Show QUEEN CONTEST CONTE WILL BE WARM who will be the carnival queen the knights of the he royal chamber are meet meeting ilig in secret to prepare for the selection of the gifted laly to wear the robes of royal splendor and the earland of golden wreaths bs with the live wire committee consisting of george J jorgenson seymour prows P 11 george wootton the schemes for the selections of the great arnival queen ar are e dei developing eloping wonderful woud erful proportions much interest is centered around glenna gunderson the present queen and the following ladies have been prom irenta mentioned for the distinguished honor u onadell woods lola leonard relia milburn ahbel coffmann ruby bryner eve in olson isabe isabello ile fitzgerald lora wootton Vo otton lora harmon jano N mcgee aim W E Ande andeeson An deison toon and mrs matt gilmour the scheme now on deck to make the contest successfully spirited is to have the merchants handle the votes and sell them inett ad of giving a discount allowing 10 per cent in votes foi fot the purchasers purs luses sers choice the vote votes i being one cent each the votes will ill be handled by the committee only and each day will be counted and totals posted so that the progress made by each candidate can be seen the newspapers will publish names and number of votes cast for each lady and the names a faill ill be carried on the roster till the closing night of the carnival when i the will be summed up and the lady receiving the largest number of vote will receive a beatti beautiful ful 20 lavalliere LAVALLIE KEas as a prize for her it is necessary that the commit committee tec be given every everi encouragement and the contest ought to be replete with pleasant and enthusiastic rivalry |