Show LOCAL luff SIl philip fiack ins stil accepted a position with T J M miller the colton merchant D V and pur george ovica rich of JO green were price visitors danl u day sup ed ph olson has from a ions buol stav in zion lie oil S siw al all ilu there was SUM to 01 see dog in UT the oil big cit miss balanger au spending the week atam in ojen with le laties and pull friends 4 r a olson will buol leave o sundi ff for silt lalo where ho oil will attend a hish this ben and put J f A V bean are EJU A a visit lisit from their tu mother 1 mrs ajl iian nah ilea bean urae of jo provo and par their sister U bar pt 1 james of carteron Car aeron 4 4 alutis billinga went to 01 US salt it lake wednesday to ol drive august auberle Au berls car aua till a buloh of jo dels inon going tn UI the otil convention bishop oil jou was gum in salt aki j wednesday interview ing the odulf road poo ard pau batoog seeing how many pounds the qa boys at jr forfa boughs had lost ISO mrs J r SI it bryant and children earno in ul from SI it ton on the atae and left 1101 for joi virginia for finite vilt with relatives at in ul courtesy to 01 their son LI bryan who 11 leaves NAI in a 19 few aa days for jol salt lake to 01 enter school loot sir lit and pur mra gulf V V I 1 4 entertained a e number of jo friends at ir 0 delock dinner wed etelini eTeo ini alter the serving of JO the dinner the hundred was swat the diversion followed by music and pu p dam U U 0 ins U N covers it w ere aj laid for evean U oleon fitzgerad thelma fouta jane mcgee edther evl lean u hzel cleveland gualt kushell fisk matt lauben IN mace T nicholson antone OU fuerl isan urs ford pillinger hrabi olson dr ji a lq fiek mr jl ind put mrs mt ind put the otil boats |