Show HENRY G M at A LID IN THE RING henry G matin haa has at last listened is to tho plea gs of hundreds and haar ha consented to become a cin didat for foi tho tile republican nomination foi bear ear terni terra as county his ills name has been mentioned for beveral weeks and now that he has announced hini him self ho lie nill ill make a strong stong campaign foi the ollice no man inan in the una bounty has a better reputation for square dealing business integrity inte crity or busi nf nis ability ho ile haa has been a resident qa 0 o lan that nicra ory of the pioneers i runn ih not to the contrary and hu ho knows tho tile needs of over oven section of tho tile counti count lie ile will give K IVO ever eer man and oman roman in the conaty a fair hear ing and just consid consideration cration if elected and anti his ills nomination and ato ai considered a matter of course iq I 1 hh hig numerous friends since ho be lins u consented to give his time and energies to the tile good of his ills follow citizens of carbon counti count |