Show ribbon effects ilk Y IV by JULIA BOTTOMLEY Is prettier la in ribbon arrangements NOTHING range ments than a bow and ends in simple or in elaborate designs hut but one may not always arrive at the desired effect by the use ube of 0 bows A shape may bo be modified or changed in appearance by building it in one direction or another with ribbon arranged in loops flower forma may bo be copied or simulated and nothing Is more fashionable than small compact roses and foliage made of ribbon these examples are given he here re of ribbon in unusual arrangements in tho the first n R cap like shape covered with big velvet poppies is lengthened at the back with wired loops of heavy satin ribbon these bows redeem the shape lifting it from the commonplace into one of those which tho the french have described na as the fleeting profile shapes they are full of style the loops in this instance art mule made over loops a of boned wire sewed to the shape at tho the bade back A pretty drooping brimmed round hit hat having the brim edge with a shirring of velvet velve shows plait ings inga of ribbon and velvet bows poised together about the round crown forms a sort of rosette in which th platted plaited ribbon sots sets and the tha makes one ona thing ot of a flower in fact act each velvet and ribbon decoration li it much like a huge pansy in shape the pretty hat which Is of kinat blue felt needs no other decoration A hat for a miss faced with chango ablo able taffeta gathered in the under brim Is bound with a puff of velvet A collar of ribbon about the crown it ii finished with a very full pl plaiting alling ot 01 shirring of ribbon at the left front such a hat Is ideal for a miss ot of I 1 ac or more years and Is 18 quite within the range of amateur millinery to make |