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Show J U ST LI K E MRS. LOGAN, is said IndeeiTto be an enthusiast In HIRAM KINGSBURY. favor of a alliance, hut Teels that such a result can only bo C bines College. OUR CUSTOMS PENETRATING attained through the development of HE IS THE FATHER OF THE Rev. George B. Smjth. the, very able the commercial relations of the two The ' Anglo-Chlneempire. of Collwgo the FLAG AMERICAN LAW. president countrl's and the creation of common at Foochow, left New York for that lntrrfots. A Aerlcnnieed Kui4 flat Intlre field about 1883. The college is one of la trod ii red th Hill Compelling Ih C harf 0f Government Rallmny Inlfr-lri- e the foremost educational Institutions of JUDGE-STUbNParochial fcthco.n'ia lllltiois to Dle-ptTHE LATE establishment to Its China. Previous Why ill lunolrlrt' la I Old School During Glory I rre.L A re tw.un.las Identical, Long soil Itrful I. It ir a Hint Au.li.bl H I Right. Hour Belie Mvntlemaa. ct the United States ..IE portrait given Ex Justice Com i William Strong was bora IRAM n. KTNC3-bur- y 7) herewith Is that of Lof the Illinois aol at Soituia, Connecticut, May 6, 1808, -l Prince Mich He was a sun ot Rev. WlUlam L. Strong, .Suta Senate Ivanov itch - Klul-kofli esbyterlan minister, si lately came Into the recently ap- a lu. puhliceye aa author and received hli education at Yale Colpointed by the Czar Vvjl of a bill compelling MinLter of Ways lege,. from which Institution he was all denominational graduated in ISIS, Until 1S32 be was Communicaand la In teaching lu a school schools to float the occupied means which tions,, American flag from that on him will de- Connecticut, employing hla leisure In reading law. In that year he 9 A. m. until 4 volve the task of hours was admtrrcd to Yale as a student la m., except on Satgithe completing urdays and Sun gantic railroad enterprises inaugurated the law department, and In the autumn Senator Kingsbury was born In during the reign of Alexander ill-- . In- of the swine' year helteeante a member cluding that greatest of them all, the of the bar. Soon after, he removed to Meigs countv, Ohio, April 3. 1840. In n line. As his face some- Reading, Pennsylvania, and practiced 1848 his fitber Immigrated to Illinois what indicates. Prince Khilkoff Is In law in that city as a profession. He and located at Mount Carmel, where many respects an Americanized Uus was a democrat by political faith, apd soon after his mother died, and Hiram staji, and owes his present position to obtained early recognition from his went to lire with an uncle near Frlenda-vlll- e, the piactlcsj experience he obtained party, occupying several municipal offWabash county, Illinois. In 1848 while working many years ago In the ices and taking an Interest in education. his father married Mary Ann Henlsee, widowed daughter of Rev. John Dolla-- humblest ea p j ( Ity 0 hTTiTTu rod d s of In WdfieTras'eteeteirby the democrat this country, writes V. Gribayedoff in of Berks county, Pennsylvania, repre- han, who lived five mile north of REV. GEO. BT SMYTH. Lawrence county, Illinois, Leslies Weekly. Pfdnce Khilkoff comes sentative to Congress, a position In the youth of Foochow were practically of an old Russian nobler family. Born which he gave such satisfaction that he and settled at Pralrleton, In the eastern . arthe end of his term. border of Richland county, where Ignorant of all the Western sciences. late In the thirties, he entered the was Now Mr. Smyth has under his charge corps of In hla teens, He was chairman of tbe"CommIttee on Senator Kingsbury grew up to manImperial Pages some hundred or more students, well and In l33 received his appointment Elections In the House, and filled sev hood, working In his fathers store and trained, who will be able on reaching In the Guard. After serving several on the farm until he was of age. Ills education was obtained in the old log -years he started on a trip around .the ARE THEY AN IMPROVEMENT ON SKIRTS? BLOOMERS SEEN IN NEW YORK. schoolhouses common In the country at world, accompanied by his former Tutor, Mr. Zimmerman. It was on this that time, and bo was compelled to occasion that he first visited the United walk three miles each day to and from -sStates, and so profoundly was he imchool. Oct 19. 1864, Mr. Kingsbury married Miss Josephine McGlffln at pressed by American Institutions that when, upon his return to Russia, he Olney and has been a resident at that found the family fortunes .seriously Implace ever since, with the exception ot seven years residence at Flora, 111., paired as a result of the emancipation of the serfs, he decided to cross the during which time he claimed Olney as his home. Mr. Kingsbury enlisted Atlantic a Becond time in search of the at the outbreak of the war In Company opportunities denied him at home, D. Eighth Ttllnola infantry, ' the 'first Thcte early struggles In a strange land, the language of which was unfamiliar company to leave the county. In the to him, he has pathetically described In three months service. At the end of an autobiography published some years his enlistment, his health being broken ago. Ho first secured work ns a fireman down, be returned home and was con- on the Erie road, and presently