Show the spots disappeared mrs dolan lived in a district which was riot not as favorable for or the outdoor bo household experiments recommended by the ladles ladies helper as it might hays have been this fact mrs dolan was rapidly assimilating and la in a manner not so 0 o uncommon as it might be she 6 lamed blamed the estimable periodical tier her difficulties 1 I wisht I 1 had bad a holt 0 that woman that runs the handy hints department she remarked to her husband one morning after an early excursion into the back yard whence she returned in high dudgeon 1 I fought bought you vought she was a grand wan said mr dolan cautiously testing his cup of tea well ive changed me mind as ive the rights to do replied his wife she said to put sody on ahlm stains in the tablecloth and bave it out overnight on the line an be gone entirely morning come sure the tablecloth gone the de saying woman that she ls Is youths companion |