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Show HARDY. POST ITWJf SORELY HURT GARRY OFF COIIVICT THE MORGAN Mm Stahls Jr., Editor MORGAN & Proprietor - UTAH - OR. CRIPPEN OF ISCHIA SWEPT BY FIERCE STORM WHICH CAUSES DEATH AND DESTRUCTION UTAH STATE NEWS The president has signed proclama dons adding 37,205 acres to the Uintah An Avalanche of Stone and Mud satioual forest, Utah, and 2,540 acres Rushes Down Mount Vesuvius, the Ashley national forest Sweeping all Before it, BuryFully 5,000 colonists seeking homes ing Houses and People. west have throughout the passed through Ogden in the past two weeks via the Harriman roaas alone. Naples. The Island of Ischia, in the For the purpose of raising funds for the purchase of a home for the Salt Mediterranean, southeast of the city Lake Free Kindergarten association, of Naples, has been Mormswept. First a benefit vaudeville entertainment is reports reaching here gave a very considerable loss of life from a tidal to be given. wave, but the latest reports Indicate Boldly entering a sheep corral be the victims are few. that C. A. on to the sand ridge Call longing Communication with the island is south of Ogden, at night, a thief stole a fat lamb, which he butchered on the difficult, but brief dispatches isfrom beCasamicciola state that while it spot and carried away. some persons were killed by the lieved James Taylor, one of Sprtngvilles collapse of houses, the body of only oldest citizens, died October 18, of one woman has been recovered. l debility, and old age. He was bora In Belpher, England, and was 84 fears old his last birthday. Fred B. Arbogast, an electrician, oho fell through a glass screen in front of a theatre in Salt Lake, while dzing an electric sign, is dead, having sustained internal injuries. David McKendrick, aged 10, was ran down by an automobile in Salt Lake City and seriously injured. The lad was rolling a hoop in the streets orhen the accident occurred. The first steps looking towards the ootablishment of a state Institution foi have the care of the feeble-mindebeen taken by Superintendent D. H Christensen of the Salt Lake schools. A number of prominent women ot American Fork met last week and organized the American Fork Ladies' Prohibition league. The object of the dub is to promote the cause of temd perance. Margaret Young, alias Mrs. Frank C Dowdell, who served a year in the Utah state prison for forgery, is again behind the bars for the same sort of an offense, doing a year this time in San Quentin. The state horticultural inspector last week condemned a carload of ranges shipped to Ogden from California. The whole shipment was covered with a scaly growth, and the entire lot was burnd. Thomas Vance, who, at a previous trial, was found guilty of murdering his wife at Salt Lake City, and who, through a supreme court decision, was granted a new trial, will again face a jury this week. Monroe celebrated the breaking ol sugar ground for the new Utah-Idahfactory on the 18th, assisted by Governor William Spry, the state land board and the directors of the Utah-tdahSugar company. From Indications the building of a targe hotel on one of the principal corners In Murray is a sure go. The new hostelry is to cost $20,000 and will be Sait Lake capmodern throughout. italists are back of the project. brother and Daring his another companion to accompany him In stealing a ride on a freight train at Midvale, Frank Drobvich, aged 16, fel! beneath the wheels and was instantly killed, his body being cut in two. That the building operations in Ogden during October will surpass those of any other month in a year of phenomenal building activity is predicted by the city engineer's office, where permits for $75,000 worth of buildings have already been issued this month Gus Lindhulm, a mechanic, 27 years old, who was fined $200 for a violation nf the interstate commerce law, in default of which he was sentenced to aerve 200 days in jail, may gain his freedom on the grounds of being a pauper. His crime was that of riding on a pass not his own. The excavating and cementing ot the Davis and Weber counties canal Is progressing very satisfactorily. There are five steam mixers and one steam hovel in operation and two more being installed, and about fifty teams and over 300 men at work. Frank Tuttle, a sheepman of Mantl, who, with a party of Mantl people was on a bear hunt in Twelve Mile eanyon, was seriously Injured In an encounter with a big brown bear. The flesh was torn from his right arm and his wrist broken, while his body was badly scratched. To raise funds for the payment of a debt amounting to $2,000, contracted by the little city of Huntsville beseveral its fore dlslncorporation months ago, it is proposed to sell the Huntsville city hall and the municl-a- l electric lighting system to the highest bidder. By the arrest at Price of two boys and a man, on the charge of counterfeiting, It is believed that the gang of counterfeiters which has placed a large number of bogus dollars