rose to fined to his bed for nearly three years. bo assistant engineer. While la this He has held a number ot Important capacity he learned of the demand tor positions of trust, among which are; locomotive hands In South America, Express agent, three year"? city treasand succeeded in obtaining passage to three urer, six yeart--beln- g Peru on a South American coaster. He STRONG, consecutive terms; police magistrate, met with many disappointments at the era! other responsible offices, but de- four yeara, and a member of the board outset of this usw venture, but In course clined an offer of renomlnatlon for a of supervisors one term. Ills duties of Ume, by dint of perseverance and fi- third termr He resumed active practice were always discharged with honor to delity, was promoted from fireman to at hi law office upon hla return to pri- himself and to the entire satisfaction assistant engineer, from that to chief vate life, and gained such distinction of bis constituents. He is an honorTHE LATE JUSTICE STRONG., engineer, and finally to superintendent able, upright Christian gentleman, and of the rolling stock. He now bethought that in 1857 he was elected a ludge of would acorn to dq a mean or unkind himself of the old country, with It huge Supreme court of Pennsylvania for the act During his residence at Flora be area and paucity of railroads, and de- term of fifteen years. After Voiding was elected city clerk one term and termined to return and devote his serv-ice- s that place for eleven year be rwdgned also alderman one term. ts its welfare. Still, with the Idea October 1, 18C8. Hla retireraeni from manhood to take their places among Mr. Kingsburys family consists of the educated 'men of the world. Mr. pf perfecting hla knowledge In the pro- public business was not long, hoiever, portunities afforded American woman fession be had adopted, he stopped on for in 1870 he was named by PreAdent to broaden the field of her usefulness Smyth la a map of- rare attainments. bis way back for a whole year at Liver Grant as associate judge of the Utited and develop her Intellectual powers HU massive face and broad brow exwithout doing violence to her heart or States Supreme court in place of Jirttae press the dignity of his nature, while chin indicates an tale smooth-shave- n lessen lag her- - love of home and fatuity. Grier, resigned. lie was a member if th tribunal which panned upon 'J I eay all hall the new woman. unswerving Inflexibility of purpose, constitutionality ot tho legak-tn4- r Yet, withal he has a most gentle, At the same time I feel that a word to hla acta, and it was charged that he pad him endears us be who caution of given by might chosen for the place by Grant with of been friend him the makes and line In have crossed the pupils the purpose of insuring a dethe express at resident port, the every and European by discipline experience to that legislation. Be favorable U cision He creed. or race his ably whatever of lire. shou.d condition They as It Strong opinion Judge may. that estimable assisted in hla work by his slop and Inquire why the eligible young wa given In support of the act In man of does not seek tho young wife, Mrs. Alice Harris Smyth, question. Judge Strong my fairly be woman and contract early marriages as said to have been, t the time of hi in the days of yore. Our girls are jut A Cat Story. death, the oldeat man of national Imas beautiful and should be more accomMay I add to your animal stories a In the country. Hla reputaportance plished because of the superior advanstriking instance of th it spirit of Jeal i'll fyf. was achieved, too, without reflection hone! or on tages of education and chances of acall ousy which Insists character. He his personal tion upon not the Are quiring accomplishments. writes a reader of the London Spectawas a layman, respected and honored, . i mothers to blame because of the Imtor. I had a cat which had long been and the rechurqh, the in Presbyterian of methods and all rearing received wrong practical an Inmate of the house and ports of hla good work as a Christian their daughters, and sons, too, for that the attentions which It Is well known and philanthropist are not a few. He matter, especially among the wealthier old maids lavish on such animals. lent support by personal advice or one classes? more than were Finding the mice hard men financially to the American Tract Sowork Shrewd, enterprising MICHAEL L KHILKOFF. amass large fortunes and acquire fame. ciety, the American Bible Society, and Jv the Salvation Array. He was not a with mechanic a an lor look about companion ordinary pool, workings They SENATOR KINGSBURY. -sbu-thmachine-showealthy man, hut had freely given of id A locomotive whom to spend their days and honHe held the The story of Khilkoff brave fight what he possessed. fruits of their labors. They esnno till f.dmahle wife, three eon and degree of Doctor of Laws from hr daughters. One son, th oldest in a twinkling lay aside the habits of against adversity preceded hhn to Rus- orary of ths children. Is dead. One of his sia, and his return was markcd liy an La7aeite 'UMTegCTetintytvanlarfrotn industry aucF moderation In attendance immediate appointment as superinten- Princeton, and