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Show POLICE JOIN IN SEARCH FOR MISING MAN No Trnco Yet of G. W. Nelson, Who Diaappcarcd from Home Last Wednesday Night. n SyirJ',AKB' Feb' 9--The family of G. W. Nolson, 050 South Main street, appealed to the police this morning to make a search for Nelson, who disappeared from his home Wednesday Wednes-day night at 8 o'clock. Nelson left his home ostensibly to attend a meeting meet-ing of the Danish Brotherhood and has not ben seen since. Although a Swede by birth. Nelson lived many years in Donmnrk, and Is a member of tho brotherhood He was formerly president of the Nelson Glove company and Is a glove maker by trade. Ho has a wire and three daughters, all residing m Salt Lake City. The missing man is described as being 67 years of age. dark" complex-ioned, complex-ioned, veishs about 110 pounds, five feet seven and one-hnlf inches tall, and when he left home was wearing n black stilt hat, a mixod gray suit and a dark ovorcoaL Nelson's hair is turning gray and ho wears a full, heavy beard. Mrs. Nelson told the pollco that sho did not bolievo her husband had much money on him. Sho said that on one occasion he drank too much and remained re-mained out all night, but that his habits wore good and that he was In good circumstances financially. The police are making every effort to locate lo-cate Nelson. |