in circulation in the southern part of the state has been apprehended. S. Faneto, a young Japanese gard-er- , was shot in the head by a boy tramp who, with a companion, had Just held the Japanese up at his home In Farmington. The Japanese may die. The shooting followed a robbery by the boy and an older companion. Word has been received in Salt Lake City that A. W. Perry is under arrest at Hot Springs, Ark., suspected sf being the accomplice of Gladys Whitney, the woman whom the police blamed for the perpetration of the $10,000 diamond robbery in Salt Lake City, September S last o O of Brutal Murder of Acand Sentenced to be Wife tress Hanged on November 15. Convicted ISLAND gen-ora- TO BE EXECUTED Naples suffered from a furious storm of wind and rain Sunday night and all day Monday, the damage amount- ing to millions. Every section of the city bears the marks of the gale. The suburbs were even more seriously effected, several persons being killed. The surrounding country has been devasted, great quantities of grapes, vines, trees, walls and parts of houses being scattered about in all directions. An avalanche of stones and mud rushed down Mount Vesuvius above the lava line of the eruption of 1906. It swept all before It as far as the town of Porticl. It wrecked the tram line and engulfed nearly a ecore of victims. DOESNT LIKE TERM. Candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania Objects to Charges of Editor. Philadelphia. John K. Tener, Republican candidate for governor of Pennsylvania, on Monday swore out a warrant for the arrest of E. A. Van Velkenberg, editor and president of the North American company of this city, charging him with criminal libel. The warrant is based on an attack begun by the North American on October 13 against Mr. Tener's business integrity. The charges have been reiterated daily. Briefly, they assert that Mr. Tener was a friend and associate of swindlers. KEEP POLITICIANS GUESSING. No Successor to Senator Dolliver Will be Chosen Until After Election. Clarinda, Iowa. In the course of a political speech here on Monday, Governor Carroll made his first public reference to the appointment of a successor to the late Senator Dolliver, intimating that he would name no one until after the coming election. After jailing attention to the fact that the person appointed could serve only until the legislature meets next winter the governor said: I deem it but proper that no hasty action be taken and shall therefore reach no conclusion as to the matter nor give any consideration whatever to it at present. Sea Gives Up Victims. Gorda, Fla. The bodies of seven men, all victims of the recent hurricane, were washed up by the waves Monday. Six of the seven were Punta sailors on four Spanish fishing smacks which went to pieces near Boca Grande during the storm. It is also believed that a seventh Spaniard was drowned but nothing has been seen of his body. Many more men are missing in this vicinity and it is likely that the death toll of the recent hurricane will reach ten. Fight to Save His Life. Salt Lake City. After pacing prison cell and corridors for nearly three years, and once sentenced to death, Thomas Vance, the alleged uxorcide, on Monday afternoon began his second fight for life and freedom in Judge Convicted of having Lewis' court. kicked his wife, then administering poison, which resulted in her death, on December 8, 1907, Vance was sentenced to pay the death penalty, but was lster granted a new trial. DEATH MAN CONDEMNED TO RESCUED FROM VIRGINIA JAIL BY FRIENDS. Dr. Hawley H. Crippen, London. after a trial extending over five days, to System to be Installed Expected was on Saturday found guilty of the on the Borrowings a Check be murder of his wife, an American woWhich Will Make It Extrememan, known on the stage as Belle ElDisly Hazardous for the more. Lord Chief Justice Alverstone, honest Individual. who presided at the trial, sentenced Crippen to be hanged on November Mountaineers Ride Into Town and After Releasing Friend From Prison, Having Overpowered the Guards Set Him Free. 15. Livingston, Va. Mountaineer friends to of John Moore, under sentence be electrocuted for the murder of Frank Howl, descended upon the Nelson county jail at 1 oclock Friday morning, stormed the building and rescued the prisoner. It is supposed he will be taken to the mountains and liberated. men At an early hour seventy-fiv- e from the mountain section wnere me crime was committed proceeded te the county Jail. Admission was gained and the guards awed into Moore was then released. Precautions had been taken by the mob to prevent an alarm. Almost as quietly as they entered the town the departed for the mountains. It was not until some hours after the rescue that the news spreaa and deputy sheriffs were on "their way into the mountain district to try to There is, however, the strongest prejudice in England against executing a man on circumstantial evidence, and an incident at the close of Crip-pen'trial has caused the impression