from Yale, sons Is now studying law In Olney, and upon the frivolities of society, not even Railroad. He dent of the Kursk-Klefor the sal e of the wonf)hu o. their another Is filling a position filled this post honorably for several choice. Tackor of Virginia, Western Union Telegraph Companys Consequently they - hesitate transferred about marrying any of the bewitchlng-l- y IL St George Tucker was elected to office In Olney, year, and was afterwards to the more Important Moscow-Rlaza- n beautiful pud purposeless young congress from Virginia last November, Mr, Kingsbury Is an earnest and ach war and will take hla seat for the first time tive member of the Presbyterian line. When the women they meet because they hnojr ha waa .chair insatUblaatealra. t o..iMn,Un waaL.1 at Ihe 'coming 'B&sslon of tfae national church, ' find always make it hi duty ; Red Cross the Empresss special He we are pleaded tcrchll our best society Legislature. He Is s Virginian In evwv to "practice- what he preaches. train. Kbllkoff's greatest service to his a been Hence they not infrequently shock thia republican all his life, and, hat same society by marrying some worthy country consisted In his superintendwhile he la not a politician, he Is la ence of the construction of a short line young woman who la engaged in th' sympathy with th common pecpl and of railroad extending from Mlchaelovslt latidiblc business of earning br living does his duty as he thinks best for the on the Uasplan Sea to Klsll-Arva- t, whole people. Mr. Kingsbury accepted often by pressing the keys of the igwhich enabled General Skoboleff to noble typewriter. the nomination for state senator after transport the Russian forces to Gook-Tpseveral leading republican politicians The sons of the wealthy class are n the great strongfor the mest part quite as impractical of the district had refused, they thinkhold. It was thus that the foundation and 'far mors extravagant than thilr ing It would be ajiopelese racejn a n was laid to the railroad, democratic district, and one that had pretty sifters. They are brought up In now an accomplished fact, senate. Idleness aadjarcleal attempts at learnalways next field of Khllkoffs was with or Mr, Kingsbury accepted Bulgaria business a profession, Nevertheless, ing activity. His ability a an executive no idea of following either; expecting the nomination In good faith and made be invited to Prince by caused him a thorough canvass of the four counwith the money they will inherit from In 1882, to acsome rich man's and government. Leopold's fathers their ties comprising the district Cra ford, cept the portfolio of Minister of Ways Lawrence and Richland and daughter they propose to marry to Jasper, I suppose that we cat could attend to, I secured a kitten and Communications and of Commerce if else. time elected gambling. nothing was their yachting, by 782 majority, while the spend two My cat and A grleultnre. He performed his wished to keep-t- he of the ticket was elected by "the -ishpold be poorly clothed, as we ar, for and rest tfavetlng awd living at clubs .falanwas indignant and in very plain onerous duties in a manner to win the democrats by 775 majority. and otter countries, , eventually dying 3thp love of country. We should endure fed as guage requested the kitten to of all political partiea, and to to nor fame the it1"! be fortune that regard neither poorly suppose Senator Kingsbury la a firm believer leaving to make peace, ''lifted, both when, in common with other Russian of hla "flag unharPT families they leave behind we are, we should suffer for the love of on to the table and In the constitutionality with expostulated surrendered Tils post after as the odclal37he country. Of course w e should do that pass by years thinks and them. law She listened with a sullen ex- the coup detat of Phllipolis, the regrets of the people will take Americans do everything with such And I suppose, when you come to that, puss. the majority and then gave suddenly pression followed old sides with him and defend Intensity that any diversion, game or that we would die. If necessary, for the claw at the kitten's eye. I scolded and of the entire Bulgarian people school-hou- se him into retirement The Prince has ever Boats every as she is doomed to brief popularity- - I love of country.-- 1 am willing to. - But beat hef. glory" upon which the left the house since distinguished himself in many and public building in the state passed through the park oa the south there la just one thing that I want to and 1 never sow her again, AuBenkoffs as I a of this while right ways, notably OF VIRGINIA, bicyele say, that if ever dive to get out of Illinois. side of Chicago recently TUCKER, baiol min in the extension of the Trans-Caspiorator of Is an He word. meet was at Its height. I have never Ill be d if I will ever have another e Railw-aCltrao Itameoe T raffle. , to Samarcand, and he sense career is preseen such a sight before In all my life, country. J.tttl Traveler In Ararrlea. great ability. A bright 214 One express held also has the to through year hgo position of inspector-generblush for the In congress. or had greater occasion him for dicted Carl Seemen, 6 years old, passed 633 Russian and mall