Show af 11 aw il CA M u tha 12 ifor ceepo er A series ti model 75 F wl N Roath ter I 1 role ir A wonderful W oil ii d e r fu nta automobile aut v vakle vm 1 i V there is s no necessity of paying 1500 is right up to date in every respect to 2000 for an automobile this car is beautifully finished works here is one for that gives you all like a beaver will outlast any other you need and end gives 40 to ito 50 miles an hour jt it seats five comfortably has a big this overland is the most wonderful powerful horsepower motor has automobile value in the world electric lights ond and electric starter and come in and see it today a PRICE EMERY Y AUTO LINE PHONE 1 71 PRICE RICE PD UTAH the willy willys overland company toledo ohio made in U US S A 1 II 11 V 14 fla haidley itley and children ie turned Situ at riLy night from 01 tin colo colu i ad ado 0 miss he e kenne ady aravad ar alved home this morr nr ng from her ifill buying t anil and a visit with irel rel u n 1 I 1 ouri for rent best office rooms in town good for doctor dentist or giwer fred paternoster 37 tf V WES WEST calr COLLEGE ii EGE q and the S SALT T 11 16 LAKE collegiate INSTITUTE 4 1 offer four years of high an school a and n d freshman and sophomore college collee work fall term opens sept ath beautiful location large campus new buildings christian christan dormitory life excellent teachers wholesome ath I 1 etu opportunities for self help malear Ma a year pays fo for r board room and tuition chomg ing courses are offered under experienced teaches ers all of whom arc college graduates literary commercial domestic science encel domestic art voice piano violin write for catalogue to president H W D do D westminster college salt Sat lake city utah SCENE FROM DAMAGED GOODS WHICH COMES CO aves TO THE EKO SEPT 6 V k 4 i BEN IN inja aja 1 vied WOW 1111 L IS 14 1 4 PAU 1 MAUC A 31 3 1 E CA 4 this wonderful film flim tragedy drama presents some of tho the ar arguments pi for clean morals ever pored before the americ in public it is intense in its dramatic situations and developments dollop bents the show will prompts ti at 7 30 and admission will ha he 25 23 cents to all children under 15 will not be admitted unless b parents or guardians those ano wish to see the play must go early as seats v ill be in big de do mand the tile pla is in seven awe inspiring scones and the tile ast includes some of the moat most noted screen stars of the day adv robert mckune has returned from a visit to the lumber mills a aronah atAl L tonah he ile came in oer 0 er the willow creek road to investigate its condition and sas that CO 60 men are working with 40 teams making a new road al ove the old one at a oost cot co t of to ro this is i ni anre ire thin some other roads could secure ment in a decade deci ade according aoe aca online to tv mr air mckune stamp patis and stamp ink at i afife |