that the Jury may have recommended a life sentence. After Crippen was sentenced, the foreman of the jury handed to the lord chief Justice a note, after looking at which the justice said: "That shall be forwarded to the proper The quarter" proper quarter. might mean the home secretary, whe has jurisdiction in such matters. Dr. Crippen was convicted of the charge of having murdered his wife and burying her body in quicklime in the cellar at their home. Ethel Care Leneve, a beautiful typist, is charged with being an accessory to the crime, and is yet to be tried. Crippen and the Leneve girl Moore. The only telegraph wire leading left Englaud together, and were ar Into the section of the country where rested In the United States. the crime was committed and where PHILADELPHIA WINS PENANT. Moores friends live, was cut before the rescue. Now Leaders American League Moore was condemned to death at Ball Worlds Champion Players. Richmond on September 25, after befrom Chicago By winning Chicago. Frank of convicted murdering ing on Sunday by a score of 7 to 2, the Howl in Nelson county last May. Philadelphia team of the American PROGRESS FOR PORTUGAL. league won the worlds championship series, winning four out of the five and Exceptional Laws Put in Force Dur- games played, outbatting the veteran Chicagoans in ing Revolution Are Abolished. seLisbon. Decrees were published every game but one. While the ever most not was the ries profitable Friday abolishing the exceptional share, of the laws put In force with the advent ol played, the players Of to amounts $79,071.93. money concernthe republic, including those 60 per cent, or $47,443.15, goes ing anarchists and the ones restrain- this, to the ing newspapers from publishing unde- to the winners and $31,628.77 losers. As there are twenty-thresirable news. All the bishops and the higher players on each team eligible to parmembers of the clergy have an- ticipate, each of the Philadelphians is nounced their adhesion to the repub- entitled in round numbers to $2,062 lic. Soldiers who fought in the revo- and each Chicagoan to $1,375. The lution have been granted four months' total receipts for the series were The two clubs get $38,755 $173,980. leave of absence with full pay. The minister of the interior has de- apiece, while $17,398 goes to the naclined to introduce a number of meas tional commission. The total attendures favored by the Socialist party, ance was 125,219 persons. which has promised to support the LOWERING FREIGHT RATES. government. s A tentative system Washington collecting credit Information for the benefit of the national bank examiners with the compilation and checking up of the commitments of large local and extended borrowers has been formulated by a committee of examiners who have been meeting at the treasury department. Every examiner hereafter will keep tor his own use a complete file of al large and extended borrowers in his district, which list will be sent to the treasury department for summarizof ing. The machinery available by the comptroller of the currency will be put to work to gather such credit information as can be obtained from national banks and from state banks and trust companies located in states where there is already between the federal and state banking officials. The examiners will not divulge the name of the bank where a line of the credit is found of an extended borrower, their special reports giving the total only of the loans listed. These lists are entirely confidential. It is expected that the knowledge that a hundred or more men will be keeping a constant check on the borrowings will make It extremely hazardous for the dishonest Individual, to get money firm or corporation from the national banks. COUNTERFEITERS CAPTURED. Canal from Rio Grande to Mississippi intercostal Tex. An Beaumont. canal, not less than nine feet deep and with a bottom width of 110 feel or more, to extend from New Orleans on the Mississippi river, to Browns ville, Tex., on the Rio Grande, is the aim of the Interstate Inland Waterways league. This was decided at .he closing session on Friday on the eagues annual meeting. Resolutions were adopted insisting that the governmest appropriate noi .ess than $50,000,000 annually foi waterway improvements. l Plan to Flood Nicaragua with Bogus Money Nipped in the Bud. Three hundred thousand Chicago. dollars worth of counterfeit Nicao notes, freshly printraguan ed, were seized, and the printer who made them, the engraver who made the plates and the man charged with securing their manufacture were arrested here Saturday. George B. Williams, president of the printing company bearing his name, was charged with printing the spurious notes. H. N. Secreest, of Tampico, Mexico, was accused of being the proCommission moter having the notes printed, and Commerce Interstate Richard J. Trumbull, manager of the in Cases. Coast Decision Renders Guarantee company of Engraving Washington. The interstate com Chicago, is charged with having furmerce