Show korr tic H iva WINS A ROUND K u UND IN THE DISTRICT VIS arf COURT JAI T the troubles between tho the kitchum coal comp corn piny iny as plaintiff and the pleasant valley coal company have occupied a large sharo share of the attention of the district court this week the court ordered that obstruct obstructions ions be r removed icv d ditl within 11 n a rea reasonable s on able length 0 of time by the defendants from front the right of way previously awarded warded to the plaintiff and the previous previus orel 1 er in the contempt proceedings ce edings dings was set aside in accordance with ihn mn mandate date of tho the supreme court tho the defendants were given until sept 4 to file an n answer in the contempt proceedings the cabe relative to condemnation of property is to be heard tomorrow afternoon these cases all affect the property near castle gato gate where the plaintiff tho the ketchum coal company right of of f way for tram and ground for tipple against tho the adverse claim 0 of lf the pleasant valley coal company tho the plaintiff then alleged that the pleasant valley coal company ob this right of way by tho the erection of wires the court announced its findings in in case of sullivan vs mcdonald ot at al to be that a partnership existed and that thebie VPS due to the partnership from the tile defendant mcdonald I 1 and that thero there was due from tho the partnership to H B millburn LT fc U 4 on tho the p price of oak bar property mary pappas and annie bona quist R each awarded 1250 from tim utah fuel company these awards had bad been agreed upon outside of court and authority wao was given for tho he settlement th the hu bus bands of the two wona were killed in tho the mines the verdict was set aside in the cae cane of the capitol electric Ele otrio company compa riv vs harry G clyse and the judgment vacated this will mean that unless a compromise is effected tho the case will bo be tried again next term agness agnes hill was as awarded an interlocutory decree and tho the custody of the minor children the defendant charles falling failing to appear E al peyton was awarded judgment by default against again samuel sSamuel mavrakis ei et al in tho the sum of 00 60 with intern inter cut t attorneys fees and anti CO cobs 04 tho case of fred paternoster vs henr wade vade et e el was dismissed on motion of the plaintiff various phases of other cases in tho way of motions and demur reig were heard by tho court and decisions rendered |