Show Toil lical announcements for county count commissioner 1 deeo enounce myself as a candidate idael for 6 office of county com cam 2111 2111 in ic ILI i the four foura ear car aern tern adu lec to ill of republican the I 1 I 1 Aen mention tion bif nominated id file ole I 1 i promise to devote my 9 to the ettles of the tile s mil ind for statewide state wide pro ui bibi bilion tion will if it elected work for 1 01 1 ur n and for a airle a handling lundli nR of the bointy funds aenry G MATHIS pierre Jei is esith ith the sheep men at it the big convention in zion sirs mrs florence sawyer and two chi children laren left for salem utah sunday morning mrs 11 II C smith had for her guest a few days this week her arh u christenson ot castle gate mr and anti mrs williim Do downard wilard went up to helper sundi sund and avent the day visiting at the home of their daughter mrs magann M digann owen ower llod george galloway calloway W W goodman and willard walker I 1 who have boon been sleeping over on the strawberry for several days blew blow in yesterday yest erdly with an alleged batch of fish stories or a batch of alleged fish stories or some other alleged aliened kind of alleged stories |