commission decided on Satur nished the plates. day that its order in the Reno rate JAPANS LARGER NAVY. case, involving class freights, snail become effective on December 1. OrMillion Will Be Used for New ders in other Pacific coast cases in- Forty Fighting Vessels. volving commodities will become efTokio. Count next months. Katsura, the premier few fective within the The decision of the commission af- and minister of finance, speaking at a dinner of the Associated Clearing fects all class rates on both and westbound traffic destined houses Sunday evening, outlined the to Nevada points common to Reno. next budget briefly and said that the Material reductions were made on the government would faithfully adhere to the policies already followed. class rates. The only new feature in the next Trying Postal Savings Bank System. budget will be an appropriation for Washington. The board of trustees naval increase, amounting to forty of the postal savings bank system million dollars, payable in six years. on Saturday approved a list of forty-eigh- t This, the finance minister said, had second-clas- s postoffices at which been necessitated by the sheer rethe pain will be given its first trial. quirements of maintaining peace. The list includes one office for each Samoans Suffer From Hookworm. state and territory. The offices desinclude Globe, Washington. Eighty-fivOroville, Ariz.; per cent ignated Cal.; Leadville, Colo.; Coeur dAlene, of the inhabitants of American Samoa Ida.; Anaconda, Mont.; Carson City, are suffering from the hookworm Nev.; Raton, N. M.; Wahpeton, N. D.; disease, according to the annual reKlamath Falls, Ore.; Deadwood, S. port of Captain E. Parker, U. S. N., the American D.; Port Arthur, Tex.; Provo, Utah; retired, governor of islands of the Samoan group. Olympia, Wash., and Laarmie, Wyo. Duel to the Death. Two Steamers Missing. El Paso, Tex. Word has reached New Orleans. That two steamers 250 miles east plying between New Orleans and Cen- here that at Valentine, tral and South America ports sank, of here, Joel Finley, a prominent cata deputy probable in the Yucatan channel, dur- tleman, and Tom Bybee, duel with revolvers ing the severe storm, with a total loss sheriff, fought a Finley fired of 64 lives, is the belief in shipping on the principal street tour into bullets killing body, Bybee's are vessels the circles here. These British steamer Crown Prince, Captain him Instantly. R. K. Kirkwood, with a crew of 35, Memorial Services for Dolliver. and the Bluefields, of Norwegian regMemorial services for Washington ister, Captain C. M. Lange, with 29 the late Senator Jonathan P. Dolliver, . persons aboard, including Captain of Iowa, were held here on Sunday Langes wife. In the Foundry Methodist church. King of Siam Dead. Blew Postoffice Safe. Bangkok, Slam. King Chullalong-corAfter wrecking the Indianapolis. I died Saturday morning, followsafe, taking $450 in money postoffice ing an illness of only a few days. and stamps, and attempting to gain King Chulialongcorn I was born Sep- entrance to the vault of the Farmers tember 21, 1853. He succeeded to the State bank, in Bargersvllle, seventeen throne in 1868. miles south of Indianapolis, safe blowers made their escape. Brother of Englands Queen Dead. Admits Killing Policeman. Francis London. Prince Joseph of Frederick brother Teck, Leopold East SL Louis, 111. Lee Rhodius, He 24 years old, arrested in connection of Queen Mary, died Saturday. had been ill for some time, and re- with various drug store robberies, adcently submitted to two operations. mits that he killed a St. Louis policeman last summer. The prince was born in 1870. Papal Nuncio at Lisbon Recalled. Lisbon. Monsignor Tonti, the papal nuncio at Lisbon, on Friday left Por tugal. His destination was not announced. It had been rumored that the pope had decided to recall the nuncio as a protest against the anticlerical attitude of the republic. Antonio Almeida, minister of the interior, Friday returned from Ceimbra and reported that the trouble at ths university there was confined to the tearing up of royal portraits and the wrecking of furniture by the students. east-boun- Mr. Heavyweight Well, Willie, why do you look so studious? Willie I was wonderin if you ever married sis, if I could be able to wear yer REST Fall clothes. cast-of- f AND PEACE Distracted Households When Cuticura Enter. Upon Sleep for skin tortured babies and rest for tired, fretted mothers Is found In a hot bath with Cuticura Soap and a gentle anointing with Cuticura Ointment. This treatment. In the majority of cases, affords Immediate relief In the most distressing forms of Itching, burning, scaly, and crusted humors, eczema, rashes, inflammations. Irritations, and chaflngs, of infancy and childhood, permits rest and sleep to both parent and child, and polnta to a speedy cure, when other remedies fail. Worn-ou- t and worried parents will find this pure, sweet and economical treatment realizes their highest expectations, and may be applied to