Show ELECTRIC SPARKS DAILY LIST OF IIAPPENINCS AND OTHER NEWS All Ih Imperlant eanlam Ike Uk radad teem 110 latal Tteohlr ntpateha 1t In bon and xrywlr nniUr Nr In Cuban iniurgenli are gaining ground Kiniiriii ol Itiiftla rrporttd llu Ixt III h yonj recovery Senator Jon favorinn lndriendt lit llTtr arty In 1MM lientral Stiles ricominendn lllvrnl ex pendinreton > re coin nut The lrhlonl hai iippolutcd 1 Arthur Kllt l Uneyof Alaikn Unite Stales Dlitritt Judge for AlaiU Alctnr U I lIue l militant uperlnlen dent of tin Slary land mine Ornii alley al-ley Cat wai killed by n caveIn OenerilThomai Jordan the exCon fcderite leader li linking slowly and It li I thought he cannot live longtr than a day or ho Ot the aoutul meeting of the Texai WcAlfro er nnueUtlon lining ret lotto ilcilNtlng fur the protective Inrlir on won were idopteil tinanlmoiiily 11 a ai stated at Judge Tlinrmani residence at midnight that ho wai railing rail-ing easy anti that n continued Improvement Improve-ment In hit condition was notlonble Many telegram were receive nt the rnUcnie Inquiring n to Judge Tlnn mad condition among the number being be-ing I cue from 1reitdent Clovchmd lady NyIt Ntw York The property nnd plan of the lllnptrated American Jtagntlne af Pint avenue and Kml Twrntyllilrt ilrttti was altnoul ilntroyed by lire tilts evening Lou 2J000 jMllwankee Herr Moil and 1lIry let unl addrraird an anarchlit meeting meet-ing of l WO people alMllwaukcK Borden tcnliy Their talk lacked the fire 01 other dajri being cicolliisljf wild ixtroltA mtttlns held tlili alter I commemorate what were termri n Murdtw Chtrn narchttkR an I1ili m INiii t no t rrlI1IIn character There were no red llagu anti most of Iheiuclallita rrmalnvtl 1 away ll lllmore Cardinal CllbUint was liked tlili etenlngln reianl III Ihll re hart that 1ope had determined upon the recommendation the cardinal 10 apioliit Sign Ijiurtntelll present III toms tucio nllhu Hague the tucctioro I bnlolll ui abUKatc after the latter hIll h-Ill raised l to thecarillnalate Thecae dual Mid ho knew nothing about time matter and that he had not recon mended Sign Ijiiirtniclll of who > ability he spoke In the hlhcit leimi llnrrliburK IIHocrnor llntln will pay vide this seek to the Cottu State exKiiltlon Incompany with men bcnofhli cabinet rcprelentatUis 01 lie Judicial end ItclilatUebranchei ClI the ttato go eminent and other illitl h gulihed IenniyKantint The party goes lo Atlanta to participant In theexorili nextThiujdar xhlch hAl brew designed ailtiiiuiflvanladay Taeutay Nu u lUnaum Syndicate huts eurueral all time liver boat Dunniun may U ext t Iled rota linnornry memlwrihlp the New YOlk Yacht club ODonnell knockedout by Jlaher III the lint round Canada Inn lwlntcii a treaty by bullIng bull-Ing cruisers on the lake Teti thousand Arimmluni bee killed In the recent nuaacre NuUirlmha Egyptian rrlmeMlntit Imi reilifiicd nccount Illhealth Tiitlmony Implicating ex exSuiernte dent of Police llyrnei In the blackmn Ing scandal Don Caesar Mto do Moreno was men tented to nlnty day In jail for trim nally libeling Huron Fava the lIalloll CiuliAiiador at Waihlngton A general strike of plumbers waw inaugurated I In-augurated Ilttiburg for n reiolutl of ha 10 per tent taken off their wag 10 years ago About 400 men arc out Tho AttorDtyUeucral bat appolnt henry Ilucliton of Cincinnati dliburil officer of the IKpartmcntof Jmtlca vice Frank Ilrannagan who rulRnetllo ac 0111 a similar oItion < In lime Depar meat of State ActlnifMayorlaude ol AihlandAVI HII > Itiued 1 an order to Hie Chief of 10 lice to allow the saloons to keep open ou Sunday l wai arrrited on a chargo III knowingly violating hit oath of olllcc The civic federation IB I back of the prose cutlon The spirit of progress bat at last reached Hull Run and Appomattox The ant battlefield of the ww li I to be a101 l at nnrtlon In lillvldrd Into unall farm anti tea II lotp The Salt will take glare by order ol