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Show Neckwear Any Girl Can Make 50 long as her fingers remain nimble nim-ble nnd her ambition is unflug-ging unflug-ging the girl who knows how to use .1 needle may supply hcrsolt with all the novelties in neckwear directly after they gome out, for the materials of vvbich those accesspriep arc made cost scarcely anything and Usually the 'household remnant box' will provide" them. ; ' Almost any scrap bag, for instance, .will supply enough line linen for'oue of the new shirt waist coll.irst which is quite deep a'ud square iit the back, crosses and covers the shoulders and tapers to a single sin-gle point at the waist line, the two inside edges joining under a three tier jabot of four inch deep Valenoieuuea lace, which begins several inches below the throat, under the turned over Jeft corner of tho top of the collar, the other side being slanted off aud quite plain. This collar is prettiest and trimmest when edged with a double stitching set close together, but nn easier method of finishing is to stitch 011 a picot edging iu lingerie lace. Combination collars and jabots which cover the entire front of a blouse may be made bv taking a vnrd long niece nf fiiini whit batiste, pas,siug it about the shoulders shoul-ders to just nb,ovc the top qf the busf, and at that poiut drawing tho widths of material into soft fofds by means' of a doulile shirring This makes the collar! nt n.Lily about the sho.jlders. and the I reuiaiiidei of ihe equally lung onds iV '.1. n c-uruK..'. mil: iu.,.,1 lace tJ.-i!lu;iU, aiipgii-.g with b!.iid eiubroidurjj ,nul the' iiine'r and end edges are.trsiifmed with, j linen ball fringes of infinitesimal size v ' - 1 1 ' -' -1 1 JLwo half yard wide and long flint ncnr ! of Valenciennes lace may quickly. .he. fashioned into n plastrop Jrtbor'which begins at the shoulders, is sclilloped out 1 at that end to form the front of a low til cut collar aud in the centre is box plaited ' S S to form a tube jabot. This drupiu- ji slightly draws the -earn of the flounciu" I "iV upward, so that the outer sides are ? ' formed into two sharp points that termi- nate just above the belt af right ami left H? of centre. . ' Faff (A "m.-ldc" trcliu that can be adjusted S R a moment's time aud is far more satisfactory than one 'of the draped ofs-. accessories consists of three folds of tulle &U laid iq graduated widths upon a V-shaped W " co.nse net foundation, and edging eudi v fcPf fold is a line of French knots done in ?& , . . ,""-" "i iie uic entire - feK?; .'itTair is outlined with chenille ball fringe 5M This fichu is designed for dressing up the 4 RI half decollete blouse of tho afternoon M W huuso frock, but in tulle and a tinsel hice fib.'r t would do much toward furbishing a ' I ? 4 st season's party frock. '; (Jpv Black velvet ribbons umy be made into I W$ he daintiest of small neck dressings, lo j be worn in connection with half low ' 5 IMr gowiii. One verj- .girlW, neckband of Sii this type fits tightly abd.it the tbroat and - fil nistens ,1, front under a square bow that ?S 3 centred with a "jewel" bead, which is '. 3fe the tcehn.cal term for any pierced genuine ' R? ?' or imitation precious stone. &rp A two yard length of inch wide velvet ' I W ' r.bho.1, matching tho shade 0f tIlol U nmrnings, is tied about the' throat at the P ' hHck m shp-knot fashion, then hold ' S?"? e nre y , placo wiMl a pJn q i qju , rjincsloues or pearls, ami the ends a 52 aj.owed to float over Uie back of the ' ' 5fi street suit. This Is a girlish' fashfon and Mf ,r jouthfnl lotik.nV person. But a tfrl on - RFS? he brink of makig"her .dV-but mat w Z . V Je blaci. velvet 'Strin- tie wliicl, -pa $&& iHiualli ihe ,-oll.ir of nfaoai hV u - ' " t t!u toik. ft loosely knott.-J SSfc u. .ihed off Vvhi griod s&d ho'o. j ' .,? Jade or crista) or coral, to which are ' S.Vfi attached eight strand fringes of jot beads J - relieved at intervals with a single large M ir Wad matching the hoop. "Lack., tL 3? WTt kVge rings, (he ends of the velvet ribbon Ml , nfoy be finished with long pendants or jfcTfr, Jpwels orwds or tho l,glw or 41 tioi.s of .1 pair of old fashioned earrings mljii |