Show jhc cp a n U my M ens and boy S 00 co W in ogden theres one store that will look after your needs to your satisfaction that store is THE 0 rw y v opera house block 2 blocks east of bambe bamberger berger station notice STATE OF UTAH I 1 ss county of davis in the layton product precinct of said county I 1 havo have in my possession the following described animal which if not claimed and taken away will be sold at public auction on t to the highest cash bidder at my residence in layton pro ou on tho the eth day of november 1910 at the hour of nf two p in one sorrel horse about 14 years old poor and rawboned no brand visible sali said was taken up by mo me in ill said product precinct on tile the of ot october 1110 1910 joseph 11 morgan Z Pound koeper koeler for the layton precinct approved knitted garments pair and up send us your orders or call at factory one block east of barn bey berger er depot street ogden utah W rm a S t 0 e N bosl profitable reading for the mother who must M make ilce every cent count nol BITS OF embroidery NEW LACES AT loc AT more sty I 1 i s h dresses more lorl of tt atle le point do de paris we ave have tile offering f and normandy Noril landy of vill broi daries s cices s it arc re ready we ave vo ve which have been seen in ill 3 very modest prices t alie I 1 I 1 e aisle aish 0 r this d department v pa r t been beell out olit of theo for it a ment the sho showing will now time tile price is not ti 1 offers it a variety or of flat patterns ii is i this jaunty suit is j just special one oile these are in embroideries and the alic laces which you buy tile widest of one of the i lauy n an y styles edgings eddings for more money at other othel which arosix are esix ii iches values we have ready for you to sto s many new range to ac arThe We weartha flie november dainty pit patterns til erlis now of offered deved at W fashion sheets will not show garments of more TOWELS MENS SHOES modern design closing out several lines or N still off offering 11 jive linen slices shoes which you take it among are must not lillvick towels 1 t l rc which W IJ douglas walkover walk over t for granted ta that ia t the dress are arc really up till to io 7 H and boydell Boyde ii s falli famous otts you voll want is is too expensive beyond tin ronson reason for the I 1 lowered make these ire are all goot good V 14 your bul bo price is that wo we bought s styles tn 1 I es and till excellent giuli pleasantly surprised at the prices price them cheaply chei ply ties the regi regular flar prie prices we name of these dresses ses till dozell to get vt rire lit are ii 40 md and you yott 11 ll marvel too at ill the style tin the soine ollic aro fr others sill since v lines lilies are inc and ill the I 1 aro illis titell 1 a all 11 lity wiy hey nrc are 0 ill 1 11 10 c t r we att vv ellade IV want you yon to sin see them ori and at alose thein at R 01 hiir ol i r looking will wili till fill ply no obligation to b buy UY G atil floor dinelt jeglia fa f a 4 at 55 OD TOWELS ac boc SHOE SPECIALS A to le be embroidered r IV with willi the scalloped edye boys shoes calf skin ur or patent values to ti are beiji I 1 now tor Chrisi tIMS gials mens hillh 1110 I 1 cuts aitt odds and W i blankets cheaper ends crid worth to lo ao 50 4 5 the is renan I 1 this sale will soon le be down don vor ir se srab aird if d f 11 s lov lovi i high anta udien anil t vv rth to 1 I 1 grey sheet balliet ban liet and ami spray of vin biti it ii e I 1 red C hekli blits ants arp arn slices shoes 21 to I 1 blue A border or I 1 I 1 ri V C alov r al I 1 ir ie broil indies licher than ordinary 1 3 heavy cotton blanket ll 11 1 in ill walto linen linell all colors 0 ancs 1 i i kind extra big bl cotton cotto a LADIES SHOES EXTRA N blanket acl colored 0 re d border im L 1 0 8 1 1 ladolph stylo style hicl hid value valtie 41 4 17 I 1 N C 3 27 abes feht cotton 72 axi ill e I 1 N 61 4 ill girls patent leathers m till all coh colors ls 1 CO C or vallie rood good soles matt tops these ire arp for girls who ahli pure bool blacki II 11 lad brench Iren cli wear ladles sizes aioo 4 00 oo blanket nil all colors clors 6 value cuni mil kniff ff value rii stig sl alao ao lined childrens 8 12 1 2 to ith satin 11 values Va liter up to well oe I 1 I 1 made KID GLOVES HAND BAGS ply stylish new I 1 shapes in real ral leather in assort BASEMENT SHOES fownes premier gloves halid handbags bags we guarantee ed patterns nil all childs shops Sli ors size 5 to S siz sizes 5 34 3 4 7 14 7 12 1 2 4 chetti to bo be ren real I 1 leather ehlt sen seasons sus Illi patent elit tip pip spring 10 good strong kid hid to elosh closi they nn art made in ill tile llie ih 4 allies gileel values OU out on acomie of abarito shape now cioll lost in ill demand it il is it ii return to childrens sizes S 8 12 1 2 to 2 mice alice of sizes sixes tin the sensible size being for iniss ws IQ col colors 0 rs are air white red values vallies 11 neither ither extremely lely ill large rge green grey gren black binek formerly