Show REAL 1 PIONEER 1 1 1 2 R AZER IS ailed MY IDEATH 1 W smith father of airs gromer peacock dietl int the homo home of his daughter in this city yester day mornine morning afton many months month s of buffering 9 ila was 9 born ain gibson coun tenn in december 1840 and came to utah when about eight years of ige age driving ail ox team along win with a i party of men lie ile was a I rl frontiersman spending his boyhood imong ramon the and aiding IP ir the southern part of ahe state he lie was for many yeara years ft a mim misiona ionar rj y and interpreter the indians he married arlien a u boung in man an in the dixie itri and raised u r fine family most of 0 whom mu ic inow living in arizona a att the death of his farst wife he married mrs brown of southern utah who had seven small th children ildren no children were ware born to this union n but mr air smith proved an fatio to his and d they his ills death as though he aero rero their real father those 1 ing close who iho will be hero here for the tile Ju bueral ceral services b besides ades mrs peacock are mrs shinnie jameson mrs alin alln de anil and huston brown of orean kec mra mrs orange oisen olsen of bastle butle djie dale and miss jennio jennie brown and mrs xina zina cromer nf of salt lac like during aring t the he last few years mr and re sath lived ct at groon river will tomor ow at tho tabernacle rt nt JO O 0 clock the decedent had led a long band and paul lire life and althou although he ile 7 11 be de ply Mour mourned he was preyed ared tc po B e ACS |