Show BOUNTIFUL BRIEFS ephraim briggs and wife left rueday for idaho edward simmons and fred harris were in town on oil business saturday ladies wens mens and childrens coats twenty per cent off at bountiful coop co op the improved brickyard is expecting to shut down on friday of next week orvil or vil thomas M murray u rray davis davi earl spencer and alvin moss left on their missions on wednesday of last week A farewell dance will be given in the everglade hall monday ove eve in lionor honor of elders john F ashby and emer arbuckle ar buckle who leave on missions nov ath T 0 jones returned home the first of the week after having been away on oil business about three months selling goods for some eastern hoso hose mrs john folin stahle stable is teaching 11 a number of young people an operetta which will bo be put on at the bountiful opera house in the loarf near fu turo last week in giving tho the list of candidates on the republican ticket wo we accidentally omitted the name of thomas for assessor john holbrook the blacksmith who recently returned from the holy gross cross hospital where ho he was treated for typhoid fever has moved to smithfield gunner Matth matthieson leson arrived hor here from efroin christiana norway saturday ile he is a machinist by trade ile he is stopping 1 I with his brother in law 0 11 II peterson one of the teachers at the stoker school the concert given in the tabernacle by the second ward primary association wednesday evening was very largely attended and very much enjoyed by those who saw it next wednesday nov 2nd and the bountiful opera Com company Tany lias has i full hour and it a hall half of good clas laughable vaudeville tint kincl two sidesplitting side splitting reals of comedy pictures for lo 25 10 15 and loc everybody should come E briggs sold his ranch iu in holbrook idaho list last week ele eie is figuring on oil buying it a farm in blackfoot idaho ile ho and his family may however spend the winter in bountiful william boulton was eighty six years old yesterday ile he is still enjoying tho the best of health and can r got around liko like a man of fifty it is forty two years since ho he left his native landing an deng land to conle come to this country tho the bountiful opera company are already adding some expensive acts of first class vaudeville to their regular 7 picture program without any ny addition to the price this should fill the tho house to its utmost capacity every saturday night saturday while digging diggin 9 a trench to take the city water to john Ledding hams residence through thu the alley that leads to the improved brickyard a oton eton was exhumed some of the old settlers remember of an indian boy about sixteen years old lying prior to the move south uth in 1858 and being 11 buried in that vicinity some of tho the tooth wore were in it a good state of preservation but the bones were badly broken to pieces in getting thorn them out |