sold sod at I 1 1 0 or small actual af i childs box C calf alf si sies aps 12 1 2 tcp valnes F friday fl fur fill re 11 to spring bilig find and 1 to 0 0 beloso os a at I 1 W JQ and S saturday X values vali es haq JEWELRY SALE CORSET GOLDEN YARNS DRUG the camous I 1 actions fleek 1 an ail advance sale of jewell latest model longest dollar yarns for which wo WL ire arc 0 ogden fletcherr fletchers fletcherr fletchers Flet chers chers castoria S t i 1 I 1 11 I 1 n ni 1 nna is tile the corset made strong tor a F I 1 r s e c k I 1 e ry being on oil agents is ready all ia of oe breann crp iiii allow case near the main en ell coutil rustproof rust proof filling tile fancy colors wid and derfer java rice a ganve trance this shipment was vas long extension shirt over ent varieties tie for shawn shii wl powder I 1 leadens lec cinn Dens tal intended for foi the christmas christinas the hips hip which produces peroxide 1 c r 0 x I 1 d e ii lippers apers jackets autv a av an v P 0 in ill 1 p c e 1 in n 11 trade lilt but arrived before tile the strai straight flit lines of tile alic cream in 1 s tock stock to those who n re ire bassage time drouches roaches Dro Il aches liar bar pins new graceful fashion 1 planning lanni tip ki keilt lit garments for dorado 2 r c sliver silver polish licit belt pins pills lint pins pills bell beauty uty draw string lit at biest to i Chri christmas presents we advise size ase jar pins ills are offered advantageously produce perfect fit sac of lay early buying of yarris yarns I 1 blue blite seal ase rinds hinds honey bously 32 and up ill tiny ling ud j aitio 50 cream almond NOTION SPECIALS wrights honey flos Fim tell tella 3 X darning Coti cofton oll almond size ic battenberg DOILIES BUTTON VEILS I 1 foill spools cream W a m 6 unit nets shave alv these handsome long veils marguerite co collates Col I 1 g gates ate 3 der strong silk all colon jap too til 1 paste A 15 inell inch ge genuine lilline battenberg at are also culled called ditto auto veils four for avi nall nail brushes doily lit at wo will be and are being extensively jap jai hose soap loc un till attraction tomorrow and matl for driving its as well as is ladies lai lies ilose hose supporters 3 bars fluffs moll Satt saturday irda V these are actually motoring nio to india i e shopping tale rad pau in ill front lias ilas four foill elder I 1 flonor botter shampoo q 1 11 e t I 1 a made with it a linen in ill this department wo 8 trong strong liose hose supporters attached it soap a 3 bars for center the lace inee in ili handmade offer tile the 2 iun Itin lity nt at value imir I 1 II 11 I 1 0 it se re hold appreciate ihal 05 quality lit at pure bottle e olive oil A in ill ni 0 made willi ill lie button 6 in ili pint 12 1 ac them if take time borle bone hair pins box bos 3 you cotton A g good tooth 2 12 1 2 inches loni long per iier ac to look i value vaille vau box 1 lb ib 1 ush UMBRELLA WARM GOWNS 17 1 ac GALATEA 0 for hoys waists house As lilt an attraction to our department price is redi reduced teed because dresses school dresses etc apartment part ment wu we offer lilt an uni umbrella they were here last list year colors assortment are sure fast A new A with strong steel are arc not badly soiled last rod fancy handle or natural seasons prices were goc wood handle covering yae anil and of strong cotton fabric pink lilt and blue striped which makes it good with white good warm warin baby talk for either rain or sun still A outing flannel well veil limited number are af made de tt to effect babies of any age are offered at quick clearance completely fitted at this department GIRLS DRESS BOX or OF stationery ac BONNETS TO CLOSE last winter left ua with sith a few bonnets bonneta for girls of 6 to 11 I 1 I 1 years this stafi stationery onery is it us I 1 good in fur for the little babes they are galatea dresses for pall style as though yon paid interlined interlinked Inter lined wate materials rials tire are silk and and winter beautifully or more the envelopes corded materials formerly Foi Poti merly priced at we will close them out to of the madli mad wide full ph ailed are an new at halt ball price skirts skirls sewing as well shape and size the paper time dine as you would do it is of at a good quality BEAR SKIN COATS those for mother or grown at home the tri trimming mining made for ink writing 24 another case of last seasons sister reasonably priced of sonta tarlie elie braid is ill artis atiq sheets of paper and 24 envelopes garments styles however the little velvet bat for the t icalla p placed 11 c packed in ill a 1 ac op are same as ahk years small boy should ile be ell choice diee lit at lya 11 neat at box ow ages 2 to G years values bought soon the assortment ill ili to 6 are arc fil 6 aff is now complete it selling i lit aalok is a mannish little hat WOOL DRESS GOODS new materials lato babas Millin millinery pry styles that will wear ef 79 which are arc as distinctive a as weir weil value valtie colorings ings newest fabrics fabric j |