Show SOCIALIST PARTY PUTS UP TICKET the socialist party of carbon county is the first one to enter the f fill ill campaign campi ign with a ml full ticket membris of tho tile pirty party mot met in convention at tho the homo home of J 1 in this city satu ilay day evening and anti p placed laced in nomination uie foll follo oMiR ilg representative A V wallace of price sheriff peter anderaon anderson of price clerk cmrk D N liedell of welling ton recorder M na M dodson of helper treasures J J of price orlo mcswain of price county commissioner four year tei m 01 biango ango tidwell of wellington county 1 I commissioner two car term E A 4 collott collett cf price surveyor or birum tidwell of wellington A strong platform in which it was dec declared tired that the republicans are as wicked as the democrats and VICH versi and upholding the principles of socialism was adopted members of the party are very optimistic over the adt v ince of their principles in this section of the state during tho gast year |