Show republican TICKET tic KET president CHARLES EVAM HUGHS vice Pr eMden CHARLES WARREN FAIRBANKS senator Seo i GEORGE CEORGE SUrI UMI supreme court justice D X governor L MORRIS i secretory Secret ry try of state a mix KELLY attorney MOM HAROU P FABIAN auditor JOSEPH mm treasurer DAVID ff NAM 1 of schools DR DL EG E G GOWANS MANS Congress congressmen min first dalti Di shii i TIMOTHY L C HOYT S EX EN T I 1 13 JUDICIAL DI DISTRICT STRICT judge JAMES W CHERRY district attorney FREDERICK E E WOODS tsai 0 D dont squeeze az your JL V dollar too hard when you go buying Lum lumber berand and building material make up your mind that i you I 1 ou are going going to use good material and i aen hen be willing to pay a fair price for it by so doing you are assured of satisfactory results IF you buy here you will ill not it have to squeeze dollars too bard hard because they 1 your not only Y hold 1 I 1 out much longer than elsewhere but lt they Y will wi buy I 1 t you serviceable cable and dependable material to boot we do don n t keep any other kind H STEVENSON LUMBER CO PHOBIC ill 1 pra price ce etab 07 I 1 I 1 Us miles wes E miller wier LICENSED ARCHITECT vermont building salt lale lak C city ty F S y civil and mining engineer ettl kinde hinds of engineering and ono surveying given prokp attention county court house price eteh 1 land nd simpri construction water measurement forrester leger eastil axi p 0 ipox an PRICE UTAH panama aft hotel best blest Locc locution tion to in city PRICE UTAH fine rooms hot and cold water steam heat bath rates and 1 per ver da ce R LEWIS 5 plumbing and heating beatin iobbi jobbing n g give given n I pl attention a I 1 mock ar titre oti price utah ho t what congress has done conc concerning ernine a Govern government mid nt armor plant and nd what appt aft thinking aking about it rr flet if an is 64 tide of it booklet we wt have prepared wa we hell be alad to send a 4 cop fw to any y one int TeteL bethlehem steel co south pa |