Show i the alie par excellence of all razors III WORLD OVER PARKER PACKERS HAIR BALSAM clean od 4 bJ fl tb clr hat aih rea ft 24 r falli to it any hair to its if youth i color cun al 1 hill dla reward jhb dexle of ila paper will tin be plead to learn lb 2 il at least 0 1 io dred dr ed dia that a bu be arra en ab able 1 a to 0 cure in all its ile aul and that I 1 H catarrh ulilla us ca lure cure I 1 if tie the only po aillie bow k knoma to tho ills I di I fitt ity catarrh bla beenk a c attical ll 11 dl jirau JL rau a t cialli 1111 tt rh cur CI Is 1 take in what IV y acting direct y upon the blood ind and bucon of the blam thereby th I 1 he 1 frid f rid in of tho the ills rua and the batir strenz strength th b by y building bull ling up the constitution slid amt irig inn antu in doing loll 1011 it lu its work mork the proprietors hav lime 0 o much faith in lui its burlle cur lle that hat they off one I 1 undred imdars for any caa that 1 it lau ta ture send f anil tor for IM 11 it ot of testimonials addre addam F J C j j CO TOM 0 0 roh bol 1 by ali nil dru drunin a take Tak eNalls uku fily F ily lor for asti petin when its what for breakfast try post IT a t rn I 1 oad sti tn 0 S serve with cream or milk and every member of the family will say ripping good and don t be surprised if they illey want a second helping the memory lingers cereal cowl company any lula LUL battle creek mah TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for red weak weary watery kyes eyes and Grami eyelids naurine smart soothes eye pain druggists Drug gleta bell murine eye remedy liquid murine kye eye salve in aseptic tubes rye eye books and eye advice free by mall murine eye co chicago mrs mm ir childen well ft 1 ani az in u by lydia E Pink hams vegetable compound I 1 black duck 31 glnn n about a year ago affo I 1 wrote you that hat I 1 was vina sick and could not do any or of my housework sly mv 11 a sickness was callea ailed when 1 would sit bit down I 1 felt as it if I 1 could not got ot up I 1 took bydia adia E Pink liams V becot e g 0 laa a b bin I 1 0 C compound 0 m ay po u n d and n d did 1 d j just u s t as you told mo me andt and now I 1 ani am perfectly cured and ilive ch big W baby be mrs ANNA A D ic itsou box 10 19 lacic duck consider this advice no woman should submit toa to a su sarri ir I 1 call cal 0 operation er aaion which may mean dett death 11 until 5 she h has hai gi given yen lyda E Ve Retable compound mado made exclusively y from roots and herbs a fair trial this famous for women has for thirty years proved to bo be tho most valuable tonic and invigorator alit the bernale organism women residing in a most almost egory city and town la in tho the united 8 tt bear willi willing nir testimony to the wonderful virtue of lydia 11 Vege tabla compound Compo uniL it cures curels demalo alli and creates radiant buoyant female health hoalt li if you are ill for your own sako sake na as well v ell na an those you love IOTO give it a trial mrs at ay lynn nn Iti vites sill nil alck to arlo write wid and always make the liver do its duty nue luses in ten when ian the llie ever b 6 right stomach lomack aaa bowels to are light CARTERS LIT LITTLE LIVER PILLS emmly s rel pl a ly lazy avez to do ks 11 duty duir S CARTERS larteri I 1 cu con kI tin S H IV V ER indge 1 palls ion con i laness sick Illo IId adache clr and distress after eating smaill pill small do daw small price pric genuine m nui tt Leti ar Sign signature aturo arlve ME N kidney trouble prey 11 1 upon tipon the mind dalicour AND amr aga and ami len icib alon beauty vicor ind andl WOMEN cheerfulness boon disappear VAL 1 w when ben the HIB kidneys a or out of order or dl eased lor for good results une line dr dilmers swarna root the krent great 1 milney idney ren mily at drugg lets sample bottin bv niall free almo pamphlet address dr If Iliner A co N Y V if EYO eye water walar W N U salt lake city no 44 1910 n ca t coad R op 0 m on the side of the house whery winter blasts strike hardest alwa always 3 has a lower temperature than 2 ano rest of the house there are times when it is necessary to raise tho temperature quickly or to keep tho tempi temperature up for a long period that cant be dol done 0 by the regular method of heating without gren great trouble and overheating the rest of the he house tho the only rell ablo abla method of heating such a room alone by other means Is to use a anajo Altol attly smokeless da and odorless which can be kept at full or low heat bellit for a short or long time four quarts of oil will give a glowing heat beat for nine hours without smoke or smell an indicator always shows chows the amount of oil in the font filler cap docs not screw on but Is put in like a cork lu a bottle and nd is attached by a chitin chain and cannot get lost an locking flame spreader prevents tho wick vict from being turned high enough to smoke and Is easy to remove and drop back so that it can be cleaned in an instant tho the burner bod jr or gau gallery C cannot s n n 1 of become wed wedged e d and can be unscrewed in an antl instant tant for few aking eanis F he d in japan or n nickel ack tronc strong durable weib aeu made built for and yet light and ornamental has a cool handle jar jolof if mil of s yours yi ale for I 1 circular lot bolln EPP continental con fine antal oil company W L A rak 3 3 0 sa SHOES SHOE S FOR WOMEN MIK bayal boyal SHO ice S BEST IN THE WORLD W L Dou doublas lylas MOO shoes HH rho be leisl if mod md ard and mini step hiir ular aar for aho th arla nl ro the I 1 fin mout most sh ao for ya you to h buy 1 I 13 do y you re all rah that at my 1 ilio I fhaTe iv I v been 1 the ilia tand d N foro boy 0 O at sees 11 lliott at I 1 ranke k ind nil ell it nac more 1 I 0 end nil hoc than kny other in the rb ami that ILA lail to hold lold thir hag hape look ik alq nl fit betterin bet teran d wear loin larr ger it than in an any other IM CO 63 0 or hyou ho i run T kunuty ants it Is h hu rood imd ya TIM tv lir THE Y 1111 be then you y buy abo bee of the i in it annl appearance ail ahn it time tor you to pur 1191 fl alho noali por pair yi ran will lie he more than I because D dowtin tha he 1 t olio numa worn wll ancl V s on much art frt sma C A U T I 1 10 ixon N I 1 i I 1 N sone annin A pries lave red VI I 1 rt IX M NO mft U SU U cis I 1 I 1 I 1 U birst 3 C if Y houi joui dealer IL I L app y fa wah td W 1 I Il Iff ought lii ah 01 to tor mail order catalog q W V L 1461 mp rk ot karel L Us M |