Show DIETZ IS PARDONED wilham william E det D etz well knonk kno n in this cout county itY who broke into tho kirn kim ball ahme at sconie while the fanua as on the coast in la the earl of 1015 and for his mf was convicted conn isted of burglary in the thud third degree and anti given alven an indeterminate sentence was pardoned by the state board of pardons saturday and given his immediate liberty the case of al 1 stockman who stole a mule from the badoy hotel coro pani ars conti continued nud I 1 for further consideration b the board at its september meeting Ine inee eting tint the ilie board flatly dented denied the pleas of ignico marques who assaulted and robbed an aged section imail ind anti juhn john lossette ossette ll convicted ot assault ith a deadly weapon for tra triin ing to cut cutche the of ofa a countryman at Sunn side |