tho court at Manarfim Ya IVwnber Sml i In the ca eol Jthn 11 thl tit the lnitrd tlnif the United Htnlei iipreme imitl decided In an opinion handed dawn by Jnitltt llrown that I land cnt ted under the hommtend laws are nut In the mere act of I entry 10 uegrrgalyd from the publlr itomaln at 10 glue the lmotneeteadcr K right In red mlvr from hale en tee and that In dong do-ng MI lierrmif rulilinolt liable lo criminal crim-inal l pro ecullon I tydnelp Nvtrmlin 13 I I 1idniinn life ihrratined by a lunatic The Iotte till trilling with the lasers llaltluklp Tom Injured In dry I 10 k I I iaget hltney Hiding billllant at air I Cnrlltlo mar rucreed the late JnitlcK Jackson Combltm ol reform partlii for the cam > aln of ttl Anll lynching mohltioni adopted atl I n Ikiiton IRIlIllIj Sen lit train Kl ce eater the Sotth western md Unlmi IMlllo I IkXSenatorThnrm In I teller The octonari hli tHilknt alit ift up KKII Joflnh Jiilney wni nominated fur Mayor hI Ibjitonby I the iKinocrutlc con entlon A dli atih from Cobnrg rayi III li I stated that the atcouchmcnt the lortna will take place toward tin end 01 I November John Itaramlikl wai burned death 1I1 wife mid twentyfouryearold on Ivrlln fatally Injured and threo other coplc badly hurt In a lire ntChlcago The plumber itrUo In Ill burg aid Ai Dtghtny hai been icttlcd l nril flue 1 men hl1ll1 i returned to wotk Tint demand lor 1IIIIItrUIo 0110 per ccnly t wages was granted v llairdcn tho lAin lor that l > K at too month the wagee 1 ol the WOw alert mill olken of llho Untied latri have teem advanced 2 per cent for Norctubor Deceialwr j 1VtoiIteoksy1eatalatues I V ft b51ieuy rthe8uteernotyrtn i iN nglhoemplormenl by Cherokee till en It of noncltlien clerk look keeprn nr manager for any mercantile iitaljlih nenl Sire llllia Holdrcdgc Wr f 0 old wa s burned i death at San inrnclrco She nan cooking at mi oil itocf hatch cxpluded < Httlng lira to her ijiothlng When found her body was charred nod nude Crated by religion tin iilai hider of Allemonn 1a mcrifitcHl than file of her tithe toap > eaie the wraps of A sumo poied angry duty Tho child wan ulTo calm Ita Illlte body I Lad teen bcatin lordly and the tiny anklet I nero hacked I will A butcher kllll IleutCol Jeremiah II Oilman U H A Ins retired l alter forty years lo I has been chit tot the Conimliinry drpiirt mcntof theXlinourl lie hai r em Vie I than time limit of tit yrnn IlrutCul ThomaiC tullhun who for torcral yean hai been the unrchailng agent of the ilepartnient lucccciled lilman Capt OikalootH M Smith of I the TwentrMcond Infantry formerly sea 11011I1 l at Net Orlcani took charge uf the purcluulng depart ment I I Tliur lr > Nae U llriilal murder at Uredo Tex Contract for Japanwo wnnhlpii may I como to America Hun 1rinclico may secure the Ilvpub limn tOllvonlltn Crisp declarvi hlmrelf for Independent I free coinage at It to 1 Anxiety at VaihlngtonovcrIho lately of American mliilonarle Batten road threaten big rcdactloim Iij freight ratei from Chicago to Utah Don Stewart will offer 20000 j for alight A-light between CorUill nnd Htzilm mom noonHester Workman Sovurclxn uppeala to the Knlgliti of Labor to Indone hit bank note boycott rrllin No M Tnvnteten MonarchUli nero executed ex-ecuted at Itlo Chicago all pay 5I000 for Iho Hv pulilican convention Utah ilalekood proclamation will bo limed II + tatter part of December Ioitiuailerdencral Vllion limed n general hand order Includlngall the alleged al-leged lottery companlei both In time United State and elsewhere and directing direct-ing all poitinaileri of the country to mark mail lent to these compaulei an fraudulent and 1 return It to the sender It li I reported that twentyflvo Imml mauls on their way to California from Oklahoma are In a tearful condition on the Colorado desert They Imp abandoned aban-doned their onmant linrcei ami their food 1 liilniont rxlianted A Southern I Taclflc trainttoppnl and gave them a barrel ol talus |