the youngest infants as well as children of all ages. The Cuticura Remedies are sold by druggists everywhere. Send to Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., sole proprietors, Boston, Mass., Cuticura Book on for their free the care and treatment of skin and scalp of Infants, children and adults. e An Exacting Personage. suppose you find life easier since the summer boarders have gone? Nope, replied Farmer Corntossel; were workln an worryin Just as much as ever tryin to keep the hired man contented. I e five-pes- Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of in Use For Over 30 Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought A business firm advertises a shirt without buttons. Thats no novelty. Many a bachelor has wort them for years. d e ultra-republica- n Claims to Know Dynamiters. Los Angeles. It is practically certain that indictments against a number of persons will follow the delib erations of the special grand jury called Friday to Investigate the Times disaster, according to the statements of Attorney Earl Rogers ana the deputies who worked with him In San Francisco gathering evidence. Rogers claims to know who the guilty parties are, and says he has sufficient evidence to convict them. Another Railroad Strike. Louis. Approximately St. 2,500 Balt Lake City. In a drunken brawl men employed In the mechanical in a Commercial street saloon, Mon- trades on the Missouri Pacific & Iron day night, an unidentified Finlander, Mountain system walked out in sym15 years of age, was shot and instantpathy with the striking machinists on ly killed by William Niemt, a fellow Friday. The union men say that the countryman, who was arrested two road will not be able to operate their minutes later, after a short chase, locomotives more than a week without tho men who quit work. participated in by deputy sheriffs. Killed In Saloon Brawl. Mikado Entertains Prince. Toklo. Prince Tsai Hsun. uncle of the Chinese emperor, was received In audience Monday by the emperor of Japan. He had luncheon at the palace and later received a high decoration from his majesty. Killed His Former Wife. Mount City, Mo. Crazed with jealousy at the sight of his divorced wife driving with another man, William Maley on Monday shot and fatally wounded the woman and then killed himself. BE TO INFORMATION NATIONAL FOR COLLECTED BANK EXAMINERS. CREDIT Steamer Wrecked, Fifty Drowned. Rio Janeiro. The steamship Wally was wrecked near the light house at Arrosales, off Para, Friday, and Is a total loss. Some of the passengers were rescued, but It Is believed that nearly fifty were drowned. I fell and sprained my arm and was in terrible pain. I could not use my hand or arm without intense suffering until a neighbor told me to use Sloans Liniment The first application gave me instant relief and I can now use my arm as well as ever. Mrs. H. B. Springer, 921 Flora St, Elizabeth, N. J. LINIMENT is an excellent antiseptic and germ heals cuts, killer and wounds, bums, will and contusions, draw the poison from sting of poisonous insects. 25o., BOo. and $ 1.00 Blaus book aa cattle, sheep aad poultry seat free. Address Dr. Earl S. Sloan, ., it. a A. horses, Senator Elklnt Improving. Elkins, W. Va. Senator Stephen B. Elkins, whose Illness at his home here has prompted many anxious inquires from friends in Washington, continues to show improvement, ac- AUATEUR PH0T0RRAPKERS iM, dt elm, lOo per roll nod do It rtgtaV Oof cording to his physicians. lyflMB fiTt greatest detail In cloud effect, mow and undertimed neenttree. Telox print, 60. andemnller.ScjTWxAJd.SHxaif.tc; Injured in Automobile Collision. New York Neeet Millions. TIB PHOTO I J&iaWRQVO Boulder, Golomdd Want Change of Venue. of Saloons. Jesse Tex. Jr., Injunctions Frick, Against Dallas, New York.The tentative budget of Marshfield, Mo. Walter Dipley and Memphis, Tenn. Federal Judge Dallas, was fatally Injured when an New York City for the year, as made Mrs. Goldie Smith, charged with the McCall on Saturday issued a writ of automobile collided with a motor public Monday, foots up $171,505,787, murder of Stanley Ketchel, have filed an increase of more than $8,000,000 a motion In the justice court asking Injunctions against 113 saloons, de- cycle on the State Fair speedway barring them from selling lntoxlcat Sunday afternoon and crashed through over the budget for 1910, as finally 'or a change of venue for their ths fence Into s crowd of spectators. ing liquors. for adopted. hearing. President Taft Registere. Washington. It will not be eces-sar- y for President Taft to go to Cincinnati to register In order to vote there. The president has registerd by affidavit. He will g0 to Clncln-nat- i to vote on November 8. y Words of Praise for Soldiers. Washington. Secretary of the Interior Ballinger has transmitted to the war department a letter from W. R. Logan, superintendent of the Glacier National park in Montana, commending the United States troops called out to fight the forest fires. XT, Couchs t Colds |