Show A joint proposing pio posing in amendment to section 7 of f article XIII aili of the constitution it the state ot of butali relating I 1 to tile llie rate oi of taxation do be it enacted by the le legislating Legisla of the state of utah atall two to thirds of till nil tile elected to each ich ol of the two to hofses ho ases concurring the therrill section 1 that it is is proposed to 0 o emend amend section 7 oi of article XIII of tile constitution of tin stale ot f butali sf that tile same will AMU read loud as follows 7 thi the rate of taxation ou on pro perty loi for state purposes shall ne lie tr r exceed eight nulls mills on oil each cieli dollar lar of palliation valuation to be apportion ed as follas foll cs not to exceed loin foill tind and oni one liili mills on oi o i eich each dollar ot of valuation alu alion fur for state pur pin poses not to exceed tance nulls on oil ench each dollar doll ir of valuation valm tion loi for I 1 i district school poses not to exceed aeed one liall half enill on oil e fiali tell dul dol lar jar of illation for school purposes that part odthe of alie state stat tax ta apportioned to high school purposes constitute a fund to lie he called tile the high school lund fund and shall be apportioned ione d to life cities find and school district maintain im lush high schools in in the marinor manner the ic inay pro pio ville and the ta taxably ihl oro property perty within the state if a mount to four hundred dollars lol lais lars the rate late shall not exceed excecil ave ic mills on ench each dollar of valin tion fion culess a propos proposition pio position iti oil to in ili naso creaso such rate iaac specifying the vate late proposed pio posed and tile the tune dar mg ing which lucli ln cli the saine shall lie he lovi levi ed cd le be first submitted to a vote or such oi of the qualified fled electors clec tois or the state stale ns ill in the alie year ear next net pre cedill ding 11 such election shill shall have paid a property tax assessed to them thein within the lie statland state and the nia ine bority of those voting thereon shall vote ili in favor thereof ii ii lucli manner as may bo be provided by law see 2 the secretary of state stat 0 iq is directed to submit this cd amendment to the electors of tile the state it at the next general election in tile manner provided by la lafr sec 3 if adopted by the electors of the state this amendment shall take lake effect january 1911 state of utah office of secretary of state ss 1 charles S secretary of state of the state of utah do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full true and correct copy of a resolution proposing an amendment to section 7 of article XIII of the constitution of the state of utah relating to the rate of 01 taxation passed at the eighth eill 1 th regular session of the legislature of this state in testimony whereof I 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the great seal of the state of utah at salt lake city this day of august A D 1910 seal C S secretary of state |