Show PATRONIZE AT ii PRICE PRIC E STORES BECAUSE ll 11 yom home merchant can duplicate the prices made maile by alyre any re faim fit m anywhere on goods of the tile same iu alit in the same quantities sand and on the ume basis of de liver ind klyment 2 you can o dinine your own pur chiso in lit homo home and be as su ed of before investing our money 3 8 your homo home merchants mereb ints are al was wa q ready and willing to right an error or any defective article purchase 4 your home merchants help support through direct ind indirect tuxa taxation tion jour our Fh churches and public bious 6 your lour homo bome to at the a rood good local market markot for avei thing tiling you hive to sell and that market more than any other factor gives bour our land its present value alue 0 6 vur yur home merchants mere mer harts charts aie ate houi out friends ever reidy to expend i hand in time of S 7 if this community Is goot goof fonoti li farou for oil to live lice in and maki mak bour 5 our money in it is good enough to spend it in 8 thy tile beat best citizens in this community are those who belief in anci and practice home patronage patio nage I 1 bu of tho the best 9 tsIn the distant cities give you nothing ulu ille that thi hoine merchant mei chant cannot give gie iou ard the former cannot ind will nill not do for 3 ou man rann things the latt doe gladly t 10 every collir kept in at cincu acu lation in n afis tl is community helps increase property pio perty ulues it lues |