Iml dent Cluir prenldlng Hymn by choir I graver by lllihop Wnlkcr of Pena I lllihui Jowph Wright of Conlvlllfl I AlI Wnrd reporttd 101 ward ni being In A proiiwrouirondltionand the health of the people very good that than meet Inll acre better attended late than for some time Edward Htcvcnion ol Salt Lake followed fol-lowed 1 with nil address that was highly npprctlutcd and by peinliilon of Apostle 1 A II Cannon and the Stake 1reildtMicr mado nn appointment for thin High Irltit and beventlei lore main n kliort time niter lima close ol ier viceThe The morning iciilon closed with nn nnthem lIm < llclloli b TholnAlleli miCKMIOS rather Convened at 2 oclock with n large ntlendaiiLC Opened with hymn prayer by Illihop llrown otKvnniton Sacrament win then iidnilnliternl by Kldern r II Wright lloUrt Walker Amos iSargent Leroy Holt M P llnrrli and Jauie llrldge President Clulf regtto tied all the hlehop of tie varloiu ward to have n full itallilical report of tnclr ward al the quarterly conference that bits wai the meeting when tint prettdency and itake officers ihould be sustained butt but-t that It I could not he done owing to tho absence of than shake clerk and it would J hnye tote postponed I until the next conference Apostle A 11 Cannon itnted that nt the pricitliood meeting held Immediately Immedi-ately after the morning icrvlce Initruc lion were ahen them on punctuality He alto endoried the remark offered President Chug the prevloit speaker Councillor I I Alma Kldredge made a brief announcement to the audience and conference adjourned with an I anthem by the choir and benediction by Andrew 1eterion of Wanihlp |