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Show TRIES TO BREAK JAIL; WITH AN IRON SPOON With an Iron spoon, smuggled into his cell after supper Thursday night. William Howard, held on a forgery charge, dug nearly through the heavy brick walls of the city jnll yesterday morning and only lack of time prevented pre-vented a possible escape. Entering the prison at daybreak Jailer Joseph Bush noticed traces of mortar and brick dust on the floor of tho corridor. His suspicions were aroused and he promptly found thq weak spot in tho wall where Howard had been working a moment before Howard was found In his cot, feigning sleep. He was searched and tho Iron sioon uas found hidden In the bed clothes. Howard asked R M Beckstead, captain cap-tain of detectives, Thursday that hia arraignment on the forgery charge bo delayed several days if possible. Beckstead's suspicions were aroused, though tho motive of the request was not suspected. Howard evidently wished to.be kept at the cltv Jail rather rath-er than (o bo taken to the county Jail, where he would go after his arraignment. ar-raignment. Howard, was arrested at the request re-quest of the Portland Coffee house management He was found with a large number of bank checks belonging belong-ing to the coffee house, where he had been employed as a waiter. One check had been made out to himself and the name of Alfred Richardson, vice president of the companv, was forged to it. oo |