Show freire I 1 CHIEF CHIE IS 1 VICTIM OF FIRE HR when fire chief morgan king answered the phone at mra mrs at midnight last night it was to be told that his own home was burning lie ile made the record run of hi his s life and helped hi hh men nien keep the fire from spread ir g hut tat it was too late to save any of his own property young folks at a party at the frank olson homo home smelled moke and looked for the cause finally dd do ter mining that it was coming from the king house they endeavored to turn in an alarm but state that it was 10 minutes aftic they got central before the lowi poorhouse house answered and blew tho the whistle sanford ballinger linger russell fiak fisk matt gilmour and frank olson tried to armouse the king family nob not knowing they were absent and then broke in and tried to save some of the property in afiz to house but they were driven back by the be smoke and with the air in the house the blaze broke out fiercely morg had bad insurance and thomas r fitzgerald itzgerald had on the building nothing can be stated definitely as to the caus as there had bad been no fire in the house ainoo early evening defective wiring is blamed iiii |