Show NEED MONEY FOR GOOD WORK plans of the th national association for the th study and prevention of tuberculosis what A million 31 illion for tuberculosis from red cross cro as souls soula will do in providing some of the beds needed at once in the united states slates for consumptives ives Is explained in a recent bulletin of tho the national association for tho the study and prevention of tuberculosis bercu loala losis there Is just about ono bed for every ten indigent tives thes and it if all tuberculosis persona pern autho country aro are counted ath both rich and poor hardly one for every 25 or 30 it if sufficient hospital accommodations are provided only for those who are ara too poor to pay liny the full fail price tor for their treatment fully more beds beda in special institutions for tuberculosis will be needed at once the immense outlay necessary to provide and maintain so BO many beds in hospitals makes it imperative the national association for the study and prevention of tuberculosis lie do curca clares that such institutions bo be erected from public money either municipal county or state in order to get appropriations for public hospitals tor for tuberculosis agitation Is necessary and in order to create ft a cam laign of agitation organization Is demanded but in order that an organization may carry on an effective campaign funds are needed these funds it Is proposed to secure in as many communities na its possible from the sale eale of red cross seals |