Show UTAH STATE NEWS the president has signed pro clama tons dona adding i acres to the uintah rational tat lonal forest utah and 2540 acres 0 0 the ashley national forest bully fully colonists seeking homes throughout the west have passed through ogden in the past two weeks weeke ria the harriman alone for the purpose of 0 raising funds for the purchase ot of a home for the sall sail lake free kindergarten association it benefit vaudeville entertainment I 1 ie to bo be given boldly entering a sheep corral be longing to C A call on the sand ridge south of ogden at night a thief stole a tat fat lamb which he butchered on the th spot and carried away james taylor one of Spring springville ville oldest eldest citizens died october 18 of gen eral debility and old age ile ho wite wae born in belpher england and was 84 rears old his last birthday fred D arbogast an electrician elec tricia n w who ho fell through a glass screen I 1 in n front of a theatre in salt lake while I 1 e axing an electric sign Is dead having havi n 9 sustained internal injuries david mckendrick aged 10 was run down by an automobile in salt lake city and seriously injured the lad was rolling a hoop la in the streets when hen the accident occurred the first steps looking towards the establishment of a state institution foi the care of the feeble minded have hav been taken by superintendent D 11 II christensen of the salt lake schools acho ola A number of prominent women ol 01 american fork met last week and or canizer the american fork ladles prohibition league the object of the club Is to promote the cause of temperance margaret young alias mrs frank C dowdell who served a year in the ulah state prison for forgery is again behind the bars bare for the same sort ol 01 an n offense doing a year this time in san quentin Quent ln the state horticultural inspector last week condemned a carload of oranges shipped to ogden from california the whole shipment was covered with a scaly growth and the entire lot was burrid thomas vance who at a previous trial was found guilty of murdering his wife at salt lake city and who through a supreme court decision was granted a new trial will again tace lace a jury this week monroe celebrated the breaking ol of ground tor for the new utah idaho sugar factory on the lath assisted by governor william spry tho the state lan board and the directors of the utah idaho sugar company from indications the building 0 I 1 a largo large hotel on one 0 of the principal corners lit in murray la Is a sure go the new hostelry Is to cost and will be modern throughout salt lake capitalists are back 0 of the project daring his 12 year old brother and another companion to accompany him in stealing a ride on a freight train at Bild vale frank Drob drobnich vIch aged 16 fell beneath the wheels and was instantly killed hilled hla his body being cut in two that the building operations in ogden during october will surpass those ol of any other month lit in a year of 0 phenomenal building activity Is predicted toy by the city engineers office where permits for worth of 0 buildings have alre already afy been issued this month gus Lind hulin a mechanic 27 years old who was fined for a violation nt at the interstate commerce law in default of which lie ho was sentenced to serve erve days lit in lall jail may gain his freedom on the grounds of being a pauper ills crime was that of riding on a pass not his own the excavating and cementing of the davis and weber count counties fes canal la Is progressing very satisfactorily there are five team steam mixers and one steam shovel in operation and two more being installed and about fifty teams and avei over men at work frank tuttle a of mantl who with a party of manti people was on a bear hunt in twelve mile canyon was seriously injured in an encounter with a big brown bear the flesh was torn from his right arm and his wrist broken while hla his body was badly scratched to raise funds for the payment of a debt amounting to 2000 contract ad by the little city of huntsville bo be toro core its several months ago it Is proposed to sell the huntsville city hall ball and the municipal electric lighting system to the highest bidder by the arrest at price of two boys boya and a man on the charge of counterfeiting fei ting it Is believed that the tha gang of counterfeiters counterfeit ers which has placed a large num number berof of bogus dollars in clr cir su illation lation in the southern part of tho the state fate has been apprehended S 9 faneco a young japanese gardner was shot in the head by a boy tramp who with a companion had bad lust just held the japanese Japao eie up at hla his home in farmington the tha japanese may die the shooting followed a robbery by the boy and an older companion word has been received in salt lake city that A W perry is under arrest at hot springs ark suspected of lof being the accomplice of gladys whitney the woman whom abom the police blamed for the perpetration of the diamond robbery in salt lake laka city september 2 last |