Show I 1 I 1 THINK I 1 dont live on canned conclusions I 1 have lave convictions of your own and iland by them the till the race is won back of every forward stride which elvill tion has sirce the advent of ti ze aou win will find a man with agina ideas a man who never way 1 ered until thoe those sanie sarae ideas were car ried out in heir entirety and as he labored looked over his shoulder listened and learned and 1 then leaped upward another length on the road to realization the ile bunco man the goldbrick old brick vendor and the slick feller in business ire are personals personages or the past the thinker has displaced thera them and now resigns supreme a 3 king of our commerce for the man with the original ideas prosperity is abw always ays para moi mat it while the dealer in second hand ideas is forever in a rut it 1 is foreordained that a small and select congregation shall ride in the band 0 of and wit the bark and file shall march behind behin d and uke take their dust which mode of travel have YOU selected are you going to drift with the tide or will you THINK 51 axwell drobe droke last week was a merry one for the printer bof of the county the news A advocate d had press trouble and got out through the cie kind assistance pf the sun force the former named paper being printed on the press of the latter for which we offer our sincere thanas friday afternoon tom MeN mcmillan lillan the sun wanted to attend to outside matters nd dd the news advocated advocates star nun man operated the linotype saturday W B wise t f the helper times pu t in S 0 S call as he was without ana an assistance and on sunday the whole news advocate mechanical force went to the busy railroad town and showed brother wise what real printers can do all is now quiet on the price river and everybody is 13 agan happy pigeon pima are am nearly banian human we do not know much about them but we found out tint much through the Doe duchesne besne record last week the told of a tumbler Tumble rin in that town who lost hrs his wife th till tha he cat route the husband was left with two twe half grown children and two hilf hAtched egge he found time to leave the eggs lone long enough eich elich day to feed i tha flee fledglings clings and in four days be he had another wife and had her build ing jerown her own nest to get ready to 11 baiso k family while aft continued to care for the flock of the first wife speaking king liking of whiskers those of our own senator sutherland therland Sa did not fade fide into atice beside th those ose of the presidential candidate one heard many amusing discuss ions around the hotel lobbies ia in SAU salt lake thursday night and friday morning two democrats sat down us and one remarked tl that man Il hughes as smart as will king As will king said the other he as smart as sam uncle sam sara may have good intentions in granting leares leaves of absence to married men on tw che border but would not some of them rather there than at home one thiner that the reading of hushes hughes speeches does for the demo sciatic cianic campaign orators is ii td impress upon them the disadvantages of uni redness thirty carbon county people berd hughes and everyone is stron stronger gir for the republican candidate thau than ever |