trains left Chicago dally, of the entire railway modesty of American girls. Some were How (a Drive Rat Aw jr All Chicago last Monday on bis through accommodation and suburban trains system.' All accounts agree that he is a dressed properly and becomingly, while Tab. t to Keep Monterey, Cal., from Toe way Somebody who has tried it recom- 200 merchandise freight trains, and an man of broad views and untiring energy others appeared In garments they were is th What population Germany. He wa alono Tenderfoot: mends he do will putting phlverlzed potash, average of 100 grain, stock and lumber and the prospects are that pleased to call bicycle sulta that were which soon no English. lie was west: could My and Woolly frlen, speak extown?" becomes sticky when trains, making a total of 1.327 regular bis utmost to hasten the completion ot of this simply disgusting to any man or womTenderfoot: Er dressed in blue flannel, carried a neat easy. suthln all In to me the ratholes ax the From n Chi air. at Railroad. the trains leaving from and arriving an with any sense of delicacy or refine- posed Woolleywest: little cane and wore an do you mean to say ment. I think the suggestion of the new about the house. The special detesta- cago daily, Sunday excepted, as against this to the establishment of a line of and Pet Dogwood straw hat The child was ticketed very Pacific woman grates upon the sensibilities of tion of a rat is anything which will a total of 1,352 trains now leaving from steamers between Vladivostock and San Exactly. out One-Eyand now, much as a case Of dry goods Would be. gunnln are coat. one to in his the stick but Dick la silky JJoroe persons and arriving at Chlcagoshowing an Francisco there step, the more refined of her sex because of mean with plzen On the right arm Is sewed a piece of Is .adlnup Dick find a mixture of equal parts of cayincrease of twenty passenger trains, opinion of many modern Russians, who the abandon that characterises the man- enne Youd have canvas, on which Is written his name pepper and Scotch snuff sprin- seven accommodation and suburban thereby hope to see a tightening of the whiskey acrost the way. ners, dress and conversation of the moat time the all destination. He had through ticket and cersus goin a unite more their the holes still Into ter keep kled welj trains, and a decrease of two freight bonds of sympathy that pronounced representatives of ths and 825 In hla purse. to Monterey country to the United States. Khilkoff yeare. trains during the year. new woman. If you will study them closely you will find that the maof them haie spentmucb. tigie abroad and have acquired many of their SHE TAKES A SHOT AT THE most objectionable propensities in European cities, whose society people NEW WOMANi entertain ldes Incompatible with the e American propriety. llir ttMoiv of the Finagut AmcrU'ia I am such an old fogy that I am General Is hot on Admirer of tho pained to see exhibitions of ahanden fnd of the Century Girl I brim Lib either In our own blessed country or llork Needed. across the seas, and shall be glad whin the advent of the new woman means new era of highly H AT do I think the beginning of a ted wives and mothers Christian n enr of the 11 never lay aside their princiwoman? saij Mrs. or sense of modesty, no matter In John A. Logan to ples countries they may travel, but b what tho writer recently. as tenacious In their observance of what In the first place seems proper deiorum as their foreign I think the appellafriends aiedn their observance of their tion is offeonhe. of proprletj. We might change Ideas Hum's expiesoion .. Mtith Tountr). to 'a woman Is a Gewc.-l woman feall that,' Longstieet, in telling of which would be litei ally true. No some of his experiences In the war, said amount of indulgence that during the campaign of yea, license sho.d.1 (hinge the inherent nature of he never had any opportunity woman. of sleeping except as hU orps was "If h the mw woman Is meant those passing him. One night, us he had diseither joung or old who hae laid aside mounted. leaving his horse In the all loMiiiiiu in indulging In the sports, charge of his ordinary, and going down and 1 might Fay dissipations, (supposed into the angles of one of those Virginia to he the prerogatice of men, not the fences, he overheard two soldiers Interested "hTm considerlcnst of w hi. h la eigarette smoking and kindred mccI am sorry that her day ably, and. Instead of sleeping, he lishas come If, on the other hand, ts tened to them. One soldier said to the I suppose it's all right that we meant the intelligent, cultured, woman- other: ly woman who has kept abreast with should march all night and fight by the p, ogress of tne times and has taken day. Of course, it is right that we advantage of the exceptionally fine op- - should do that, for the love of country jority UCHT ON THE EAST. Re. Gee B, Smyth fee, (dent of Aailo AMERICA IN RUSSIA. Russo-Amerlca- IL n' creat. se old-tim- c- G. S' af u- mfair flllWj .hu f. well-know- n Trans-Siherlr- -- 1 1 le, EX-JUsii- - half-centu- ever-changi- to-d- ay ' p. lntb ff Russo-Turkls- -- .plac4-la-.chargs-- of e, Akhal-Turcora- Trans-Caspia- l.t -- fl an of-th- y al ' Uh Mecklen-burg-Sterll- Trans-Siberia- te ed tz, |