Show BAD BURGLAR CAUGHT robert bostwick best wick had a short career as a burglar if his statements that saturday night was as his wis stunt here correct bostwick t w as his first proves seen bi george nixon tring to pry up a window windo at the stevenson lum er yard oake early sunday morning 11 II fj hirtley came alon along and nixon asked him to keep watch atch the binau aniu made nade the second attempt nt at the window after nixon cau caught him and then made his get away to the ju jungles ng here he was taken b dave br bryner ner when that officer as brought to the scene in nixons SIK sic he ile had a full set of tools which proved to have come from blacksmith shop which he had bad cleaned out during the night bott ick plead guil ty to bur hurghry gitry in the third degree before justice middleton mond monday a evening and tuesday he lie was aiken into district ourt court and put under bond until the next term to await sentence he ile will spend his time in the hoosegow |